“Once Roberta graduated Willie was more popular because Roberta wasn’t getting her friends to pick on her. The worst girl in the school was Althea—that bitch was so mean to Willie and it was strange because if you saw them together, you’d think they were related. She and Roberta were best friends. I never liked her and she thought she was all that because her mom is a doctor and her dad a lawyer.
“Althea made the mistake of going after my sister one day. Kima is younger than the Reed sisters and Althea. She was riding her horse and Althea took rocks and hit both my sister and her horse. Kima almost mowed Althea over with the horse, got down and took her riding crop to her. I had to pull her away before she got Althea in the face with that whip.
“You don’t mess with Kima, and she knew Willie so they became friends. I heard my dad say Robert Reed was an asshole and that no matter how much he tried he’d never top my dad. You have to know my dad is all about winning, Dog. He is a self made man and he knows the dirt on everyone. I know Althea was adopted, heard that at the kitchen table. My parents were saying that Dr. Rayne should have let her go to another family knowing whose father she was…” Jack stopped and looked at Black Jack.
“Motherfucker, that’s it! I bet Althea is related to the Reeds.” Jack got up and headed to the phone as Black Dog sat there thinking about it.
He was quite sure the Althea he had been screwing was the one and the same Mad Jack was talking about. She’d stolen pills from her mother who she said was a doctor. Maybe the pills had been some kind of perk back when he’d been hanging out with her. He was going to have to tell Willie it was most likely her old enemy. Damn it sure was raining buckets on Willie’s head lately. He could hear Mad Jack talking and wondered who he was on the phone with.
Mad Jack got off the phone, had the bottle of whiskey in hand and poured a shot for each of them. Black Dog really wasn’t in a drinking mood but figured what the hell as he downed the burning liquid.
“I took a chance my dad was still up. You wanted dirt? Holy shit, my dad gave me an earful. He likes Willie so I got it all. You ready for this Dog?”
“Jack, I’m tired, so just tell me.” Black Dog was worn out and had a feeling that this wasn’t going to be happy news.
“Robert Reed is a builder, like my dad but he used to be small time years back. He was having an affair with the woman who did the book keeping, answered the phone and all that shit. Younger than his wife and she got knocked up. This would have been after Teddy was born and before Willie was even conceived. Everybody knew but his wife because she was busy being mommy to Roberta and Teddy.
“The talk was Robert wanted a son and if she had one, he was leaving his wife and two daughters. Dr Rayne never had children and they wanted to adopt. She fell in love with the baby Althea when she delivered her and through Father Paul and lawyers the Rayne’s adopted her. Nobody ever had the heart to tell Willie’s mother because Robert is hated around here. The woman has been promoted to his personal assistant; he’s kept that affair going all these years. Welcome to Ocean View, town of dirty secrets. Can you believe this shit?” Jack poured another shot for each of them.
Both men looked up when they heard two loud gasps. Willie was in the kitchen doorway staring at Teddy who had come upstairs. Black Dog jumped up to grab Willie as Mad Jack pulled out a chair for Teddy.
“Baby, you were sleeping, why did you get up, I was on my way to bed.” Black Dog wondered how much both of the sisters had heard.
“I heard it all. Teddy, did you hear as much as I did?” Willie looked at her sister with concern.
Teddy looked around at all of them, “I am going downstairs and into those files right now. Althea is our half sister? Christ on a cracker! Mom doesn’t have a clue? Dad always was a rotten bastard, maybe we’ll get lucky and find out mom had affairs on him and he isn’t our dad.” Teddy announced sarcastically.
Willie pushed herself out of Black Dog’s arms. “Let’s go look, as if I could sleep a wink now. Maybe there is a file on Laura; I wouldn’t doubt he pays her bills too.” Willie and Teddy walked down the stairs with Black Dog and Mad Jack following.
Black Dog used a screwdriver and busted the lock on the filing cabinet. It was a small cabinet with just four drawers but it was packed full in each drawer. Willie pushed him away as she grabbed her file and held it in her hand. Teddy was carefully going into the files and looked for the files on Laura Jones or Althea.
Willie sat on the floor holding the file close to her chest almost as if she was afraid to look inside. Black Dog sat beside her and stroked her cheek.
“Baby, I need to tell you something before you open that file. It was before I met you and I don’t want to hurt you. We need to step outside and talk. I hate to do this to you with all the other shit that is coming down on your head, but I told you we needed to have a serious talk, didn’t I?” Black Dog stood up and helped Willie to her feet.
Nobody paid much attention as they walked out to the garage. Black Dog opened the door and they walked into the summer heat, it wasn’t dawn yet but it was going to be a hot day. He pulled Willie along until they were at the picnic table. He sat and pulled her into his lap as she tilted her face up at him.
“I’m not going to like what you’re going to tell me am I, BD?” Willie could feel the tension in Black Dog’s body.
“Willie, I don’t know, I’m not leaving you. I love you. I never said that before to any chick. I’m trying real hard to make this work between us and it is in my past. Althea—I think I fucked her. I didn’t know you; I didn’t even like her much. It was who I was, not who I am today. I had to tell you to be honest with you. I’m sorry if it causes you pain but I’m sure it was the same girl.” Black Dog felt Willie push his arms away as she jumped up.
She ran a few feet and puked up her guts. She was still heaving when Black Dog reached her. “Are you okay? Damn, I never thought you’d puke over it!”
Willie shot him a disgusted look that he couldn’t see.”Of course you didn’t make me sick. It is my own fault; I’m never doing drugs again. As for Althea, now I hate her more! I knew she was a slut. I want you to tell me something about yourself now. If you love me as you said, I want to know the name of the man who loves me because I love him too.”
Black Dog smiled in the darkness. “Dylan Blackwell. No, you can’t call me that either, it is going into the rules. You love me Willie? For real, honestly, cross your heart?”
“I love you for real, cross my heart and Dylan Blackwell; I need a soda big time so let’s go back inside. I’m sure Teddy is finding all the dirt. In a way I don’t know if I want to really see what kind of a man my father is. I don’t know why he stayed with my mother and I hate I’m related to Althea but it makes sense now.
“I bet Dr. Rayne always knew; hell the whole town knew except for my mother and sisters, I guess. I need to change my clothes now and shower, I stink. Why don’t you just look in the file while I am doing that? Look for medical bills from college I guess or ask Teddy to help you. Will you do that for me please?” Willie’s voice was breaking up and she was almost crying.
“You go right up and shower, I’ve got this Babe, are you sure you’re alright? I can help you shower.” Black Dog was worried and his voice showed his concern.
“I can shower and I’ll be fine. I don’t have much of a choice do I? What else could go wrong? My world has crashed and I doubt more could hurt me.” Willie headed for the stairs as Black Dog stepped back into the recreation room.
Teddy had a grim look on her face as she handed Black Dog a pile of documents. “My sister is going to cry her eyes out when she see all of this. I hope to hell you love her Black Dog because after she sees this shit, I don’t know what shape she will be in, Dylan Blackwell!”
Black Dog looked at Teddy with a frown. “How the hell do you know my name? I just told it to Willie, who told you my name?” He looked at Mad Jack who shrugged.