“Bro, you’re in the files too. There’s a lot of dirt on other people, not just the family, businessmen in the town, his mistress, blackmail kind of shit. Robert Reed makes my dad—who is a crook—look good. Actually my dad would pay for those files that aren’t family related I think.” Mad Jack replied bluntly.

Teddy rolled her eyes at Jack and Black Dog. “I hope you took Willie outside to tell her you fucked Althea! When you see those papers you’re going to flip. My sister cares a lot for you Black Dog and you better hope it is enough. She went to college as soon as she could to get away from home.

“She worked each summer every year to pay for her horse. She finally caught a break and got her dream job. That was ruined and her name and identity stolen from her. Althea and Roberta have a hell of a lot of explaining to do as do a few other people!” Teddy was fit to be tied. “Look at those papers! You got fucked too by the way, in more ways then you figured with Althea.”

Black Dog looked down at the medical bills from college and he read them, seeing where it indeed said Willie was pregnant. When he got to the last paper he had to read it twice to believe it. It was a birth certificate stating on February eighth of the year 1972, Wilhelmina Ann Reed gave birth to a baby girl. Dylan Blackwell was listed as the father. He dropped the paper like it was burning his fingers, “What the fuck is this?” He yelled.

Mad Jack picked up the paper, “As far as we’ve been able to figure out Willie’s identify was used by Althea, who is Robert’s daughter and you’re the daddy of Althea’s baby. Pretty fucked up and where is the kid?” He looked at paper again and then put it with the others.

Teddy picked up the papers and placed them back into the folder. “I say we all get a few hours of sleep. Willie has had enough today. She needs sleep and so do we. In the morning we’ll figure this all out and come up with a plan. I’d like to know where that baby is too. Knowing Althea she sold that baby or gave her away. We need to keep my family’s dirt quiet until we have a plan too. Please, for my sister’s sake, what we all learned has to stay in this room.”

Mad Jack and Black Dog nodded and Teddy mumbled her thanks as she got the files together. Mad Jack left to go to Dee and grab a few hours sleep.

Black Dog felt gut punched, he had a daughter somewhere and had not even known she was born. He nodded curtly and headed upstairs, to Willie, the woman he loved. He just hoped she’d love him after she saw the birth certificate.

Wherever Althea was, he hoped it was a hot as hell. He’d find that bitch and when he did she’d be in Ash’s crematorium. The coop was where she was headed and while he didn’t like to hurt women he had bro’s that got off on it. Nefarious MC took care of their problems and burned the bodies. This was personal and it would be handled. Willie would get revenge even if she never knew she got it, he promised himself that.

Willie was lying on the bed in one of his tee shirts when he walked into the bedroom. She put her finger to her lips and shook her head. “I don’t want to talk, Black Dog. I am still hearing you say you love me in my head. I don’t want to ruin that with whatever dirt you found. I want to make love and I want to feel the man I love inside of me.” She looked at him hopefully and Black Dog’s heart melted.

“I’m gonna take a quick shower Baby and make love to you, stay right where you are.” With that he headed to the bathroom as Willie lay there thinking life had certainly twisted around and while there were bad parts, she had finally gotten the man she loved.

While Willie was thinking, Black Dog was in the shower thinking too. He wanted answers and he wanted them as soon as possible. His daughter was somewhere and she needed him. Even if Althea was her mother, he wanted her and what they had done was very illegal. The club lawyer would help figure this mess out. The brothers would all help and God help Althea if she gave his baby away.

Black Dog walked back into the bedroom and Willie was waiting with just her belly chain on. The white orb lay like a pearl on her skin and his cock hardened as soon as he saw her. He flashed his trademark wicked sexy grin at her and she stretched like a cat, turning her body so he could see her ass.

“Did I break any rules yet, Dylan?” She asked playfully.

“Willie, if you want your ass spanked, just say so baby. Anything you want tonight I’ll give you. I’d rather just make love to you though. I want to feel my cock inside of your tight cunt and feel you grip it and I want you to feel me shooting my cum inside of you.” He purposely ignored her taunting him with his name.

