“I don’t know, Swiper? Right now I am more worried about Willie then Sonny being replaced bro.” Black Dog sipped his coffee, not really caring about much.

Mad Jack punched Black Dog on the shoulder. “Don’t let Darko hear that shit. Because your name is the one everyone is suggesting. You’re going get the vice president’s seat, bro. My name went in for a SAA position. Think I’d be any good at it?”

Black Dog grinned, “Jackie boy, aint nothing to it as long as you don’t mind fighting or asking questions and getting answers. I never was good at hurting chicks so this will be a reliefIFwhat you’re saying is true. Shit, I’d make a damn good vice president. What does Darko plan to do with Sonny, because he isn’t gonna like this at all, you think?”

“Hammer wants Sonny for some reason. He came from up north anyway so good riddance in my opinion. I figure we go to the party, tell the chicks to meet us back at the clubhouse about eight. Darko wants us back there at six. So that should be plenty of time. He really wants us all on our toes and Whiskey wants to see Deidra around ten, I hope she’s okay with it.

“I think she is really upset with her dad but if he wants to see her I can’t say no. I’m running over to Sea Jewels for a big diamond ring for her. I plan to give it to her right before she has to meet with him so it will give her some security. I’m not gonna get in your business about Willie bro, but what are you planning to do about her? If you don’t ask her to be your ol lady, somebody else is going to, it isn’t fair to Willie. Let her go if you don’t want her, Dog.” Mad Jack looked at his brother with concern.

Black Dog took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Jack, I am asking Willie tonight to be my ol lady. I even know where I want my ink, script letters across her upper thigh. I can’t wait to see property of Black Dog on Willie’s skin. Never thought I’d say that either. So don’t worry about Willie.

“I love her and you can stop being her big brother. I hope she loves me enough to put up with all my shit and this shit with Althea. I want to find my daughter or find out if she is my daughter and where she is. You plan works for today and later tonight. Willie and Dee will be safe, if I were a Filthy Fiend; I’d have headed north already days ago. Go get your engagement ring and bagels. I’ll say you went out for bagels and donuts.”

Black Dog watched Mad Jack nearly run out the door and wondered if one day he’d be asking Willie to marry him. That was a word he hated and wondered why. He had a normal family life, good parents who loved each other.

He was the black sheep of the family and if he thought rationally it really wasn’t clear why he’d joined a motorcycle club. He wasn’t a follower and was more of a leader, which was why Darko depended so much on him. He was able to think clearly when things were a cluster fuck.

He loved the lifestyle of being a biker though.

He loved a good fight and until very recently he had loved fucking different women.

Willie had really changed his whole outlook on that. He looked forward to going to sleep next to her and waking up next to her was even better. He hated that she was hurt and he’d fix that as best he could.

Again he thought of Althea and that baby girl. Would Willie accept her if he was able to find her or would that end up a deal breaker? No child of his was going to be without him in her life especially since Althea wasn’t exactly “mommy material.”

Black Dog drummed his fingers on the table as he sipped the coffee. That baby had to be around unless she had been an illegal adoption. Plenty of people had known about this and they had better have the answers he was seeking. Or they would be paying in their own blood.

Willie watched Black Dog sitting at the table; he looked so serious she hesitated to walk into the room. As though he sensed her he turned and smiled that wicked grin that so turned her on.

“Babe, good morning, Mad Jack made some mud he says is coffee. You want to make a fresh pot please?”

“Of course, do you want breakfast?” Willie was happy to see his smile.

“Nah, Jackie boy went for bagels and donuts. Today is Hunter’s funeral so we’ve got to wait to see Doctor Rayne. I’m sorry but it is a mandatory run and Deidra’s father wants to see her tonight. I’ve got a club meeting and it is a full day. We can go over there tomorrow, I promise you.” Black Dog sounded sincere.

As Willie measured the coffee her hand slipped a bit and she spilled some of it on the counter. “I totally forgot about the funeral, of course tomorrow is fine with me. I feel so badly for Elena and her baby. Thorn must be a mess too. It has waited this long, another day won’t matter. Teddy needs to stay away from the funeral; she doesn’t get along with Thorn from what I remember. Maybe she can just crash here for the day?”

“Your sister will do whatever she wants to do but yeah, it doesn’t bother me if she wants to stay here. Dirty Deeds isn’t opening in honor of Hunter anyway tonight. Now come over here and kiss me good morning.” Black Dog opened his arms and Willie flew into them as their lips met.

Deidra walked into the room and laughed as she spotted Willie sitting on Black Dog’s lap. “Do you two ever stop? It is kinda early for all this kissing isn’t it? I woke up and Jack was gone. Do you know where he went Black Dog?” She yawned and stretched waiting for an answer.

“Jack went for bagels and donuts, today is Hunter’s funeral. You and Willie have to drive yourselves. There’s a mandatory funeral ride—absolutelynobackrest bitches. You know how they go Dee. By the way your dad is here. He wants to see you tonight after we have a meeting. Jack figured you’d rather not ride in the limo and drive with Willie.

“It is safe, so many clubs are already here and more are coming in. Party will be at the Lodge afterward and our club is staying straight. You and Willie will be coming to the clubhouse around eight so you can hang out longer then we can. Jack is worried about how you feel about seeing your dad. Are you going to be all right with that? It isn’t like we can say no to Whiskey, he is your dad.”

“I don’t mind seeing my dad, I know he didn’t bring Margo, Satan’s Attitude never brings ol ladies on funeral runs and she is too close to giving birth. I get along with my dad as long as she isn’t around. Although I doubt he gives a shit if I am happy or not. He didn’t care about sending me away and I’m sure Margo wouldn’t be happy knowing I fell in love with Mad Jack. Did he tell you we’re going to get married?” Dee’s face was filled with happiness.

Willie jumped up and hugged her friend. “Congratulations, Dee. I’m so happy for both of you. When is the wedding going to take place?”

“Only Jack’s parents know so far. With the funeral, we didn’t want to tell anyone. We hope to have Jack’s mother and sisters plan a wedding as soon as possible. It has to be a big wedding and I hate planning stuff. I think I’ll just let them do whatever they want and pick out the wedding dress. I was wondering Willie, would you please be my maid of honor?” Dee looked at Willie hopefully. “I’m not close to Jack’s sisters really and there is nobody back home I’d want to ask”.

“Of course, I’d love to be your maid of honor, I’ve never been one before but I’ve been a bridesmaid. Black Dog, it is okay isn’t it?”

“You don’t need to ask my permission Babe, you want to be in the wedding of course you can be.” Black Dog was amused at how excited the girls were and left them talking as he went down to the garage to check out his bike.

Once in the garage he made sure his bike was spotless and checked Mad Jack’s bike out. Both were fanatic about keeping their motorcycles spotless and Black Dog had been kidding Willie about cleaning his bike. Nobody touched his motorcycles but him.

Today would be a somber day until the party. He hated the funeral runs. It was always a bummer to bury a brother and he had liked Hunter a lot. He didn’t care for the parties after. He liked Darko’s rule about staying sober, things could get really fucked up with drinking and so many clubs around. One shove, one wrong look and it could erupt into a fight that could involve shooting and that was no way to honor a fallen bro.