“I can!” I cut him off again. I grab Nico’s hand, pulling it around me to splay low on my belly.

Cade’s mouth twists in disgust when Nico immediately drags me back against him. Then his other arm comes around me, slowly palming my breast, but it doesn’t stop there. It continues trailing up my torso until Nico circles my neck in a light chokehold.

Rage flashes in Cade’s eyes. I bet if I turned around, Nico would be smirking.

Oh fuck. I’m not trying to rile up Cade, I just wanted to distract Nico from reacting to whatever Cade’s protective old brother shit was making him say.

“You don’t want me fucking in the middle of the yard?” I throw my arms out wide, encompassing our surroundings. “No problem. I’m happy to go fuck somewhere Fang’s naked ass isn’t part of the backdrop.”

I make to leave, knowing Nico will follow me, but Cade grabs hold of my arm. Not painfully—I could jerk myself free. Or at least, I could have, but I don’t get the chance.

“Take your hand off her, or I’ll break it,” Nico says in a tone that’s like pure ice, cold and sharp.

Nico doesn’t move a muscle, and I think that’s about a thousand times scarier than if he’d flown into a murderous rage. The temperature of the air around us seems to plummet, and the menace that’s radiating from every pore of his body is terrifying enough to make most men soil themselves.

Lucky me. A standoff between a mafia don and an ex-biker FBI guy who might just get himself killed with the way he’s meddling. Who wouldn’t want front-row seats to that?

“That’s enough,” I snap, yanking my arm free of Cade. “The minute I need you telling me what to do,” I say, glaring at Cade, “or you fighting my battles for me,” I turn my glare on Nico, “I’ll be sure to let you know.”

I stride across the yard and into the clubhouse, ignoring my surroundings—because I’m sure as hell not in the mood to watch Razor’s son, Smokey, doing body shots off the naked girl on the bar.

Ugh. Home sweet fucking home.

Chapter Ten


I storm into Fang’s room and whirl around to slam the door shut behind me. However, I'm abruptly halted to see Nico there, merely two steps behind me. He’d been so silent I hadn’t noticed him following me.

“Okay, Nico. About what happened there, Cade wasn’t—” I start to stumble through an awkward apology on Cade’s behalf, but he slams the door shut, grabs my hips, and presses me up against the door in one swift move.

Before my brain can fully catch up, his mouth is on mine, hard and hungry.

It isn’t a kiss—that’s too sedate of a word for the way he takes and devours me like he’s a starving man and I’m sustenance.

He presses up harder against me, grinding the rigid length of his cock against my abdomen. I think every sensory receptor in my body fires off at once, drowning me in a deluge of arousal, hot and thick, all of it fueling the fire burning low in my pelvis.

I grab onto him, digging my fingers into shoulders that are broad and sinewy. It’s been too long since I’ve felt this way, this primal need to touch, to take. To fuck. And never in my adult life has it been with a man like Nico. I’ve always been careful, choosing lovers who were ‘smart choices’, like accountants and dentists. Not lawless men with raw sexual energy oozing from their pores.

He breaks the kiss, and his lips slide down my jaw to my neck. I feel the slight graze of his teeth as he works his way to the hollow of my throat, making me gasp.

“What are you doing, Nico?”

He huffs out a laugh. “Give me ten seconds, and I’ll show you.”

“Nico, are you going—”

“To fuck you? Yes, Sophie. Right now. Any objections to that?”

I lick my lips and shake my head no.

He slides one hand from my hip to my ass, cupping me, pressing me impossibly closer. His other hand slides up to my waist, and then higher, beneath the hem of my top. The friction of the pads of his fingers is so good, the sensation travels down a line that seems to be connected straight to my pussy, making me ache, making me tremble.

“Nico,” I moan as his fingers trail higher, grazing the swell of my breast. My nipples are so hard they actually ache. I arch my back to give him better access, wishing he’d pinch and tug on the tight peaks.

Instead, he leans away, straightening, and then he reaches for the hem of my tank top, but I’m faster, peeling it off my shoulders and letting it pool at my waist. When Nico sees me working the front clasp of my bra, he takes a couple of steps back, his scorching eyes trained on my torso. By the time I have my bra off, his jacket and T-shirt have hit the floor, and he’s bare from the waist up.

“Oh God, look at you, Nico,” I breathe. My pussy throbs as I take him in. Muscles for days. Broad shoulders, bulging biceps, defined pecs decorated with Gothic ink, and washboard abs. His left shoulder has a square film dressing over a small bandage—a recent injury perhaps—that does nothing to detract from his beauty. The man is shredded. Freaking perfect. He looks like he’s been hand-carved by the gods.