Jack had long ago tossed up his hands at the whole affair and was busy with the details of building their house. In all honesty, she would have liked to go shopping with Willie and Teddy but she wanted to please her new sister in laws. She sighed as she looked in the mirror and shook her head no.
Kima turned to Jo. “I told you it was a lost cause. That dress was too puffy, and more to your tastes than Dee’s. We need to get her to tell us what she likes. If we have to call Shelly to come down, we’ll do that.”
“I loved that dress and you’re on your own after today, Nailz doesn’t want me shopping. He says I need my rest but I think it is more he doesn’t want to watch the twins.” Jo propped up her feet on the ottoman.
The sales lady came out and walked toward the two women, “Deidra is crying and one of you should talk to her.”
Kima got right up, “Sit here, I’ll see what is wrong.” She went to the dressing room and knocked softly at the door. “Dee, it’s Kima, may I come in?”
She opened the door to see Dee curled up in the corner with tears flowing down her face.
“Kima, I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I thought my mother would be here to do all of this with me someday. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but I miss her so much. I appreciate everyone’s help, but I feel so lost.” Her voice was heartbreaking sounding.
“Oh Dee, we should have thought of that. I still can’t get over Hunter being gone either. What do you think your mother would have liked in a dress? Do you have any pictures of your parents wedding?”
Tears started following again down Dee’s face, “Margo burned all of them, and my mother wore a simple white dress. Whiskey, my dad wasn’t much into weddings. I know she was pregnant with me. I don’t have much of her left, just what pictures I could grab or had hidden. No early pictures of us as a family. I don’t even want Margo to come to my wedding but how do I tell my dad that? I don’t want fights at the wedding. I think Jack and I should have run off but it meant so much to your mother to have a wedding for us.”
Kima pressed her lips together. “It would because Jo and I were pregnant and she didn’t get to plan a huge wedding. She did get to plan Shelly’s wedding. This Margo sounds like a bitch. I don’t know your dad, except for being introduced to him. Maybe she won’t come?”
Dee wiped her face with the tissues that the sales lady had given her. “Margo doesn’t know I am marrying into a wealthy family. I doubt my dad told her much about my life here. It isn’t like I’m important to him, the only use I have for him is to tie the clubs together. I wonder how he felt when Margo had a daughter. She was so positive she was having a son. I feel sorry for the baby and hope she is able to love it. She is one of the vilest women I’ve ever met. Nothing like my sweet mother was.
“I still wonder why my dad fell for her. However Margo will come, and she will be mean to me and my dad won’t notice or say anything to her. Other women used to tell her to back off and she gave them hell. Kima, I love Jack but I hate this whole wedding reception idea. Your wedding is supposed to be your dream and it is my damn nightmare.”
Kima didn’t know what to say to Deidra, she was trying to picture how this would play out with her family if Dee was taunted at her wedding by some biker bitch and she didn’t think her Irish family who adored Deidra would put up with it.
“Did you tell my brother about any of this? My family isn’t going to like Margo. I can tell you that from what you’ve said about her. My mom needs to know so she can seat her far away from you. We’ll work on this Dee, I promise. Now do you want to look at more dresses, we don’t have that much time since my brother pushed this wedding date up. I need a dress, Willie, Teddy and Dusty need dresses and so does Melora. Why don’t we see what they have in stock? If not we will plan another day and ask the girls to come with us.” Kima’s voice was calming and Dee finally gave her a teary smile.
“Yes, I’d like to look a bit more and if I can’t find a dress here, we’ll make a day of it and go to another bridal shop with the girls. Thank you for understanding Kima. I was scared to tell anyone, I hate to be a bother to all of you.”
“You’re not a bother ever! I am glad you finally told me, I’ll talk to my mother and I’ll talk to Veiko. Maybe he can figure out some way to talk to your father. You go on and get dressed; I’ll be sitting with Jo.” Kima left Dee to dress.
Jo yawned as her baby was kicking as Kima sat down heavily beside her. “Did you get anywhere with Dee?”
“Jo, not now, I’ll tell you later but yes I found out the problem. She misses her mother that died and is scared the stepmother is going to ruin the wedding. That is the short version. We’ll talk on the way home.”
Dee walked out and spoke to the sales lady who brought her over to an area they hadn’t looked at yet. Kima and Jo were too tired to get up to see the wedding dresses. They noticed Dee shaking her head at a few but she took two dresses to try on into the dressing room.
The one sales lady came over to speak to them. “She doesn’t want to spend too much money. There was one dress that she fell in love with and I think it would have been perfect for her. However, she said it cost too much.”
With her eyes closed Jo replied, “Please just switch the tags to a cheaper dress and say it was a mistake. We don’t care what it costs; we want her to love the dress!”
The sales lady looked at Kima who agreed, “My mother would tell you that and you know it Nora, how many dresses did Shelly buy from here? Just tell her it was a mistake and my mother will be in to take care of it.”
Nora replied, “The dress has a velvet cape, which is extra of course, Deidra didn’t see that. Should I show it to her?”
Both Kima and Jo answered, “Yes!”
Neither of the wedding dresses were the one and the other sales lady came out with a frown. Nora walked over with the dress Dee had frowned at and the long velvet cape draped over her arm. The two women whispered together before both went back to the dressing room.
Within five minutes, Deidra was walking toward the dais with the many mirrors. Jo and Kima sat up and looked at Dee smiling. The dress was beautiful and had long draping lace sleeves with silver trim. The neckline was a deep V and the dress covered in shimmering crystals that were scattered as if a fairy had waved her wand over the dress.
It was breathtaking and Deidre looked like a princess as she turned to show them the corset back. Nora placed the hooded cape on her shoulders and both Kima and Jo sighed. Deidra looked breathtaking and she was getting that dress no matter what. The length was perfect with the silver low-heeled pumps she was wearing.
Kima stood up, “That is the one Dee, and you’re getting it, no arguing!”
Dee kept turning and looking into the mirrors, “Do you think Jack will like it?”
Jo laughed, “Jack wants what is under the dress! Of course, he will like it. Now can we please pick out the bridesmaids dresses? Nailz hates to watch the twins for a long time.”