Deidra heard the sadness and loneliness in Willie’s voice and she reached over and patted her hand. “One thing I do know is all about bikers Willie, and if you have a thing for Black Dog, we’ll find a way to keep him interested in you. When I came here to New Jersey, I was escaping my stepmother. I had no hope that I’d meet a man as nice as Jack. I was scared, he saw me, and the rest is history.

“He has a very nice family and they’re really nice to me. Now I have some hope back that I’ll be able to go to college and have the life my mom wanted me to have. You have to have faith and hope, Willie. I was near to giving up and thought I was going back to Maryland. I was praying somebody decent would save me; I was that desperate. No way did I want to go back there.

“Things sucked for me after my mom died, my crazy stepmother hates my guts. I don’t know how Margo was able to get my dad to go against me and it hurts so much. One day I’ll tell you all about it, just not today. What do you want to drink? I hate beer; do you think we could get some wine or maybe some alcohol? I’m not into pot or drugs very much either.”

Willie decided she had a lot in common with Deidra and had made a new friend. “Black Dog said to get whatever we wanted so let’s go inside and see what they’ve got. My sister Teddy swears if you drink when you have a hangover, it will cure it. I have a hell of a hangover today. If you ever want to talk about anything I can be a good listener.”

“Thanks, I am really glad Jack decided we should be friends. I know all of this must seem strange to you but one day you’ll get the whole story.” Dee replied firmly.

Willie smiled and agreed, “Jack is a good guy, a bit wild, but he’s always been nice to me. I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side though. I’m happy you found each other.”

The two girls got out of the car and headed into the liquor store. After deciding on vodka and grabbing two cases of beer, they loaded up the car. Willie made a stop at the grocery store to grab some snacks and hot dogs and hamburgers. Deidra pointed out they needed something to go with the vodka so she grabbed a bunch of frozen orange juice concentrate too.

It was fun to shop with a friend and they chatted about their common interests. By the time they were done, Deidra decided she’d do whatever she could to help Willie keep Black Dog as long as he treated her well. One thing Deidra hated was abusive people. She planned to watch this Black Dog and see if he really had feelings for her new friend. Willie was such a nice but innocent girl who was about to find life was going to change radically for her.

On the way out of the parking lot, Willie impulsively made a decision to head to the barn where she kept her horse. She wanted Dee to see her horse and she wanted to talk some more.

“I thought we’d drop in and say hello to Picasso, my horse. I usually see him every day and I thought maybe you’d like to meet him. I’d like Black Dog to meet him but I doubt he likes horses.” Willie hoped Dee liked the idea.

“Fine by me, I like horses, my friend had one. I used to ride and I am in no hurry to get back but remember we’ve got meat and food so we can’t stay long.” Dee didn’t want Willie to get in trouble with Black Dog or for the groceries to spoil.

As they were heading toward Sea Woods, they stopped at a red light. A bunch of motorcycles swarmed around them. One biker pulled along the car and looked at Willie and Deidra with quite a bit of interest until his passenger poked him hard. Deidra sat very still and Willie waved at them. As soon as the light turned green, they roared past but that one biker took one last hard look at her and she could have sworn her sister Roberta was on the back of his bike. He was a hot looking man and he stared at her with an intense glare. She read the name on their colors aloud, “Filthy Fiends MC, who are they?”

Deidra took a deep breath, “Willie, turn around now, and head back to your house, you just waved at a club that Nefarious is at war with, so is Bound for Hell and Satan’s Attitude. We need to get back right away and you don’t wave at the enemy. Their vice president was staring at you and I don’t like this one bit. Now they know your car. I don’t want to go anywhere but back to Mad Jack. Please turn around.”

Willie heard the fear in Deidra’s voice and turned back. “I swear my sister was on the back of the bike of the guy who was staring at me. Roberta isn’t into bikers, though. Black Dog never told me there was a war with bikers either. Do I have to be scared now?” Her voice sounded bewildered.

“I don’t know truly, but you need to tell Black Dog what happened, I’m telling Mad Jack. I just know they’re at war and now that they know your car it might be good to stay away from them. If that were your sister, would she tell them you’re with Black Dog? You don’t want to get in the middle of a biker war. Are you sure it was Roberta?” Dee wasn’t sure what else to say to Willie or what she could say to her.

“That had to be Roberta or she has a twin. However, my sister wouldn’t go with bikers, she is a snob. She was looking for a rich husband as far as I knew. Oh damn, my sister is into speed and coke and I bet that is who sells it to her. I wondered where she got it and I was going to ask my sister Teddy but she and Roberta don’t even speak.

“I thought maybe she got it from her, but it is doubtful. I don’t know if Roberta would tell those bikers about me, I would hope not but I don’t seem to know my sister anymore. I recently found her stash of drugs the other day. I knew she was getting high more than usual, and I’m scared to talk to her about it.

“Roberta is a real bitch. I don’t know who would be the selling her drugs, so I guess she gets it from those guys. I can’t see her hanging out with them though. Damn that Roberta, she told my mother I’m with Black Dog and yet she is hanging with bikers too! That bitch, I should have slapped her even harder!” Willie exclaimed loudly.

“I don’t know what to tell you except to avoid your sister, and tell Black Dog everything; you know he is a SAA. I know that even the smallest detail can mean something and his position makes you at a risk too. So we’re going to tell them what we saw, and where those bikers were headed, agreed?” Deidra voice was on the stern side and Willie nodded her head in agreement although she was curious to know what this SAA stuff was all about. She wasn’t asking either as it was in the rules not to ask questions about the club.

They pulled in the driveway, as she parked Willie beeped the horn. Deidra looked at her as if she was crazy.

“Why did you beep the horn?” Dee was amazed. Did Willie expect the bikers to come down and get the groceries? Deidra shut her eyes thinking Willie had a lot to learn and she had to teach her.

“Well, who else is carrying the beer up the stairs? I’m not, it’s their beer so they should come down and get it.” Willie was amazed Dee didn’t think they should help carry the beer and food.

“Oh Willie, I’ll carry it or we can make two trips, you’ve got so much to learn, girl. You’re lucky I’m here to help you.” Dee laughed at her.

Willie puckered her lips, “Maybe in Maryland your bikers are rude but here, they aren’t, watch and see.”

Sure enough, Black Dog and Mad Jack came down the stairs and began to carry the beer and groceries upstairs. Willie winked at Dee who stared at her in pure amazement.

Once everything was put away and the guys had beers, Deidra and Willie sat down. Mad Jack sensed something was up as he watched Dee looking at Willie. It seemed they were both uncomfortable about something and each wanted the other to speak first.

“Dee, did something happen when you went to get beer? Somebody say some shit to you?” Mad Jack was not about to let anyone bother his ol lady in his home town and he sounded pissed off.

“We didn’t have any issues at the stores, but when we were going to see Willie’s horse, at a red light we ran into the Filthy Fiends. Willie is sure her sister Roberta was on the back of one of their bikes. I think it was the vice president, guy with wild black hair and huge arms. He looked right at Willie too. I told her to turn around and come right back here.” Dee left out Willie had waved at them but her voice was firm and she told the truth.

Black Dog pulled Willie out of the chair and tilted her face up to his. “Willie, you get a good look at this guy?” He too was pissed off, damn Filthy Fiends.

“I was too busy looking at the woman, I am positive it was Roberta. I thought maybe she got her drugs from Teddy but now I think it has to be those bikers. They were all around the car and I think they were headed toward Sea Woods or the road to the ocean. Do I have to be scared now BD?” Her voice quivered.