She rolled on to her back and opened her legs, her bare pussy wet and pink. Black Dog dropped the towel he had wrapped around him and got between her legs. He lowered his face to her cunt and licked her clit as she moaned. His tongue swept up and down across her lips and darted into her wet hole making her moan more.

He knew what his woman liked as he thrust two fingers inside of her. Willie’s body jerked up ward and he moved so he could watch them going in and out of her body. He felt a tap on his shoulder as Willie motioned for him to turn so she could suck him off. Willie wanted to sixty-nine and he was all for it.

He moved his body over hers and waited for her to take his cock in her mouth. Once her mouth closed over the head of his cock he let out a moan. She pushed at him to get back to licking her. Willie was swallowing his cock deep down into her throat as he licked and nipped at her clit. When he thought he might cum he pulled away from her body and knelt between her legs.

He grabbed her legs and she hooked them over his shoulders as he thrust his cock deep inside of her. He went so deeply into her, Willie gasped as his cock filled her up. They fucked silently looking into each other’s eyes. Black Dog could feel the walls of her pussy tightening around his cock as she began to cum.

“Willie, we’ll do this together, I want to cum when you do, are you ready?” His voice was raspy as he whispered into her ear.

She whispered back “Now, go in as deep as you can BD, I want to feel you balls deep.”

Hearing those words, Black Dog pulled out of her and thrust back into her dripping hole as hard as he could. Her muscles grabbed him hard as he pushed all of his cock inside of her. Willie’s eyes were closed but her mouth formed a perfect o as she began her orgasm. He felt the first load of cum squirt into her and she tightened up even more as he shot load after load into her. Finally spent, he lay on her, both of them covered in sweat.

“Damn it gets better every time with you babe. I’ve never had that happen before. I was never in love before either though.” Black Dog rolled over and pulled her into the curve of his body. Willie snuggled up to him despite the hot night and sweat.

“I think you’re the one BD, do you think you are?” Her voice was teasing and he growled back. “I’m the one, the only one you’ll ever be with again in this lifetime Willie.”

He waited for her answer but she had fallen asleep. He’d remind her of that in the morning he thought as he shut his eyes. Somehow they’d get past all of this shit and make a life together. Who would have thought a chance meeting in a baby store would have been the way that he fell in love were his last thoughts.

Mad Jack walked silently into the bedroom and shook Black Dog wake. “Bro, Hunter’s funeral is today. Darko wants us up at the clubhouse, no chicks riding bitch either. Willie and Dee will use the Mustang and have to follow the funeral procession. I made the coffee; my ol lady is still asleep. Get the hell up, BD so we can plan this.” He left Black Dog to get dressed while Willie stayed asleep.

Shirtless with his huge tattooed arms leaning on the table, Black Dog waited for Mad Jack to hand over a mug of coffee. “I totally forgot today was the funeral. Shit, Willie wanted to go over to that doctor’s house. How the hell am I going to talk her out of it?”

“Better find a way, we’ve got clubs coming in from the surrounding states. Some are already here too. It is a mandatory funeral run. Willie can’t ride with you. Elena, Kima, and Joy are all in the limo. I could get Dee a ride but not Willie. I figured you’d want them together. Plus I don’t think the Bound for Hell ol ladies really want Dee with them, those chicks are all in mourning, and Dee didn’t know Hunter.

“There’s a big party afterward at the Lodge. Catered food, a band, and that is mandatory too. I think it is safe for Dee and Willie to drive alone. There’s no other choice unless you want them with my parents?”

Mad Jack didn’t look thrilled at that idea. “We’ve got so many clubs around here that are at war with the Filthy Fiends that I think it’s safe for them to drive themselves. I doubt my parents want to go to the party and Darko wants to do a vote tonight on Sonny. He says we can drink but not get drunk; we’ve got to get this shit settled now that Sonny is outta jail. Darko wants him replaced Dog. Guess who he wants to replace him with?” Mad Jack looked at Black Dog seriously.