“I’m sorry for all the pain you and your sisters got, none of you deserved it. I never understood your mother either. I still love Angie, tell her that.” The pain was clear in his voice. Dusty nodded and walked away.
She was sitting at the bar when Careen was escorted out and looked at Darko hoping they could finally leave. She hoped Jules, Honey and Jason were okay and she would call Angie as soon as they got home. However Tramp had—as every one of the Bound for Hell fuckers usually did—got her upset again. She hated to dwell on the past and now she was worried for her friends.
All she wanted to do was go home and have Darko hold her until she could fall asleep in his arms.
The Bound for Hell nomads were in the corner quietly talking. Nico, Hyway and Inkman were trying to figure out where to start looking before Tramp blew a gasket. It was going to be a long night for many of the bikers. By the look on Tramp’s face it seemed he was going to run them ragged until they had answers for him.
Hyway was especially concerned because he had let Inky—also known as Inkman—take over watching Jules and apparently he hadn’t done his job. Hyway was sick about the way Bound for Hell MC treated women and he downed his shot, closed his eyes and his mind drifted to Angie…
His beautiful Angel Rose.
When Dusty got home, she used the bedroom phone to call her sister while Darko was in the shower. It was late and she knew she’d be waking up Angie but she had to talk to her and had been trying to reach her. She crossed her fingers as she counted rings.
A sleepy sounding Angie finally picked up the phone. “This better be important!”
Dusty grinned, of course her older sister wouldn’t say hello like a normal person. “It is, and why were you in Maryland? I’ve been trying to reach you because I’ve got a lot to tell you, sister.”
Angie focused better and her voice was clearer. “Are you okay? What is going on up there? I had to go get Bebe, and I got into it with Mom again. She was mad I didn’t bring Chrissy to see her… You know how she is. So why are you waking me up?”
Dusty just blurted it out, “Hyway is out and he knows where you are, and he says he loves you and is coming to get you, Ang. There is more… Jules may have been taken by the Filthy Fiends and nobody remembers where her family lives.”
There was dead silence on the other end of the phone line as Angie took in all that her sister was saying.
Dusty continued. “He didn’t know what Hyway planned until he was already in jail. I believe him and I think you need to think about talking to him. You still love him, don’t you? Oh hell Angie, I was so wrong believing that he was talking shit and I believe he did what he thought would keep me safe.”
Angie sighed, “Of course I do but he doesn’t know about Chrissy and do you think he will believe she is his daughter? I should have been honest and told him as soon as I knew, but I was running. We’ve created so many lies about me that I don’t know what he’ll think. I know it was to protect me but we’ve both changed. Five years is a long time, Dusty. Mom is as crazy as ever, I had to rush up there to get Bebe since she has decided she should as she puts it, settle down.”
“Mom is a nut and she has no say in what Bebe does! She is no relation to her for God’s sake, we’re not sure she ever married Diablo. Why didn’t Bebe call me? I am closer and would have went and got her. Is mom still talking shit about me?” Dusty was getting angry and very loud.
“We didn’t talk about you. She was concerned about Bebe and me both finding as she put it good ol men to settle with. Mom is scared of you; you’re too much like Daddy was, loyal and you take no shit. I think she knows you’d cut her throat too without blinking. You said Jules was taken? How the hell did that happen? I spoke to her a few weeks ago and she was fine. She told me you were seeing her boss, wouldn’t give me details. So tell me what is going on up there!”
“I’m living with a Nefarious MC president named Darko. I dance at his club only now and I am doing really well. He cares about me and I think I’m in love. As much as I am able to love, you know I’m not good at relationships. How is Chrissy? Does she miss her aunt?” Dusty blurted it all out fast.
“You are in love? I’ve never heard you say that before. Of course she misses you. So that is why you haven’t come down here. It is about time you had somebody good in your life. I guess I should head up there, I want to see Hyway in person but I doubt he will still love me. I never wrote, I never told him I was pregnant… We’ve all changed so much. Do you have a safe place for us to stay?” Angie sounded dejected and a bit worried.
“I’ll ask Darko, his place is big enough and it’s safe here. I need to know if you know how to get in touch with Jules’ parents. Honey rushed into the club and I loaned her money and she said they had a family emergency.”
“She was from some town way up in northern New Jersey, and her parents wouldn’t have called her or Honey home for any reason because they disowned them. Never wanted to see Jason, I mean really disowned them both. Jules never told me how she ended up with Honey either. I’m confused here. I thought you said Jules was taken by the Filthy Fiends?” Angie was trying to keep up with all of this news.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, he’s done showering, love you.” Dusty quickly hung up on her sister.
Darko stood in the bathroom doorway; he had been out of the shower for a few minutes, and wondered who Dusty had been talking too. He waited to see if she would tell him as he used the towel to dry his back. Standing naked, he quirked an eyebrow at her questioningly.
“I called my sister, she doesn’t know the name of the town, said up in northern Jersey and she says Jules and Honey were disowned.” Dusty watched his face carefully.
“So you think love me? I was sure you did.” Darko smiled at her, repeating her words.
Dusty turned pink and a smile formed on her face. “You’re a sneak, Darko. You know I love you, I don’t know how to do a relationship! I keep trying to get you to understand that I’m flawed. My sister wants to come up and I said I’d ask you if they could stay her. I’m not sure it’s safe. She has a four-year-old daughter and my stepsister Bebe would be coming too. That is a house full, three more people. There’s more, Chrissy is Hyway’s daughter and he doesn’t know about her. So I understand if you don’t want to be involved in this mess.”
Darko wrapped the towel low on his hips and sat next to her. “Let me think about this, darlin. I do want you happy but I don’t know how safe it is for them either. We might have issues with Tramp and adding Hyway having a kid and not knowing about it to the mix? The timing sucks to be honest.” Darko hated to make Dusty unhappy but he also had enough to deal with.
“I know, I’ll tell her to call Hyway. I can’t keep mixing myself up in everyone’s lives anymore. I’m so tired of trying to keep secrets when I want my own life with you. I’m always scared Bound for fucking Hell will ruin it for us.” Tears started to fall from her eyes as Darko pulled her into his arms.
“I told you, when you’re ready you can tell me anything, I don’t care about the past, I care about a future with you.” Darko shoved her back on the bed and kissed her to prove he meant every word he said.
“Darlin, I know you want to see your sister, so maybe a trip to Florida is a good idea. You could fly down; I’ll pay for it and explain everything to her in person. I’d feel better if you were down there away from all of this and safe. What do you think?” Darko spoke gently to her.
Dusty thought a few moments, “I don’t want to be away from you but I do need to talk to Angie. Flying would be faster than driving but can you manage without me dancing?”