Willie stood barefoot in cutoff denim shorts, a pink tube top and her belly chain. Black Dog licked his top lip.

“Damn Willie, you look hot. By the way, I know Teddy, not sure if you knew that. She dances at Dirty Deeds.” Black Dog stared at her wondering about her reaction.

“Teddy is a dancer at Dirty Deeds? No wonder she is so private. I can see it though—she loves to live wildly. She may not be happy about having me dance there now. Oh shit, what if she gets angry at me?” Willie sat on the bed and frowned.

“Darko will handle it; Teddy has no say in who dances in Dirty Deeds or who are together in Nefarious. Chicks don’t have a say—it’s a rule. They should be seen and not heard kinda thing. Teddy has no ol man, although she is looking for one. She is coming with my vice president who just got out of jail. I really hope she isn’t going to go for him. He is a scumbag.” Black Dog’s voice got hard and deep. “You don’t say a word to Sonny. If he asks you anything I’ll answer for you. I don’t like him and I don’t trust him. Don’t be alone with him either.”

“Okay, I won’t speak to this Sonny or be alone with him but can I tell Teddy what you said?” Willie was concerned for Teddy and looked up at Black Dog.

“No, that is another rule—mind your own business. Teddy has been around for a while, she knows all about Sonny or should. I’ll tell her if I think she needs to know about him. I think she is bringing him because she has a thing for Hammer, but he doesn’t seem to return the feelings. It won’t work trying to make Hammer jealous. Anyway Teddy floats between my club and Bound for Hell. I had heard she was seeing one of the vice presidents over there. Willie, Teddy does her own thing; she won’t want you poking your nose in her business. I bet she is going to be poking her nose is our business though.” Black Dog sounded disgusted.

Willie sat there and took all of this news in. Her sisters were both hooking with bikers. Yet, neither of them would like the idea she was with Black Dog. That didn’t seem to be fair to her.

A car horn beeped, and brought Willie to attention.

“That has to be Teddy. This should be interesting.” She grabbed Black Dog’s hand, and they walked out of the bedroom.

Teddy was sitting on the couch in the living room with a drink, courtesy of Mad Jack and Sonny was looking at Willie’s paintings with a beer in his hand. Dee and Mad Jack were in the kitchen when Willie and Black Dog walked into the living room hand in hand.

Teddy jumped up, “So it is true, Black Dog, how could you go with my little sister? Of all the girls around you had to pick Willie and ruin her life?” Teddy was in Black Dog’s face yelling and Black Dog was trying to keep his cool.

“Sit the fuck down Teddy or you can get the fuck out. Where were you for Willie when Roberta was picking on her? Yeah, I met Willie and I’m living with her. Maybe if you kept up with her a little more she could have told you.” He was trying hard to not yell and Teddy could see from the expression on his face, that she’d pushed his buttons.

Willie walked over and hugged her sister. “Teddy, thank you for coming over, I was not aware we shared so much in common but I have to say I’m not surprised. Roberta likes bikers too, which was a shocker. Or did you know about her and the Filthy Fiends?”

Teddy sat back down on the couch hard. “Roberta is with a biker? Willie, are you crazy? Our sister is trying to hook a rich man, not a biker. After the whole adoption debacle, she promised our parents she was going to make something of herself. I don’t know where you got you information and you know I can’t stand Roberta but you’re wrong.”

“I saw her with them so don’t tell me my eyes lie, Teddy. I found her drugs too and I think that is where she must get them. Althea is hanging with bikers too so that is how she must have met them. What adoption debacle are you talking about?” Willie was getting pissy sounding while Black Dog kept eyeing both women.

“Willie, I think you and I need to talk in private. This is family stuff that needs to stay between us only.” Teddy eyed Sonny and Black Dog and turned her head back to Willie.

“I don’t hide anything from Black Dog. We can talk in my bedroom but if he wants to be there, that is fine with me.” Willie was stating a fact and Black Dog smiled at her.

Teddy huffed, “Willie, in the bedroom- trust me you don’t need your dirt known all over after hiding it for all this time do you? Let’s talk in your room.”

Willie looked at Black Dog in bewilderment. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. My dirt just happened and Black Dog knows about it all. Come on though, my room is across the hall.”

Black Dog eyed up Sonny. “You better see what Mad Jack is up too, bro. Willie doesn’t like her paintings touched, and we might be awhile.” His deep sounding voice that was well known for being the one before he lost his temper was quite clear.

“Hell, Black Dog do you think I’m going to steal something? I am your vice president; you take orders from me, bro. I might have just got out but I know the rules and so do you. I’ll crash out on the couch but this won’t go unnoticed by me. You’ll answer for the disrespect, count on it.” Sonny was pissed.

Black Dog watched the two sisters walk into the bedroom before he leaned down and spoke softly but deadly, “There will be a vote on you Sonny, and I don’t think you’ve been following what is going on too well from jail. Anytime you want a go round with me, we’ll do it.” He raised his voice to yell “Jack, get out here and make sure Sonny doesn’t steal anything.” He lowered his voice again continuing, “Wasn’t that why you went to jail, taking shit that didn’t belong to you from too many people? Getting caught stealing old ladies’ pocketbooks in the grocery store didn’t impress any of the brothers. I’ll be back to check on you.” He gave him an ugly look and joined Teddy and Willie in the bedroom.

Willie and Teddy were in the middle of the bed with the pictures Roberta had taken of Willie all around them. Black Dog shut the door and leaned against it, not planning to say a word unless Willie needed him.

He looked at Teddy and compared her to Willie.

Teddy was taller; she had darker hair, was well built, and had a lot more confidence in herself than Willie had. Black Dog thought Willie was beautiful while Teddy was just very pretty. Teddy had never been his type. She was more of a tough chick who knew exactly what she wanted and set out to get it.

“Willie, what Roberta did was very wrong and I am so sorry. I can’t stand her even more since she gave her baby up for adoption. I thought by now that you would have known. But you gave your baby up too. You were smart to hide it but the hospital bills came to dad so that is why they’re mad at you. You never asked them how they felt about you having a baby, honey.

“Daddy wanted a son and Roberta wouldn’t even let them adopt the boy. It broke their heart. Then daddy got the hospital bills for you and I think he just lost it. Two of his daughters giving family up did not sit well with him. You could have called me and talked to me.” Teddy reached out to touch Willie’s arm but Willie pulled away.

“What the fuck are you talking about, me having a baby? I never was pregnant! What kind of bullshit is this? My family thinks I had a baby and gave it away?” Willie looked at Black Dog with horror.

“What bills? I had my student identify stolen, my driver’s license and everything else was stolen. I called home and dad knew that! I was told to stay at college or you would have seen I wasn’t pregnant. When you came to see me graduate did I look the same as always?” Willie explained with complete surprise and utter dismay.

Teddy looked at her sadly, “Willie, you were skinny, and we all thought you’d had a baby. You were looking awfully stressed, and lost so much weight that mom figured giving up your baby was the cause of it. That is why daddy doesn’t talk to you unless he has to. I never heard your identification was stolen; dad said you must have misplaced it. He did cover the bills though and it makes him sad to think he has two daughters who gave up babies. I’ve been on the pill for years and plan to stay on it.”