“Oh yeah, but maybe you should plan to take her home because Dee and me want some along time. She can leave her costumes in Darko’s office. We might be able to pick her up but… well Dee and me, we’ve not had any time alone so…”

Black Dog’s smile turned into a wicked grin. “No problem Jackie boy, I’ll take Willie to the diner so you and Dee get plenty of alone time. Don’t say anything to Willie—I’ll handle it. Is it your first time doing Dee?”

Mad Jack scuffed his boot on the floor, “It’s Deidra’s first time, and I want it to be special. I don’t know what she knows about or doesn’t, so being alone is really important to us.”

Black Dog slapped Mad Jack on the back. “Congratulations bro. Me, I don’t like virgins too much. Willie is probably as virginal as I’ve gotten in a long time. The good thing is Willie loves to please me so it is working out well for both of us. You’ll hear my bike; I’ll rev the engine as we come down the driveway. I’ll see you at Dirty Deed and no, I won’t spill what you’re doing, it’s nobody’s business but yours and Dee’s. Just get my umm Willie to Dirty Deeds safely.”

Mad Jack had a huge grin on his face, “Black Dog you almost called Willie your ol lady, didn’t you?”

Black Dog look startled. “Nah, I don’t think I did. Don’t be putting that thought in her head, bro.” He walked down the stairs as Mad Jack smiled to himself.

He heard the garage door go up and Black Dog start up his motorcycle as he left and he slowly went down the driveway. Jack thought to himself they really needed to get rid of that damn shell driveway before they slid or fucked up a motorcycle. He would remind his dad in the morning.

Black Dog kept his eyes out for any Filthy Fiends while he was riding out to the bar and didn’t see any of them. He pulled his bike into his reserved space and strode into the bar. He was the type of biker that people stopped to stare out and tonight was no different. He nodded to the people he knew and headed toward where his brothers were hanging out.

“Listen up because I’m saying this one time and one time only to you fuckers. Do not ask Willie whose ol lady she is ever again. I don’t want to hear I’m nobody’s ol lady again, come out of her mouth. I am fucking tired of you motherfuckers asking her that. I’m living with her and you all need to respect that. I ain’t going to share her; she isn’t ever going to be passed around per the president’s orders! We all clear on this?” Black Dog was getting mad thinking about the last time she had danced and he had to go pick her up off the stage.

Swiper looked at him and howled. “She got under your skin didn’t she? Bro, I get you but the thing here is… You haven’t claimed her. She is open to any biker. It was Satan’s Attitude that was asking her anyway. If a man asks her what the hell is she supposed to say? I don’t know, you have to ask Black Dog?” He grinned widely at Black Dog as he mimicked Willie’s voice.

All the other bikers agreed with Swiper and even Darko joined in ribbing him. Black Dog had heard enough and headed to get a drink. He understood the rules just fine. He didn’t like them though. His club would respect his relationship with Willie but other clubs didn’t have to unless they respected him.

Any of Bound for Hell or the smaller clubs that came in tonight might not know he was living with Willie and ask her whose ol lady she was. Hell that also meant any night unless he made her his ol lady. Damn it was a lot to think of.

Darko came over, and laid his hand on his shoulder. “Black Dog, I think it is time to shit or get off the pot. Willie is a nice chick, and you don’t want assholes asking her for blowjobs or a quick fuck. If you claim her bro, that doesn’t happen. You know that.”

“You’ve got no claim on Dusty, and she seems to handle it, fine.” Black Dog immediately jumped into defensive mode.

Darko spoke seriously, “Dusty’s been dancing she was sixteen years old, she knows how to handle men. She grew up in Bound for Hell and she isn’t here to help Willie out. Bro, I’d claim her in a slip second, but she’d run. I’m getting there but the chick has a lot of issues. I plan to make her my ol lady but I need time.

“Between you and me I drove her to the airport to see her sister. Angie might know where Jules went. I don’t want that leaked out either. So only my most trusted bros know she left. I don’t want the dancers knowing she is gone because I don’t know which ones we can trust anymore.

“I’m down two dancers, Joy is off and it’s a real cluster fuck. I want your eyes on your chick—Swiper and JJ will have eyes on Willie at all times, too. You go back stage when she changes too. If the Filthy Fiends know she is Roberta’s sister they may target her. I don’t know the hell is headed our way. I’m hoping that Wolf is lying low and will reach out but it won’t be for a few days. I’d have called Joy in but got no answer at her house.

“Right now that makes Kelly more or less in charge of the dancers tonight. I don’t want her pushing Willie around just because she thinks she can, I already told her that but you know how these chicks work. Kelly knows Willie isn’t property and you know or should know how that goes with these chicks. That fucking pecking order bullshit can get downright mean. I’ve got Moose watching Kelly to make sure she doesn’t pull it.”

Black Dog nodded wishing more and more he hadn’t ever gotten Willie involved with being a dancer. He motioned Tina over for another drink. It was going to be a long night, and he hoped to hell it was a quiet one.

Willie arrived and went backstage to change with Black Dog. She was undecided on what to wear, and nervously chewing on a fingernail. Black Dog thought she looked adorable but knew she had to make a choice.

“Wear the red one for me, babe. I love you in red ‘cause you look hot as hell. If anyone yells anything to you, don’t say a goddamn thing to ‘em. You’re up there on the stage to dance, look sexy, and smile. I don’t wanna get into any fights over you unless somebody insults you. If that happens we’ve got it handled.” He handed her the two pieces of the red sequined costume, and sat down on a chair watching as she dressed.

He wondered what chicks thought as they danced, and decided to ask her. “Willie, what do you think about when you’re up there dancing?”

“What do I think of? Well, I’m always praying my costume stays on, I don’t fall on my ass, and I hope I’m going to please everyone, and make money. I dance, and I think of you, because you’re magical to me, BD. What else would I think of?” Willie looked at him with concern.

“I said no BD in public! I don’t know… maybe cocks, I ain’t no chick strutting her stuff.” Black Dog had an attitude and it was showing.

Willie felt her temper boiling. “Sorry! I thought we were alone in this room. Why would I think of cocks when I have yours to look forward to? Black Dog, what is it with you tonight?”

He had his knife out, and was cutting away any loose threads on his jeans and colors he could find. “I don’t know, I don’t think I like you dancin’. You’re too good for this.”

“I need the money, and I’m the same as anyone else. Hey, have you ever wondered how flies know what a fly swatter is? That has been puzzling me for years. You get the fly swatter out and they just know what it is. You ever wonder about that?” She was trying to make light of his attitude.

Willie was fully dressed and ready to hit the stage as Black Dog laughed. “You’re the teacher baby; you should know the answer to that.”

“Iamanartteacher, not a science teacher so no I don’t know the answer nor do I know if butterflies shit, that has crossed my mind too.” She tried to hide her smile.

“Baby, are you still making your jewelry and painting? I haven’t seen you doing too much lately.” Black Dog was concerned Willie might be abandoning her art for dancing and hanging out with him.