“When she has called she never asked about her. So that is the story and I am so sorry Althea caused you pain. Why don’t you and Dylan take her to back yard and get to know her? I’m sure that Peter has papers for me to sign. Willie, you know your way around my house so make yourself at home. Cookies are in the jar and milk in the fridge.” Dr. Rayne sounded exhausted and Willie could see that all of this had been hard on her.
“Dr. Rayne, I want to thank you for watchingmybaby for me, while I was trying to get my life together and get back with Dylan. It was a wonderful thing you did for both of us. I hope you’ll find a new home and if you’d like we’ll send you pictures.” Willie was not angry at all, in fact she felt bad for the older woman.
“Thank you Willie and I would love to stay in contact as a great Aunt or something. I plan to leave everything to Melora, she has been my single joy in the past years. I know that she belongs to you and Dylan, where she will have a happier life.” The doctor reached for Melora’s tiny hand and placed it into Willie’s.
“Melora, here is Mama and Daddy; they want to play out in the yard with you, honey.”
Willie let the child lead them to the back door and they opened it so she could run ahead of them.
Black Dog looked at his ol lady hard. “I know what you just did. You’re going to let this town think you’re a slut who had a baby with a biker. You don’t give a shit about what it will do to you? You’re claiming her as yours and going to wreck you reputation. And I bet your mother and sister will back you up. Damn it, Willie, I can’t let you do that!” Black Dog was very upset and his voice carried over to Melora.
Melora looked at him questioningly as she ran to Willie. “Mama”, she grabbed Willie’s dress as fat tears ran down her chubby cheeks.
Black Dog looked at his daughter and ol lady who looked so alike. Willie was glaring at him and he had to smile at her. What she was willing to do for Melora was a true gift. If Willie didn’t give a fuck about what people said about her then neither would he. He sat on the grass looking at the two of them.
Willie wiped the tears off the child’s face. “Your daddy can be so stubborn sometimes. Wait until you are old enough to get the list of rules.” She held Melora out to Black Dog to hold. Melora went willingly and tugged on his hair.
Black Dog felt warm love creep from his heart as he looked back into his daughter’s eyes. Her nose rubbed against his and Willie laughed. As soon as Melora heard laughter she began to laugh. Willie pushed Black Dog on the grass and she and Melora began to climb on him.
From the window in the kitchen Peter and Dr. Rayne looked on. Dylan and Willie looked like any young couple playing with their daughter.
Dr. Rayne spoke up, “Willie is going to calm that biker down. I’m glad you were honest with me about him, Peter. I wouldn’t have had a say either way but part of me thinks Melora will have a good life with them even if he is in a biker gang.”
Peter replied, “It isn’t a gang, it is a club—big difference. Both will be great parents. If you plan to sell this house I’d be interested in buying it. I have too many memories I’d like to forget in the house I’m living in. Let me know the price. I think I know a doctor who might be interested in your practice. You know what was done to both of them was illegal. Robert Reed would be wise to leave this town also. I’m sure you know your husband would be facing charges if not for his health.”
“I was never aware of what the relationship between Robert and my husband was other then business and their friendship, but the man is a rotten bastard and I feel badly for Donna. I lost a friend in her and I hated knowing about the affair that she didn’t know about. I tried to get my husband to move many times because I wanted a child and I never expected that Althea would be such a problem. Now I can make a new life and my husband is going into a nursing home. I feel like I have a new beginning. I hope they’ll keep in touch with me.” Doctor Reed had tears running down her face.
“Willie said she would and I think she keeps her word. You said everything was packed and ready to go? I’ll carry it out to the car while you say your goodbyes.” Peter felt it was time to go.
“I packed all her clothes and her pillow and she has so many toys they’ll need to come back for them. The bags are by the side door. I hate to say goodbye to Melora and I hope Althea never comes back. Are you sure she can’t cause any problems for them?”
Peter’s face turned hard. “Althea would be very wise to never try to get near them. I have the signed, notarized copies that you attended the birth of Melora and it was Willie who gave birth. You also have a copy. Not too much she can do or I think that Black Dog will make her wish she had stayed far away.”
“Black Dog has a meaning I suppose? I think I like Dylan better. I hope life treats them well.” Dr. Rayne sighed. “I have to get the house appraised and I am putting Harold in a nursing home here. I don’t see any sense in moving him. It isn’t like he knows me anyway. He wasn’t a very nice man either but I think you’re aware of that. This town sure has its dirt.”
“I don’t blame you and a new start can be a good thing. Donna plans a new start but I don’t think she is willing to leave here. Go out and say goodbye.” He left to take Melora’s bags to Willie’s car.
Dr. Rayne looked down at the diamond ring set on her finger. It was classic and antique, handed down from her grandmother. She slipped it off her finger and into her pocket as she went out to the backyard.
Willie pushed Melora on the swing in the far corner while Black Dog stood, watching the two together. He had his huge tattooed arms crossed over his chest. A smile was on his face as he watched the two of them giggling.
“Dylan? May I speak to you?” Dr. Rayne sounded nervous as she looked at the biker.
“Sure Doc, I want to thank you for taking care of my daughter. You did a really good job when you could have sent her to foster care.” Black Dog was sincere.
“I love children and often wished I could have switched Willie for Althea. I’ve always been close to Willie and I have these rings I’d like to give you. They come from my side of the family. I hope you’ll take them because someday I think you’ll marry Willie or if not, I’d like you to give them to Melora.”
She held out the beautiful ring set. The diamond was set with green emerald baguettes. The wedding band was set with diamonds and emeralds too.
Black Dog looked at her with curiosity. “You want me to give your wedding rings to Willie someday? They look like expensive and worth a lot of money.”
The doctor smiled. “They are and I think they should be Willie’s when you marry her. In the meantime I’d keep them in a safety deposit box. I would love to have Willie wear them. I have no family to give them to, so please take them.” She pressed the rings into his hand.
“Saying goodbye is going to be hard; I hope you’ll keep in touch with me. I just want to kiss Melora goodbye. She is so used to me leaving for work that I doubt she will understand much for the next few days. You can always call me. I will be here for a while. Peter took her things to Willie’s car.”
Black Dog slipped the rings deep into his pocket. “Doc, you’ll be a part of the family, you were a victim as much as we were. My Willie, she is something else isn’t she? I wonder how badly the gossip will be about her. I want to buy the place we live in but I won’t if Willie and Melora will be talked about.”
“There will be no gossip; people won’t cross John Regan or Father Paul. I said I was watching Melora for a friend and that is the story. I think the scandal will be Robert Reed, Laura and poor Donna.” She lowered her voice. “Please tell Donna I will help her in any way I can. I will gladly go to court with her. Look at them; you can see Melora has Willie’s sweet temper thank God.”