There was a knock at the door and Black Dog greeted Peter Evans, a local lawyer. Teddy stood up with the file and went downstairs with the lawyer and Black Dog.
Willie looked at her mother, “I don’t know what else to tell you. I love Black Dog, and I don’t want Roberta in my life at all, ever again. If Althea used my name you know Roberta knew it, mother. And don’t you dareeverask him to help Roberta.I won’t do anything to help her, Roberta is dead to me. I hope you understand me and won’t try to change my mind. Roberta has always been mean to me and I don’t have to take it any longer.”
Sadly her mother nodded. “I do need a lawyer; I am not going to spend the rest of my life living with that man. I thought people didn’t know and to find out he shoved his bastard under my nose all these years? Willie, I am so very sorry. I don’t know how to make you see that I am …” She wiped the tears from her eyes.
“I can’t give up on Roberta just yet, when you have children of your own, you’ll understand. Roberta hasn’t been a good sister to you, I’ve known that and I looked away, hoping she’d change. Although I’d like to think she will change—I doubt she will. I suppose you’re going to see Dr. Rayne? I’m sure she has the answers you are seeking. I saw her with a toddler and I thought it was Althea’s in the supermarket a few days ago. She pretended not to see me and quickly went down another aisle. Do you think she knows about all of this too?”
Willie took her mother’s hand. “I most certainly think she does and what she did or is doing is illegal too. We’ll find out when we go over there. Black Dog is talking to the lawyer because we plan to get that child if it is Black Dog’s. Now I know she isn’t your blood granddaughter but if you want to be a grandmother, here is your chance. There is no way in hell Laura is getting near that child.”
“I can tell you this, that little girl has his eyes and looks very much like you, Willie. Dylan has the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen and so did that child. I’d like to be with you when you confront Doctor Rayne too.”
Donna eyes flashed in anger as she thought of the pain that Willie was feeling. “I have a few things to say to a doctor who was supposed to be my friend since she set up her practice in this town. I never trusted her husband much either, you know he is your father’s attorney also, so I’m sure they all were in this together. Ocean View sure hides its dirty secrets well doesn’t it? How am I going to hold my head up and be able to live here? I’ve lived here my entire life!”
“Change can be a good thing mother. I don’t think anyone is laughing at you. I think most people dislike daddy or are afraid of him. You have your church and those people do care for you. Father Paul will help you if you ask, you do have faith left in the church don’t you? I think a good lawyer will take daddy for a lot of money and you’re young enough to start a new life. Or I could find out if Black Dog has any older biker friends. I’m not kidding mother, you may find out you like riding on a motorcycle.” Willie smiled at her mother and finally her mother smiled back.
“Wilhelmina I do not see me with a tattooed biker, not ever, but I will admit your Dylan is a handsome man. Now I hear them coming upstairs. Maybe this lawyer can give me some advice on what I should do next?”
“You can ask him, he is a lawyer and please stop calling me Wilhelmina, I hate it, and even grandma was called Willie!”
Both of them stopped talking and watched the door to the downstairs open, Black Dog came through the door first and had a grin on his face. Even Teddy and the lawyer were smiling.
“We’re going to be giving the files to Peter to hold, they’re locked in his car now. We can go confront Doctor Rayne later today. It seems with the birth certificate which is authentic as long as the child is there; we have every legal right to take her. Dr. Rayne has to give up where she is, if we ask or face criminal charges.
“Peter is going back to his office to make some calls to a judge he knows. He’ll call us when he thinks we should meet him at the Rayne’s house. We’re doing everything legally and Peter shared some news with us. Mr. Rayne was disbarred last year; people think he had that stroke over it. The baby has been living with them since Althea gave birth. Her neighbors were told it is a friend’s granddaughter who isn’t ready to care for her at this time.
“Nobody really believed that story and Althea doesn’t visit her. From what Peter was able to find out and he found out a lot in a short time, Althea got herself into some legal trouble and headed to Canada. If she comes back here, there are quite a few warrants out for her arrest. I don’t think we’ll have any problem with her in the near future and by the time she comes back—ifshe does—we’ll have filed all the papers legally. Peter’s firm handles divorce cases too.” Black Dog looked at Donna.
“I believe I need to make an appointment immediately, I’m Donna Reed and I want a divorce from my husband Robert. I don’t know what he has been doing that is illegal but I was not a part of any of it. I plan to be right by my daughter and Dylan’s side and if you need payment, I will write you a check right now.” Donna moved toward her pocketbook.
