“I could try to pull into the grass here, they’re boxing us in. Damn it! I don’t have any choice but to pull over.” Willie pulled on to the grass by the side of the road and shut off the car. She slid the keys to Dee and both of them tried to look calm and not scared. They watched as bikers got out of three cars and came toward the Firebird.

“Willie, just act dumb, we’re friends of Elena’s and you know her from riding horses, I’m your cousin from Maryland. Do not tell them anything else. We didn’t bring pocketbooks since we dropped in just to say how sorry were to Elena. We know nothing about clubs or bikers. Put your school teacher face on.” Dee whispered.

Willie rolled down the window and looked at the bikers standing there. “Is there a reason you pushed us off the road?” Her teacher voice was in place and she sounded in charge yet not snotty.

“You and your friend need to get out of the car, girlie. Just get out easy like and behave yourselves, no scenes and you won’t get hurt.” The huge biker informed them.

“Gimpy, Wolf didn’t say to take two girls. You want to leave this one here?” A biker with a long beard pointed at Deidra.

“Shut the fuck up Moron, you want to leave an eye witness behind? No wonder you’re called moron, you really are one!” Gimpy looked with disgust at the dumbass, bearded biker.

“Get out of the car, get into the blue car and do it now, we don’t have all day to be gabbing. Gimpy, open the door and pull her out, if she won’t get out on her own. A car could come down this road and we’re fucked. Wolf won’t be mad if there are two of them.” Another huge biker spoke up as he opened Dee’s door. She got out willingly and softly dropped the keys in the tall grass. He never noticed, he was too busy eying Dee up.

Gimpy growled at him, “Who the hell made you boss here, JR? I’ve got it under control, so fuck off.” He pulled Willie’s door open and tried to reach for her. Willie let out a scream and Gimpy was jerked back by JR.

“Wolf said not to hurt her. Should your name be Moron Two? Come on hun, nobody is going to hurt you, I promise.” JR was much nicer than either of the two other bikers while another biker stood by the blue car. “We’re going to take a ride and you’ll get to meet Wolf, he’s been looking for you since you waved to him.”

Willie’s face showed she remembered and the biker smiled, “See you remember. Come on and get into the car and have a talk with him.” JR was walking Willie and Dee toward the car.

“Creed, get into the car and get ready to bounce, we got her and an extra,” JR yelled.

Dee and Willie looked at each other. The Filthy Fiends had forcibly abducted them. They got into the car and JR wedged himself next to Willie. Dee reached over and squeezed her hand as the car squealed away. Willie looked back and saw they weren’t interested in her car, all of them wanted a quick escape from any of the club bikers that might have driven by. Dee’s hand was comforting and so far Willie wasn’t panicking but the thought of seeing this Wolf and Roberta wasn’t a good feeling at all.

Creed spoke up from the driver’s seat, “Where we taking them, JR?”

JR replied, “Wolf said to take her to his house; we’ve got shit at the clubhouse to do. There’s a key to a bedroom door and he nailed the windows shut so until he gets there, they’ll be fine.”

The unknown biker in the passenger seat spoke. “Wolf is stupid to leave them with that nasty bitch Robbie. I hope Mercy or Careen is there because that is one mean woman. She isn’t going to like this at all. We should just take them with us to the clubhouse. This is a stupid plan.”

Creed looked at him, “Do you want to get on Wolf’s bad side? I’m taking them to his house and JR can lock them in the room and we’re done. I didn’t even want to be in on this shit. I don’t grab women, if I can’t pick one up than I don’t need her. Preacher didn’t want to do this either, did ya?”

JR had enough, “We’re doing it Wolf’s way. I don’t care what Preacher or you gotta say, Creed, just drive to Wolf’s house. You two are as bad as Gimpy!”

Creed blasted the radio and the girls sat silently looking out the window, both were trying to figure out where they were headed and to remember any landmarks they could. Thankfully the bikers were all silent as they rode in the car. Finally they pulled off the highway into a small housing development and down a dead end road. A cute small house stood away from the neighboring houses and they pulled into the driveway. Willie saw her sister’s Camaro and her stomach churned.

“I’m gonna go tell Robbie, we got the girls and that Wolf said to bring them here. Now you two sit here and behave, you don’t want Preach and Creed chasing your asses, do you?” JR looked at Willie and Dee seriously. They shook their heads no and sat still as he climbed out of the backseat. “Creed, make sure they don’t run and catch ‘em if they do.”

Willie watched the big man stride to the door and saw her sister and the man argue. Finally he pushed Roberta into the house. Dee squeezed her hand tighter.

JR came back with a frown. “Creed, she is a vile cunt, if Wolf hadn’t said to leave them here, I wouldn’t. I don’t know what the hell he sees in her, I’d rather fuck a beehive than that bitch. Come on girls, this is where we leave you.”

Dee and Willie walked with the bikers to the door and JR opened it for them. Dee stepped into the house first and saw Roberta’s glare. Willie was next and both eyed each other with hatred.

“Go to the bathroom now, it’s your last chance until Wolf comes because I gotta lock you two up.” JR motioned to the hallway and let each girl go separately, while he waited outside of the bathroom door.

Preacher looked at the girls, “Don’t try to get away, we’re right down the road and Gimpy is going to be outside as soon as he gets here. He’s an asshole and so is Moron so just sit tight until Wolf gets here.” He smiled as kindly as he could at Willie and Dee.

Roberta’s lips were puckered as she showed them the bedroom and the bikers took anything that they could use as weapons out.

“Wolf did not inform me that two sluts were being stashed atMYhouse and when you see him, you tell him I want them out of here right away. I’m not happy about this and I’m sure Mercy and Careen won’t be either! They come home and want to rest, where are they going to lay down? Not on my bed!” Roberta’s voice suddenly became shrill, as she looked Willie and Deidra. “Lock them in the room and get the hell out. Leave the key on the counter. I’ve got a gun, if one needs to pee, I can handle it. Now get the hell out of my house!”

Willie and Deidra were pushed into the bedroom and the door was locked behind them. They looked at each other in despair.

Roberta paced in the kitchen, her face was red and she was so angry.

Wolf wanted her little sister and it hurt her heart so deeply. She loved him as much as it pained her to admit it. There was no way she could or would share her sister Willie, with Wolf.

He was so good about not having sex in the house with Careen and Mercy; he took them to the clubhouse. Or maybe they didn’t have sex, she really didn’t know because the girls didn’t talk about it.