“So when you say relationship, do you mean in all ways you plan on being my ol lady?” This might be the chance to find out if Deidra was experienced or not.
Deidra softly sighed, “Jack, I know what is expected of me and yes I plan to fuck you, but I’d like to be under our own roof. I never had sex before which I think is what you’re really trying to find out isn’t it?”
She looked directly into his eyes as he nodded yes. “I thought so; I hadn’t planned on a life like my mother had. We both wanted more for me but that wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m glad I’m here with you. I know better than to expect that you’ll marry me or fall in love with me.
“I am very thankful you picked me and I’ll do my best to be a good ol lady. I hope you won’t hit or abuse me because I don’t ever want to hate you and I think I’d have to run away.” She wiped at the stray tear rolling down her face. “I promised my dad, that I’d do what he expected of me. Maybe you’ll let me go to school at night someday? I really wanted an education and I don’t want to be a dancer.”
Mad Jack grabbed her up and pulled her against his chest. “Honey, you’ll never have to be a dancer and if this does work out between us, you’ll get the ring and the wedding. You think my ma wouldn’t love to plan another wedding? You want to go to school; we’ll look into fall classes for you. I’m glad I saw you sitting there too Dee and so very glad you let me pick you. I just want to make everything good for you and I want a family someday. I’ve got to carry on the name and all that shit, you know.”
Deidra smiled at him and her face glowed with hope and happiness that made Mad Jack smile back at her.
“I’m a pain in the ass Dee, I ain’t easy to live with probably, but I’m going to try really hard for you. We’ll fight but we’ll always go to bed with a kiss no matter what. Do you know how to cook?” Mad Jack was hoping she did or they’d have to live near his parent’s house so his mother could feed them.
“Jack, I was taught to cook and I’m sure you mother will show me how to make all your favorite meals. Your parents spoiled you rotten according to Kima and Jo. I can’t wait to meet Shelly, your mom says she collects husbands, is that true?”
Mad Jack frowned slightly, “Shelly used to collect husbands, and I think this one is it for her. She wants babies but so far, it hasn’t happened. For her sake, I hope it does. What else has my mother and sisters been telling you?”
Deidra winked at him and motioned toward Willie and Black Dog coming into the kitchen. “Wouldn’t you like to know, but I’m not telling you.”
Willie stood in the bedroom with her hands on her hips glaring at Black Dog. No, she wasn’t happy because she had been looking forward to BD going down on her and doing all the things he had promised. She decided that if she was going to roll with Black Dog she needed to get herself dressed and be nice to his friends. BD had made it clear no bitching, so she pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top and walked out of the bedroom with a smile on her face and Black Dog behind her.
“Hey Willie, hope you don’t mind us dropping by but I wanted you to meet my ol lady Deidra. She doesn’t know anyone but my sisters yet. By the way Elena had her baby, last night, a girl, thought you’d want to know.” Jack grinned at Willie and Deidra smiled.
“Hi Deidra, I’m Willie and I guess you know Black Dog? I’m so glad Elena had a girl, she wanted one so badly.” Willie wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say.
Black Dog pulled out his wallet and grabbed some bills, which he held out to Willie. “Haven’t met her yet, nice to meet ya Deidra. Willie, you and Deidra can go do a beer run while Mad Jack and I talk. If you wanna drink something, get it.”
Deidra stood up immediately and looked at Mad Jack for permission to go and he nodded. Willie grabbed her car keys and pocketbook. Both girls silently walked out of the apartment and down the stairs.
Black Dog sat down across from Mad Jack who was rolling a joint.
“So what’s up bro? You must have tracked me down for a reason, Jackie boy other than to tell us Elena had a baby.”
Mad Jack lit the joint and inhaled before answering. “I need somebody for Dee to hang out with, heard you were hanging with Willie so I thought we could take a ride or do some shit, I don’t know. Dog, why are you even with Willie Reed? She isn’t the type of chick you usually go for. Unless you’re corrupting her morals for the bros to take advantage of.” He passed the joint across the table and Black Dog took a hit. “Don’t be fucking Willie around for shits and giggles.”
Black Dog choked on the smoke. “What the fuck does that mean? The kind I usually go for? Maybe I just like her company and Darko made it clear she isn’t to be passed around. You’re one to talk, you got an ol lady just because you saw her sitting there all sad and you wanted to be a hero.” His voice was gritty sounding and he had a frown on his face.
Hands out in front of him, Mad Jack made a truce like motion. “Nah, bro, it isn’t like that… I really dig Dee. I never felt like this for a chick before. There is something about this one that makes me want to keep her safe and make a life with her. Fuck if I know how the hell it happened. My family loves her and she hasn’t had it easy. She was being given away! What the hell was I supposed to do, let somebody like you take her? If I hadn’t taken her, she’d be back getting shit from the step mother. Or maybe somebody worse than me would have stepped up; I wasn’t trying to be a hero. I liked what I saw in Deidra, I can’t explain it but I knew I had to do it.”