Peter Evans spoke up, “The only check you need to write is for your divorce retainer. My payment was already taken care of by interested parties who wish to remain anonymous. As a favor to another client, who already spoke to me about your problems, a lawyer in my firm is willing to see you immediately. Dylan, I’ll give you a call as soon as I can.” Peter got his briefcase and was headed out the door as Teddy called to him.
“Peter, can we follow you back to your office? I want to be there with my mother when she talks to a lawyer. I don’t think she should be doing this alone. Willie, do you mind if I go with mom?” Teddy was going to make sure her mother at least spoke to a lawyer.
Black Dog answered for Willie. “I think that is a great idea. Your mother could use all the support she can get. Willie and I are going to lie down until Peter calls. You better check up on Roberta too.”
Willie and Teddy glared at him and he just shrugged. Before Teddy and her mother left, Donna kissed him on the cheek. It seemed Black Dog had won over another Reed woman.
Black Dog held Willie in his arms as the waited for Peter’s phone call. Neither had wanted to make love, they just wanted to hold each other close and make plans for the future. Sunlight danced across the room even though Willie had closed the blinds. It was hot and a salty breeze moved the blinds against the window sill.
“Black Dog if we get the baby, I guess she isn’t a baby but I don’t know what else to call her, where are we going to put her? We can’t have her in here with us and she doesn’t even know us. All of this is starting to scare me a little bit to be honest.” Willie spoke frankly.
“I already thought of that. We don’t use the downstairs room so we’ll ask Jack and Dee to move down there. Since they plan to get married, I doubt they’re going to be living here for a long time anyway. You do realize you’ll have to keep your studio door locked because kids and chemicals don’t mix. We have to put anything dangerous down the garage or up on a shelf. Maybe we didn’t think this through enough, because I’m asking you to be a mother and we don’t have a fucking clue do we?” He tipped Willies head to look into her eyes.
“I babysat as a teenager, so I do have a clue and I think we’re more normal than many of your friends. I don’t mind not drinking or doing drugs because I don’t think a child should see drunken or high people. Of course she will, but we can try to set a good example and my mother will babysit. I think my mom is going to like being a grandmother. What about your parents?”
“Yeah, well about that, I want them to think that you are her mother. That you and I spilt up and fuck…. I don’t want to make you look bad to my family. Just say you couldn’t find me. My parents will be excited, my whole family will be happy as hell. They’re really normal people, I’m the black sheep. You’ll like them and they’ll love you. Once things settle down we’ll go over and shock the shit outta them, I guess.” His lips were just about to touch Willie’s when the telephone began to ring. He pulled away and jumped up to answer it.
Willie rolled over and grabbed her pillow. She loved Dylan Blackwell and she was willing to be a mother to his child but she wanted more. She wanted this child to love her and one day she wanted a child with him. Maybe more than one, a man needed sons to carry on his name.
She had enough love to in her to spread it around to make good, happy lives for them. She tried to hear what he was saying in the other room and gave up. She decided to get up and put on a sundress. It was simple but she decided that it might be a good idea to look the part of Willie Reed, a good Catholic girl who wanted her child back.
Whatever way Peter wanted to play this out, Willie was ready. She had loved drama class and if she needed to act then she was going to put on the performance of her life. She slipped her feet into sandals and clipped the sides of her hair back with barrettes and sat waiting on the bed for Black Dog to come back.
“Willie.” Black Dog stopped what he was about to say and looked at her sitting demurely on the bed in a red, white and blue sundress. She looked adorable and more like the Willie he had first met in August. It was September and they were enjoying the late summer, when tourists went back home from the shore. The weeks had flown by and he couldn’t imagine life without Willie in it. “Baby, you look beautiful, you ready for this?” The words were kind of stuck in his throat and he just managed to get them out.
“I think you need to put on a clean tee shirt, no colors BD, and I’m calling you Dylan. We want as little trouble as possible. If we look clean and normal there will be less fuss. Remember, I know Doctor Rayne, well I thought I did. But appearances matter, trust me on this.” She looked at him seriously as Black Dog went to the dresser to get out a new pair of blue jeans and a clean tee shirt. Once dressed, he turned to Willie with a smile and asked her, “Are you ready to do this?”
Willie was standing there waiting for him and she grabbed her sunglasses and pocketbook. “I think you better drive my car, Black Dog. It has more room than your truck.”