“I’m not jealous of that bitch, and it is Althea’s daughter...” She trailed off as she glanced at Black Dog’s stormy expression.
“Roberta, you’re lying again. Althea never had a kid, but Willie did. You’re confused because Althea and Willie look alike. Do you want Wolf to know about those days? I’ll be happy to tell him every single detail.” Black Dog stared Roberta down.
Wolf looked from Robbie to Black Dog. “I am lost here. Who the hell is Althea? I had no clue that the chick was an ol lady, man. Or Robbie’s sister. I wanna sit down and try to work this shit out.” He glanced at Roberta who had her eyes closed. “Now isn’t the time to talk, but I can assure you nobody will be going near your family. I just ask the same from you too. Roberta doesn’t get beat up while she is carrying my kid. We good on that?”
Black Dog extended his hand and Wolf shook it. “We’re good, but if her mouth spreads lies, you’d better close it. I heard your ol ladies are well trained. The one you sent in to talk to us needs to teach Roberta some manners. You gotta a lot of work ahead of you with her.”
Black Dog pointed to Roberta. “Don’t send a chick in with a message. You wanna talk, here is one of our cards—call the number on it.” Black Dog pulled on the chain attached to his wallet and took out a card. He handed it to Wolf and put his wallet back into his pocket.
As he left the room, he heard Wolf say to Roberta, “So, you have another sister that looks like your little sister, I think I wanna meet this Althea…”
Black Dog smirked and thought,oh hell no, you don’t bro!
Please drink responsibly
1) LongIsland Iced Tea
2 oz. vodka
2 oz. gin
2 oz. rum
2 oz. tequila
2 oz. triple sec
2 oz. fresh lemon juice
2 oz. simple syrup
6 oz. cola
Lemon slices, for garnish
Combine the vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec, lemon juice, and simple syrup in a large bowl filled with ice. Stir until well chilled and strain into a large pitcher. Add the cola and float a few lemon slices for garnish. Serve in tall glasses over ice.
2) Deidra’s Screwdrivers
1 frozen orange juice concentrate
1 pint of strong vodka
I fresh orange cut into chunks
2 handfuls of ice
Toss all into blender until frothy
Pour into glasses with a few ice cubes
Garnish with fresh orange slices and enjoy!
Mad Jack and Deidra
Deidra looked in the mirror of the bridal shop. This was not the dress for her no matter what Kima and Jo thought. It was very nice of them to take her shopping since Mrs. Regan had given up on finding a dress Dee would wear. She didn’t mean to be so picky and she had let Mrs. Regan plan the wedding reception the way she wanted.