“We just hired Willie and I’ll find some dancers if we don’t have enough. I’ll tell Hyway you went down there too. We’ll make the arrangements in the morning. I’m beat, let’s get some sleep.” Darko pulled her close to him and she snuggled as close as she could get to him. He was her rock and he was the only man she ever let get this close to her heart. She fell asleep listening to the beat of his heart.

Darko laid there and hoped to hell everything would be fine and wondered how he’d deal without the love of his life. She made his life so much better in so many ways. He grabbed a length of her hair that was loose and twisted it in his fingers before bringing to his face, enjoying the scent of her shampoo. Whatever Dusty used, it was a unique scent and one he only smelled on her.

Willie had gotten a call to dance that night and was very excited. Black Dog watched her, enjoying seeing her happy. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight tonight. He wondered how much he should tell her about what he learned about her sister. When he and Mad Jack had talked about it, Jack had said to not tell her.

He watched as Dee helped her fix her hair and talk about what she’d wear. It was good to see both of them getting along so well. Mad Jack and Deidra would drive her to Dirty Deeds tonight and he planned to go in earlier and make sure none of his brothers asked her whose ol lady she was.

He didn’t want a repeat of the last time she’d danced.

Black Dog wasn’t ready to commit and he wasn’t ready to let her go either. Willie stirred emotions inside of him that were long forgotten. It was nice though to have her cook for him and sleep in soft sheets. He’d been living from place to place for so long that he’d forgotten what it was like to have a woman doing sweet things for him. Yeah, he had chicks but none gave him what Willie was able to give.

Maybe it was time to settle down and maybe, just maybe, he’d found the right ol lady at last. Willie was special, and even with the black heart he had, he didn’t want to ruin her life.

These last few days had been some of the best times he’d had with any chick and he didn’t know if it would last. He hoped it would but with this war and Jules and Honey gone, he wasn’t sure what might happen. They’d take it day by day and he’d watch over his Willie for as long as he could. Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to have a kid, be in a real house and eat dinner fairly regularly. His bro’s that were settled down all seemed really happy. But he wasn’t sure it was for him. Willie seemed content as things were, so he was going to leave it as it was… for now.

Willie was looking in the full-length mirror, turning every which way as Black Dog entered the bedroom. She was trying to see her ass and getting frustrated.

“Like what you see Willie? You know damn well you look really hot.” Black Dog joked.

Willie frowned, “No I’m worried, I might be too fat, Roberta always said I should always wear a one piece bathing suit, that I had way too much baby fat. I’m trying to check.” She sounded so serious that Black Dog laughed.

“It isn’t funny, I’ve always hated my body, thinking I was too fat, BD! Actually I was chubby until my last year of college.” Willie sounded upset and angry at him.

“Baby, from what I could see of Roberta, she didn’t have a great body, it was okay but you’ve got the right amount of curves and a set of tits that she doesn’t have. I’d say you’re damn close to being perfect. Stop thinking about that evil bitch, she is out of your life now. Do you think the guys that were tipping you the last time you danced thought you had baby fat? I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Because I see a foxy chick whose beautiful inside and out.” Black Dog was serious and Willie’s smile lit up her face.

“Thank you Black Dog, I never felt very comfortable with my body before I met you. You make me feel so special; I hope one day I can repay you for that.” Willie was serious and it upset Black Dog.

“Repay me? What the fuck! Willie, why would you that to say to me? I’m with you because I want to be! Nobody’s ever made me want to stick around them for long, well no chick has. You’ve got a lot going on for you, Babe. You’re beautiful, smart, and funny and you give a lot of yourself to me. Stop thinking stupid.” Black Dog scolded Willie, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her.

Fuck that Roberta, she’d done a number on Willie from the time she was a little girl, he figured. “Now you better change and pack that costume up. You have a few to change into between sets? I came in to kiss you goodbye, because I’m heading to Dirty Deeds now. So get that sweet ass over here and kiss me.”

“I have the ones I got from Kelly, they will have to do for now. Will that be okay? I didn’t get an answer from Elena when I called over there today.”

“Yup, and Elena was probably napping, she’s busy playing mommy now. Mad Jack spoke to Kima and she says she has brand new costumes she’ll trade you for a family portrait, bartering is a good system don’t you think?”

Willie’s smile hit his heart it was so bright. “Kima wants me to paint a family portrait, oh my God. Of course I’ll do it BD. I’d be honored to paint her family. I’m not sure I’m that good but I’ll try my best.” She moved closer to kiss him but he held her away at arm’s length.

“Look at me Willie. You’ve got to stop putting yourself down, I mean it. You’ve sold paintings, you donate them to be sold for charity and you are good. You work with glass making beautiful necklaces, you have a potter’s wheel and by the things you’ve made, I think you could open a store. So no more putting yourself or your art down, get me? Or I’ll add it to the list of rules. Understand?” Black Dog’s tone of voice was very serious and he wasn’t smiling or kidding.

Willie looked into his green eyes. She whispered, “I’m sorry BD, I really am and I’ll try harder.”

That was enough for Black Dog and he pulled her to him. “That’s my baby, now about that kiss. I think I got time for more than that if you get that costume off. I wouldn’t want to mess it up when you give my cock a kiss.”

Willie was already on her knees unzipping his pants. She didn’t give a shit about the costume. If Black Dog wanted his cock kissed than kissed and sucked it would be. Black Dog moaned as her mouth descended over the head of his cock.

Deidra and Mad Jack were making out on their bed. Dee loved the way Mad Jack kissed her and she wanted to make love to him. They still hadn’t had sex still and both wanted to badly but they wanted it to be when they were alone in the apartment.

“Dee, after we get Willie to Dirty Deeds and she is comfortable, do you want to leave for a little bit? We could come back here and have the house to ourselves?” Mad Jack knew Deidra was a bit shy so he wanted to make sure she was ready and they had privacy. He spoke softly as if he might scare her.

“Why Mad Jack, I thought you’d never ask! That sounds like a fantastic plan to me! I think we could have a drink or two watch and watch Willie dance a bit. Once we know she is comfortable, we’ll sneak out and come back here. Maybe you should ask Black Dog to pick her up in case we don’t make it back.” Deidra’s slight southern drawl had Jack already hard.

“Yeah, I’ll do that as soon as I hear the bedroom door open. I kind of got a feeling that Willie and Black Dog are a bit busy in there.” Mad Jack laughed at the expression on Dee’s face.” Doubt he’s fucking her before work Dee; she is probably sucking him off, if I know Black Dog. It isn’t our business anyway what they do in their bedroom.”

Dee just rolled her eyes and they lay together hands busy roaming over each other bodies. As soon as Mad Jack heard Black Dog in the hallway he jumped up to go out and speak to him.

“Yo, Dog, need to talk to you,” called Mad Jack as he saw Black Dog heading down to the garage.

Black Dog turned around and was pulling fingerless leather gloves over his hands. “What’s up? I’m kinda late.” He had a satisfied grin on his face as he looked at Mad Jack. “You’re still taking Willie to Dirty Deeds right?”