They drove over to Doctor Rayne’s house where they met up with the lawyer Peter Evans and Willie’s mother and her sister Teddy.

“Doctor Rayne is expecting us, I spoke to her earlier and Willie, she is very sorry for all of this. She can explain it to you and has agreed that Melora belongs with her father and you.” Peter looked very professional and handsome in his suit and tie. “I don’t think there will be any issues and I don’t want anyone to lose their temper.” He looked directly at Black Dog.

The front door opened and Doctor Rayne came out on the porch with a tiny little girl holding her hand.

Donna spoke up, “My Lord! Has the woman lost her mind? Why on earth would she greet us outside so all of Ocean View can witness this?”

Willie silently agreed but felt that her mother was going to be an issue not Black Dog when all parties concerned met. Or the two of them were going to be a problem. There was one problem she could solve though.

“Mother, I know you mean well but I really have a problem. We need bedroom furniture for Melora’s room. I don’t have a clue what a little girl would need. Teddy and you would be doing us a big favor if you could go get some. I’ll pay you back when I can.” Willie’s eyes pleaded with Teddy to help get their mother out of there.

“Mother is at her best when it comes to designing and decorating bedrooms. Willie, that is a great idea, and I don’t think she’ll mind spending daddy’s money either. Don’t you remember the beautiful canopy beds we had?

“Our rooms were fit for princesses. I’ll need a key to the apartment. If anyone can get this done our mother can, and in a short time too. Mother, doesn’t a shopping trip sound like a perfect idea? We can buy matching sheets and curtains and you’ll have a great time.” Teddy lavished praise on her mother and Donna fell for it fast.

“Well, if you’re sure you don’t need me, I think it might be better if Teddy and I did the shopping, we both have the same tastes and you do need a bedroom for that child. As a matter of fact we’re going to go right into Roberta’s store and we’re going to take the best of what stock she has!” Donna was still glaring at Doctor Rayne.

Black Dog assured them it was fine to leave and asked them to go back to the apartment and see if Jack would move downstairs. They had to see the space that Donna and Teddy had to work their magic on anyway.

As her mother and sister left Peter had a question for Willie. “Your sister Teddy, is she single?”

Before Willie could answer Black Dog did. “Very single and she is very talented, all the Reed women seem to be although Roberta and Althea seem to have taken after their father. Now let’s get this over with. I have a lot of questions I expect answers to.”

They walked up the path to the porch, Peter in the lead and Willie and Black Dog holding hands. Two green eyes, exactly the color of Black Dogs peeked out at them from a mop of hair the same shade as Willie’s. The little girl looked them solemnly before sticking her thumb into her mouth. At that moment Willie fell in love with Melora.

Black Dog who knew without a doubt that was his daughter, a child he never knew about and he could feel himself almost losing his temper already.

“Dylan, don’t scare her, she is innocent in this mess. She is so beautiful isn’t she?” Willie knew her ol man very well and could see the muscles clenching in his face. “We want this to go as normally and uneventful for her as possible. Please behave. I have a lot to be angry about here too, but I can see the greater picture here, which is Melora. She belongs to us, so behave.” Willie gave his hand a squeeze and he took his eyes off his little daughter.

“Did I tell you how much I love you Willie and that I want babies with you?”

Willie smiled, “Not today you didn’t.”

“I better fix that. Willie, I love you so much and tomorrow I’ll love you even more.”

“Dylan, is love in the rules? I don’t want to be breaking any of your rules. About your rules, I hope you don’t plan to have a bunch of them for Melora, at least not until she is older.”

“Dr. Rayne, this is the child’s father, Dylan Blackwell, and you know Willie. May I suggest we take this inside?” Peter spoke like the lawyer he was.

“Yes, of course, please come inside.” She opened the door and Melora ran in first as the rest of them followed. She took them into a formal living room and asked them to sit.

“Mr. Blackwell it is nice to finally meet you. I would have contacted you sooner but I had no idea of where to look. Willie, I am so very sorry about Althea stealing your identity. Before my husband’s stroke, he had been trying to get the birth certificate changed to Althea’s name but New York would not change it, and I am sad to say Althea just dumped the baby here.

“We are too old to be parents again and we didn’t do a very good job with Althea. I should have listened to Father Paul because from about the time Althea turned five years old, it was a nightmare. Peter told me you know about your father’s affair with Laura so I don’t have to get into those details. I thought my husband and I were adopting a child that would beours.

“However, your father and Laura told Roberta and Althea the truth about being half sisters when they were old enough to understand. If we tried to make rules, Althea would run to Laura or Robert. Your father spoiled Althea as he did Roberta and life with our adopted daughter has been hell for me. My husband and Robert are good friends as you know and he was never any help with Althea. I have something that belongs to you, Willie and I am sure that you will be glad to get it back.”

Dr. Rayne moved to the fireplace where she had an envelope, placed far from a child’s reach. She handed it to Willie. When she opened it all of her stolen identification was inside.

The doctor continued, “I found out that Althea had it and I put it in my office safe. I truly never meant to cause you any pain, Willie. I’ve tried to do my best with Melora, but I’ve lived in fear Althea will come back to take her away. The best thing and Peter agrees with me, is if we never tell anyone that you aren’t her real mother.

“My husband can’t speak and he is declining. I plan to sell my practice and move to a warmer state. I don’t want contact with Althea again. As far as I am concerned, Althea is Robert and Laura’s problem now. Your father gave her the money to go to Canada and I’ve washed my hands of her. I’ve told people I was caring for a friend’s granddaughter and I’ve tried to keep Melora away from people.

“She is a happy child but she doesn’t speak much. There is nothing wrong with her, but I think she needs to be with people that can play with her and teach her. As you know, I work and my husband is so sick, that babysitters have had to be used to care for her. Or my husband’s aides have watched her. I have her bags packed, and I don’t know what else to say.

“Willie, I didn’t want you to know because there was no point to it. My prayers were answered when Peter called. We’re too old to raise a child and Melora needs to be safe from Althea. I did find out that it was Roberta’s idea to use your identify because she was pregnant and she has always hated you and Teddy. Misery loves company and I think Roberta didn’t know Althea would drop her baby off here.

“Roberta had a plan and I’m sure she thought that Althea would give up her baby too. But using your identify made it impossible to adopt her out once I locked it in my safe. She took the easy way out as usual and ran off to do,her thing. We hoped she’d settle down and love Melora, but as you know she hasn’t done that. Althea may come back someday but I doubt she cares about this child.