An all out war with other clubs could happen and sometimes did over the silliest things. It was bad enough that they were warring with the Filthy Fiends. He hoped they wouldn’t start any trouble and thought Wolf had enough sense to lay low. He heard Jack’s car pull into the driveway and went out to see if he needed help with the donuts. He was planning to open that box and get his favorite Boston Cream before the girls could grab it.

Wolf looked over his club and made sure even the worst fuck ups were straight today. Things had gotten a bit better without Skunk but he was no closer to making peace with Bound for Hell, Nefarious, or Satan’s Attitude MC’s. That was fine; he was still trying to talk sense into the other chapter presidents. He had warned his boys to lay low, that too many bikers were in the area. He did plan to do a little sneaking around though. They would be using their ol ladies cars and be lurking around checking out who was in the area.

Wolf also wanted that brown haired girl. Today was a perfect day to snatch her and when she was missing the cops would look at all the clubs in the area. He scribbled down her license plate, the model of the car, which was a red 1972 Firebird.

All the guys made notes and were told to grab the girl and not hurt her. If she was riding around he’d have her and his women be damned. He was tired of all of their bitching and Roberta was a big pain in his ass. She had decorated the house and gotten Mercy and Careen cleaned up enough to dance but she was wearing thin on his nerves.

He liked a clean house but Robbie took it to the extreme and he was glad when she was working. Little did she know yet but sex with her wasn’t all that, and she’d be dancing too. He needed money—not a bitch; he already had two that weren’t as much trouble as she was. He had never thought about whoring his women out like some guys did but Roberta would bring in the big bucks, and she’d do as she was told.

Even Mercy and Careen could whore on the side. Money was money and he was tired of the three of them. It was a thought he’d been tossing around in his mind since Roberta got the house for the four of them. Had he been smart he would have left that bitch, Roberta, alone but there was just that fucking itch to be with a rich bitch.

He shook his head thinking he thought with his dick far too much in the past. That was going to change as soon as he tried out the cute little sweetie with the brown hair. No way could she be bitch material; she looked so sweet and innocent. If Roberta wanted to piss him off, and be mean to the new girl she might end up hurt in places she never would have dreamed of.

He thought back to the day he saw that cutie waving to him; she was the kind of girl you settled down with and kept sweet. He’d set her up in her own place and make her into his every desire. It might take awhile but he had plenty of time and would enjoy training her. He felt himself getting hard at the thought and went off to find one of his ol ladies. At least they were good for sucking his dick.

Deidra and Willie watched as Mad Jack and Black Dog left, bikes gleaming to do the funeral run. They had been given instructions on times and places and what to wear. First they had to go to Master’s Funeral Parlor and then to the Lodge and the party. After Nefarious members left for their meeting they would meet them at the clubhouse at eight o’clock..

Willie sat down on the couch. “You would think we were children! I resent being asked over and over if I understood, I finally got Black Dog to shut up when I repeated word for word what he said.”

“I know, Jack was the same and even reminded me to stop and get gas. As if I don’t know to keep a full tank! I don’t even want to go to this funeral. I never knew the guy but I know you did. I’m going to feel so out of place and I hate that. I’ll have to go over by Kima and I know she loved Hunter but nobody can get her to stop crying. Elena isn’t even crying as much as Kima. Jo is all weepy too. I think I like Joy best—she tells you exactly how she feels. The first thing she asked me was did I like horses! Good thing I said yes, or I don’t she would have liked me very much.” Dee gave a sort of giggle.

“Joy’s really very nice, she is very straightforward and she tells you exactly as she feels. Kima is usually very nice too and Jo is a sweetheart. I feel so badly for Elena, I’ve known her the longest. Hell, she taught me how to ride. I like all of them but I think I’ll find a quiet spot and just hide.” Willie really didn’t want to go today.

“I’ll have to talk to Kima and I’ll find you and hide with you,” Dee replied.

Willie got up and looked at her watch, “We’ve got to go Dee, or we’ll be late!”

They grabbed their pocketbooks, ran out the door and locked it, heading to Dee’s Mustang. Once in the car, Dee tried to start the car but it wouldn’t turn over. Willie looked up and asked Dee if she had left the light on. It dawned on them both the battery was dead. Both sat there wondering what to do next.

“We have to take my car, we’ll slip in the back of the funeral parlor and nobody will know. Move it Deidra, we’re late!” Willie commanded.

Dee had a bad feeling but she went with Willie in her Firebird anyway and nobody noticed they were late when they got to the funeral parlor. There were so many bikers there that they were only able to give Black Dog and Mad Jack waves and got nods back.

When it was finally time to head to the cemetery both girls were tired and hot and decided on a plan. Dee didn’t want to see her father or any of the Satan’s Attitude MC bikers. They would leave as soon as Nefarious MC pulled out and were on their way to their clubhouse. They wanted to go home and change and then go to see their men at the Nefarious’ clubhouse.

Once as they got to the Lodge, Dee wandered over by Kima, Elena, Joy and Jo while Willie went down by the dock.

Once on the dock, she sat there alone only leaving to go to the Lodge’s campground bathroom. All around her, people were partying and she didn’t feel like joining in. She didn’t eat much, and only drank soda when she went up to get food briefly. She looked for Black Dog but didn’t see him. As the hours passed she wanted to leave but didn’t want to find Dee in the crowd of partying bikers.

Willie leaned against the railing looking out at the water as she felt thick arms go around her. She knew that scent of leather, soap and sweat well and liked it very much.

“Baby, why are you down here alone?” Black Dog whispered in her ear.

“I don’t feel like I should really be here, I knew Hunter but I don’t know many people here Black Dog. Oh, Dee’s battery died, she left the car light on and we had to take my car. I thought you should know.” She pushed back more into her man’s arms.

“You should be fine, just be at my clubhouse at eight, I’ve got something to give you.” Black Dog moved her away from him as he heard his name being called. “Shit, that’s Darko. Don’t stay down here alone, come on up with me, he must be ready to pull out.”

They walked hand in hand back to the Lodge and Dee found them by the Nefarious motorcycles. Willie and Deidra watched as the Nefarious bikers got on their motorcycles and revved their engines. It was an impressive sight to see the club ride out two by two in a long line as they headed to the Nefarious clubhouse. It took a while for the last of them to leave and Dee looked around hoping she wouldn’t see her father. Bound for Hell MC was in full party mode and the girls decided it was a good time to leave. Nobody saw them slip away and nobody would have cared either.

Once on the road they relaxed finally, it hadn’t been a great day. Music was playing softly on the radio and Dee kicked off her shoes.

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I heard that Thorn married some girl named Tears”. Dee commented.

Willie looked in the mirror, something felt wrong to her but she didn’t know what, “Thorn got married, that will set Teddy off. She dated him a long time ago. Dee is someone following us or am I just imagining things?” Willie tried to speed ahead but another car pulled out in front of her. The car behind them was riding her rear bumper.

“Fuck! We’re being run off the road, Willie. Don’t panic; just go willingly, if we’re lucky they won’t tie us up, I hope. I’m going to push our pocketbooks under the seats. They probably know we came from Hunter’s funeral but don’t give up who we are or BD or Mad Jack or God forbid my father!

“Play innocent and stupid. My mother always told me if I was ever taken to act like I knew nothing. Start praying, because we are being forced to pull over or they’re going to make you crash; it isn’t worth hitting a pole or a tree. They’ll get us anyway. Pull over and hand me the keys. I’ll get rid of them so they can’t take the car. If they ask where they are say in the ignition. I hope to God this isn’t one of Margo’s stunts.” Dee sounded calm to Willie’s ears but her heart was racing a mile a minute.