Willie and Melora walked over to them, and Doctor Rayne picked up Melora and hugged her tight. She kissed her cheek and whispered in her tiny ear. She placed her in Black Dog’s arms as she led them into the house.

“This is her favorite stuffed animal, a lamb; she won’t go to bed without it. I have a few of them packed for you. I learned it was smart to buy at least a few of her favorite things. That way if she loses it I didn’t go crazy looking for it. Dylan you’ll need to come get her toys, she has a bunch of them.

“I have a file of her medical records in her suitcase and she hates peas. If you need me I’m just a call away for now. Willie, you keep in touch with me. If Althea ever gives you trouble I told Peter Iwillgo to court. My biggest worry is Roberta. She knows the truth, and so does your father, but Peter says he is in enough trouble. Roberta is such an miserable human being she might cause trouble.

“People will end up accepting you had a baby and that your man is a biker. I think they may wonder how a biker got our beloved Saint Rose’s art teacher but gossip dies down. Be happy and always take the time to listen to each other. Melora could use a sibling too.” She looked pointedly at Black Dog. As they left her standing on the porch Melora turned and gave her a wave before the doctor went inside the house.

Willie was looking out the window on the way home and thinking. Roberta was going to get even with her and now she had Melora to think of.

Black Dog put his hand on her leg as they pulled down their driveway. “I’ll go see your sister and she won’t be talking, Willie. I know you’re worried about it. Now I think grandma and Aunt Teddy have been bossing my boys around, look at our apartment.”

Furniture was scattered in the drive way as Donna was bossing bikers around and Dee and Teddy were trying to calm tempers down.

Once the car stopped, Donna came right over. “I want to see my grandbaby.” She opened the door and Melora was swept into her arms and she was telling her about her new room as she carried her away.

Willie looked at Black Dog to see if he was mad but he waved his hand. “She went willingly with your mother. As long as your mom is good to her, I don’t care. Look, now my bro’s and everyone are passing my kid around like a sack of potatoes. She is smiling at them all too!”

“Our daughter, BD. I never want to hear Melora is only yours—she is ours. That is in my list of new rules! When am I getting my ink? I won’t feel safe without it.”

“I can call around and see who can come over to the house to do it tonight. I’d rather have you do it here so we don’t leave Melora. I get to pick it out remember?”

Willie rolled her eyes, “Yeah; I know a Black Dog approved tat. Make the calls please.”

Melora loved being the center of attention and she loved her new bedroom that was done in shades of pink. She went to bed without a fuss and Teddy went home with her mother.

Willie got her tat, which she loved, flowing script words that saidProperty of Black Dogon her upper thigh.

Later in bed, Black Dog thought about how much his life had changed and decided that Willie would be getting those rings sooner than she expected. Mad Jack had worked out a deal with his dad to buy the lot next door to build his house on and Mr. Regan was willing to pay for the those files. With that money they could but a down payment on the garage apartment, and some day add a house. Shutting his eyes, he saw a bright future ahead of them.

Black Dog had heard from Donna, Roberta was still in the hospital because she was pregnant. Donna had begged him not to tell Willie, she didn’t want her to feel bad about beating her up.

Willie had told her mother the truth so she could have her grandmother’s tray. It was time to have some words with Roberta. He rode over to the hospital and saw one lone motorcycle parked in the visitor’s lot. He figured it belonged to Wolf. He had a few things to say to Wolf too.

He got his visitor’s pass and headed to Roberta’s room. As he reached the door he could here Wolf and Roberta talking. He leaned against the wall waiting for a break in their conversation to enter the room.

“Robbie, something about your story doesn’t make sense to me. You’re either lying or not telling me the whole truth.” Wolf sounded pissed off. “Tell me again what happened, and don’t you fucking lie to me. That’s my kid you’re carrying, and before I start a war over this, I want the truth. Who laid this beating on your ass?” Wolf was roaring by the time he ended his sentence.

Roberta sniffled, “I told you, it was Black Dog and Mad Jack, and they must have followed your guys to the house and waited until they saw them leave. Black Dog and Jack kicked me and beat me while my sister and her friend pulled out my hair. Wolf, it was the four of them, I swear to God.”

“Wait a minute, your sister, Black Dog, Mad Jack, what the fuck! You know their names and which chick was your sister? I knew you were lying to me, Roberta. You just proved it to me. You said you didn’t know any other bikers. You lying bitch.”

Roberta tried to cover her slip up, “I heard their names of course and you took my little sister. The brown-haired girl, I didn’t want my sister with you. You know how much I love you Wolf…I am telling you the truth now. It was those two bikers and my sister is so awful. I tried to tell them I was pregnant but they wouldn’t stop!”

“Robbie, you are a bad liar, we didn’t know you were pregnant until they admitted you. Wanna try another story? I can sit here all day hearing your lies or you can finally tell me the truth. I told you not to lie to me. Your mother had me arrested and I had to pay fines. Mercy hocked your gold to get me out too.”

Black Dog had heard enough and strode into the room. Roberta gasped as she saw the huge biker. He looked directly at Wolf.

“Names Black Dog, Wolf. I came to make sure Roberta stayed away from my ol lady, ya know the sister you grabbed. Willie is my ol lady, and we got a kid. I didn’t touch your bitch, Wolf. Neither did Mad Jack.

“What happened was Roberta was letting them go and they beat the crap outta her. I know Willie wouldn’t have beat her ass so bad if she knew she was carrying your kid too.”

He turned to Roberta, “Willie and I have our daughter back and we don’t want anything to do with you or Althea. Teddy doesn’t want you around either. I don’t know if you’re aware that your father was arrested but if your mom comes around she may fill you in.

“She’s busy getting a divorce, and since the Baby Boutique is in her name and yours, she’s running the store. She made a beautiful room for her granddaughter, and I am pretty pissed off you tried to keep Willie and me apart. I lost years with Willie and my daughter because of you and your cunt half-sister, Althea.

“Unless you want Willie and Dee to beat your ass again Roberta, you’ll leave them alone. I don’t want to hear one word outta your mouth saying shit about Willie or our kid. Understand me? This was a courtesy visit. You go near another Nefarious ol lady and all of them will come for you. It won’t be a hospital bed for you next time.”

Black Dog looked at Wolf. “I don’t know what the hell she told you man, but she is a lying, evil bitch. I don’t need to beat woman and why would I, if you wanted to try to straighten shit out with our clubs? I doubt you even knew Willie was her sister or my ol lady did you? But Roberta knew, just didn’t want to share ya with her sister that she is jealous of.”