They looked into each other eyes before Black Dog lowered his lips to Willie’s lips. A tingle ran through her body as she thought, Black Dog was theone,she had been waiting for all of her life. He held the door open as she walked through the door into the clubhouse bar. The silver tray lay on the floor where Black Dog left it. They’d be back to get it later and Black Dog would make sure it was cleaned properly of all traces of blood.
Black Dog picked her up and placed her on the bar before jumping up beside her and pulling her to her feet. Somebody pulled the plug on the music. The bikers slowly quieted down and looked at the two of them standing on top of the bar as Black Dog slid his arm around Willie.
“I’ve got an announcement to make! None of you fuckers can touch Willie and to any of you ol ladies who try to give my ol lady any shit, yeah I said ol lady! Remember I’m the vice president now and Willie is officially my ol lady.” He turned her back so they all could read the patch on her back that clearly said property of Black Dog.
The bikers all hooted and hollered and Black Dog jumped off the bar and helped Willie down. Willie looked around at all the people smiling at her and she felt very much at home for the first time in many years.
Dusty handed Willie a drink that tasted like regular ice tea. “Congratulations honey, sip that drink, it carries a wicked punch.” She leaned in and kissed Willie’s cheek. “That is one of my favorite drinks, Long Island Iced Tea, don’t drink too many. I hate hangovers and that drink gives you a bad one. Oh shit, Satan’s Attitude has entered the building. Stay away from them, Willie.
“I hate some of these clubs—look at how Deidra was treated. You’re lucky you have Black Dog and he’s in Nefarious MC. They’re much nicer then most of the club bikers I’ve known so far… Why don’t we find a safe place to chat away from the madness?” She moved Willie into a quiet corner where they could watch everything safely.
Black Dog noticed and gave them a chin nod of approval and went forward with Darko to greet Whiskey and the officers of Satan’s Attitude MC.
Willie’s eyes sought out Deidra who stood proudly next to Mad Jack waiting for her father to come to her. Dee turned to look at Willie and gave her a slight smile. Her hand went up and the diamond on her finger caught the light and twinkled as she waved to her.
Willie felt so happy for her best friend and hoped life would be good to Dee and Jack. She leaned back in her chair, watching the club around her, never would she have thought she’d end up with a biker but love took you places you’d never dream of going. Black Dog stood tall and proud, life’s troubles seemed to roll right off of him. She wondered about Roberta and if she was hurt badly.
As long as the car wasn’t found she wasn’t worried about being caught by the police because her sister was too smart to rat her out. Wolf though, that was a whole different story but tonight she was going to enjoy, worries were for tomorrow. She drained the glass and smiled as Dusty pushed a new glass toward her. The music was booming through speakers and women were dancing. Life was changing and Willie was fine with it tonight.
Black Dog watched as Dusty and Willie danced in the middle of the dance floor. Both were sexy women, and he was damn glad Willie had her property of vest on. The same bikers who had seen her first dance were slapping him on the back congratulating him on his new position and getting Willie as his ol lady.
Darko stood next to him, “Sexy chicks, aren’t they? I watch Dusty and thank God, she is coming home with me each night. I don’t know what her story is yet but one day I’ll get that property patch on her, bro.”
“I don’t think she cares much about that patch, Prez, and I don’t think she likes the other clubs. You see how she avoids Whiskey and his boys? She barely talks to Bound for Hell bikers too. She gives them just enough respect and keeps her distance. This shit with Wolf…I won’t tolerate him going after Willie. We need to sit down with him and get shit straight or I will end his life. Nobody is taking my ol lady like that, Willie is right, they’re nitwits.” He laughed harshly.
Darko leaned closer to him, “Wolf didn’t know she was your ol lady though. So that will have to slide, bro. He took her before you claimed her so it won’t count. Don’t argue with me on this Black Dog, you should have claimed Willie right away. I want to end this war with as little blood as possible. You’ve got more problems right now than Wolf. Don’t you need to see the lawyer in the morning? You ought to call it a night. There are extra helmets in my office if you need one for Willie.
“Whiskey wants to meet with Jack’s parents tomorrow, seems he likes our bro and is happy about this marriage. Wish I could see that, I wonder if Veiko and Nailz will be there. The Regan’s must be used to bikers by now, they’ve got relations in Bound for Hell, Nefarious and now through Dee, Satan’s Attitude. I’d hate to be them and have to keep it all straight in my head.”
Black Dog watched Willie’s ass shaking. “I think you’re right, it’s time to call it a night. Just to be on the safe side, I’m gonna ask for an escort home though. We got a few straight riders left?”
Darko slapped him on the back. “Always bro, you know my rules, half the club stays pretty sober. I’ll round them up for you. If you need me tomorrow, just give me a call at Dirty Deeds and I’ll have the lawyer on call. Go get Willie and ride safe.”
Willie didn’t want to leave without her tray and Darko had to promise her it would be safe in his office before she’d ride home with Black Dog. Dusty told her she’d drive it over in a day or so after it was all polished and shiny.
Black Dog rode home slowly and carefully praying the drunken Willie stayed on the back of his bike. There were no issues on the way home and he carried Willie up the stairs when they got home. Teddy was watching TV as he came through the door with her sister slung over his shoulder. After he got Willie into bed, he joined her in the living room.
Teddy got up and lowered the sound on the television set. She looked a bit worried, “I answered the phone tonight and it was my mother. Roberta got beat up badly, so bad she is in the hospital. She also met Wolf, who was arrested for supposedly beating her up.
“I don’t think he did it and I don’t believe somebody just found out where my sister lived and broke in. I didn’t tell my mother that but my mother wanted to know why I was here and not at some party with Willie. I told her my place is being painted so I’m staying here. She is coming over here in the morning. Anything you think I should know?”
Black Dog grinned, “Nah, I think you know about the same as I know. Long day tomorrow, you think you could go out in the morning and get bagels? I wouldn’t want your mom to think we don’t keep food in the house. It sure as hell is going to be an interesting day. I guess you plan to be with Willie every step of the way?”
Teddy glared at him. “Of course I am going to be, I should have stepped up years ago. Do you have a problem with it?”
“Nope, get some sleep, sister, like I said it’s going to be a long interesting day.” Black Dog left Teddy to ponder his words.
Willie woke up with a major headache and mascara caking her eyelashes like glue. Someone was pounding on the door and Black Dog was sleeping through it somehow. The pounding was like hammers hitting her in the head and she felt hung over. She got up and slowly made her way to the kitchen door. Opening it she came face to face with her mother.
“I can see that you really drank at that party Wilhelmina, you reek. I brought bagels and cream cheese. Go take a shower while I find your sister. Teddy told me she is staying here and I hope I didn’t walk into some biker orgy.” Her mother’s tone was resigned, but she sounded a lot like Roberta.
Willie pointed to the kitchen table and chairs. “Mother, just sit down here and I’ll get Teddy. Please don’t yell or get nasty. Or you can leave right now, I have a hangover and I don’t want to fight with you.” She opened the door to the downstairs and yelled for Teddy as Black Dog walked out of the bedroom, shirtless and barefooted, wearing just his blue jeans.
Mrs. Reed took one look at him and sat down quickly, and began to remove the bagels and cream cheese from the paper bag.
Black Dog yawned and looked at her with a smile. “Good morning mom, I see you brought us breakfast. Teddy was going to go out and get bagels but I see you’ve got them already. Willie, why don’t you take a shower while I make coffee and slice up some fruit?”
Willie stood there thinking, a shower was certainly needed but could she leave Black Dog alone with her mother? Teddy would be upstairs in a minute so she took the quick escape her man offered gratefully.