Black Dog thought about Mad Jack’s words. Hell, he was feeling the same way about Willie. He grinned, “Funny how that shit happens. I heard Willie saying she was nobody’s ol lady last night and I grabbed her ass right off that stage. I don’t even know why the hell I did it. I woke up this morning to her mother and that nasty sister standing at the foot of the bed screaming all kinds of shit. I decided I felt like hanging around her more and I’m moving in. I get what you mean about keeping Deidra safe, kinda feel the same about Willie but you know I don’t stay around for long. You though, you got Whiskey’s daughter and that my friend is some serious shit. Last thing you need is our president and Satan’s Attitude on your ass. I leave Willie, she feels bad for a little while, but no real harm done.”
Jack looked at his friend. “You keep telling yourself that, Dog. You’ll hurt Willie, but as usual you won’t give a shit. I knew who Dee was; hell, I had to talk to Whiskey, he told me what he expected and he was serious. I heard shit from Darko, so yeah I know what I’m doing. Willie, she’s a nice chick, you don’t need to be breaking her heart. I hope you never fucked her sister because that’d be some fucked up shit.”
Black Dog rocked back in his chair. “Never hit on Teddy, she has a thing for Hammer. She’s looking to be an old lady to the national president, according to the gossip. Moose finally got an ol lady, I was living with him and they want their space. After what I saw this morning with those bitches howling, I decided Willie’s place would do. Plus she agreed to my rules. Maybe the chick wants a wild ride, don’t know, don’t care but I’ll give her everything she needs and take everything I want.” He grinned that wicked smile of his and took a toke off the joint that Mad Jack passed to him.
“No wonder ya got the name Black Dog, you really are one. Your heart is black as sin. Willie is a friend to Elena and Joy and my sister. Don’t think they’ll let you break her heart, bro. I’m betting Dusty is telling Elena how you grabbed up Willie, and Darko probably got an earful. If I heard about it, you know everybody’s talking.” Mad Jack was trying to stay neutral about Black Dog and Willie but he didn’t really like what his bro might do to Willie.
“Tell ya what Jackie boy, you worry about your bitch and I’ll worry about Willie. Who the fuck knows, maybe I’ll fall in love like you.” Black Dog was laughing so hard he nearly fell off the chair.
Willie and Deidra pulled out of the driveway and neither had anything to say. Finally, Deidra broke the ice. “How long has Black Dog been your old man? I’ve just become Mad Jack’s property. I guess I’ll be getting his ink soon enough, he hasn’t mentioned it yet though. You know Jack don’t you?”
“My sister Teddy knows him better and I’m not Black Dog’s ol lady, I don’t know why people keep asking whose ol lady I am. What is up with that? Last night I answered nobody’s ol lady and BD had a fit. Oh shit, I’m not supposed to call him anything but Black Dog in public.” Willie tried not to laugh but couldn’t help thinking about Black Dog’s rules and give a muffled laugh. “He made up a bunch of rules for me and said he was moving in and he got me the job dancing at Dirty Deeds club. I had a huge fight with my sister and mother this morning. I really don’t even know him. I quit my job at my sister’s store when he came in with Jack. Next thing I knew, I was asking him to take me for a ride, and he stayed. He’s a bit pushy and this is so not like me to just pick up a man.”
Deidra burst out laughing and Willie gave her a wounded kind of look.
“I’m very sorry, but you sound so serious Willie. I think you and Black Dog make a cute couple. You aren’t the typical biker chick that I’d picture Black Dog with. You look too innocent and you’re too darn sweet. Watch your heart with him. I guess that isn’t what Mad Jack would want me to tell you. He asked me to explain the life to you, he considers you a friend.” Dee tried to explain herself.
“Dee, I’ve always done exactly what was expected of me unlike my two older sisters. Yet I am the one who seems to be the big disappointment to my parents. My sister Roberta is a bitch who whores around, my sister Teddy tries to avoid the family; God knows what she is doing. My parent love when Teddy comes to visit. Me, they just boss around and Roberta does no wrong in their eyes. I just want to have some fun and live a little before I go back to being a teacher. My life is so boring all winter that I actually look forward to work. I usually paint and I don’t go out to bars. I truly don’t know how I got the courage to ask him for a ride. I never thought I’d dance in my underwear but I made great tips. I hope I can dance again really soon, I have to pay for my horse, buy art supplies and pay bills. I think that BD likes me more than he wants me to think too. I’ve never lived with a guy before and I doubt I’ll keep his interest too long. I think I live a boring life and he will get tired of me…” Willie sounded sad as she finished the sentence.