Wolf could work for her father and they could have a good life together. Cleaned up, he would be a handsome man and they could hide his past. His tattoos were mainly on his back and chests so they could hide them. All her girlfriends would be so jealous of her hot husband.
She pulled the curtain tight across the back of the shop after removing the little amount of cash she always left in the cash register. Wolf held a flashlight for her to open the safe. She handed all of the money to him and he took a hammer and busted the lock to make it look like it had been broken into. Roberta noticed he wore gloves but she hadn’t, at first it didn’t make sense and she worried. But it dawned on her, of course her finger prints would be on the safe. They left quickly, leaving the back door just a tiny bit ajar and unlocked.
Wolf dropped her off a few houses down from her house with the promise to call her in a few hours. Roberta headed to the pool house, she was known to swim late at night and she needed to get cleaned up. Her parents wouldn’t think it was odd she was swimming this late as she undressed and slipped naked into the dark pool. She floated around thinking about how she was going to ruin Willie’s career.
Life was certainly getting more interesting for her. As usual she’d make sure she came out on top and whatever it took to be rid of the bitches around her, she’d do it. She climbed out of the water and went into the pool house and took a cleansing shower. Wrapping a terry cloth robe around her she went in the back door of the house, dumping her soiled clothes for the maid or her mother to wash. She slipped into her nice air-conditioned room and climbed into her sweet scented bed and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Hammer, national president of Nefarious MC and Tramp, the national president of Bound for Hell MC strode into Dirty Deeds well after the club was closed to the public. Their entourage of bodyguards, SAA’s and nomads they had were on their heels.
Both looked angry but Tramp was furious, and it showed at the glares he was sending toward the local Nefarious MC bikers.
Swiper stood guard by the door to the back room where Careen was passed out. The prospects went outside and Moose got behind the bar to hand out on the house whatever alcoholic beverages were desired. Both men headed to Darko’s office as the other bikers sat at the bar.
When they opened the door to the office Dusty was sound asleep on the couch and Darko was on the phone trying to get answers.
Tramp roared, “Where the hell are Jules and my son? You said they were safe Darko. I fucking trusted you to make sure they were. Get this bitch off the couch and outta this room!” His face was filled with anger.
Dusty hearing all the noise turned over and looked straight at Tramp, her eyes filled with mistrust. She got up to leave the room when Darko grabbed her arm.
“Stay here; you’re the last known link we have to Honey, I’ll handle this,” he hissed under his breath. Dusty stood there wondering if she should go or stay.
Hammer spoke up finally looking at the two glaring bikers. “Tramp, yelling at Darko’s chick, isn’t the best idea as she talked to Honey last. We don’t know what is going on yet so calm down and we’ll try to figure out that the fuck is going on.” His words eased the tension in the room a bit.
Tramp sat on the couch still looking at Dusty as it dawned on him who she was. “Shit, I didn’t realize it was you Dusty, so you jumped over to Nefarious?” He was almost sneering.
Dusty was used to the Bound for Hell MC men and she took it all in stride. “I’d say it was nice to see you Tramp, but under the circumstances it isn’t. I was the one that Honey phoned and asked for a loan due to a family emergency. She came by with Jason, I didn’t see Jules but I gave her money. She was crying and I believed I was helping them both out. She said she’d be in touch and that they had to hurry. I wish there was more to tell you but there isn’t. Did Hyway come in with you?”
Tramp at least was civil now. “Thanks for helping Honey, yeah; he’s out at the bar.”
She looked at Darko sadly and gave everyone a slight wave as she walked out the door to the bar.
“The Fiend’s chick is one of Wolf’s ol ladies named Careen and she says she saw Lulu put an axe into Skunk’s head. Told us Wolf had no idea what Skunk was up to with grabbing our girl, IF it is even Jules. That is the issue here, we don’t know if Jules is missing. Nobody knows where her family is, and I’ve been calling all the girls she used to live with. Maybe your club knows because she was private about her family life with us.” Darko was not taking Tramp’s crap and it sounded in his voice.
“Whoever Skunk grabbed, was grocery shopping, Careen said was there were diapers in one of the bags. Honey and Jules are the only girls we can’t locate. And it was done in board daylight in front or around the store. No cops got a report because I called in favors to find out. We have our girls watched as much as we can. Maybe you should have made Jules go back with you, or sent somebody to babysit her twenty-four-seven.
Where was that Inkman you said was gonna be around? We sure as fuck haven’t seen him. Only one that has been around was Hyway and he was bothering Dusty, not really watching Jules! Your nomad scared my chick and Bound for Hell was not allowed in my club for a while until they settled their differences. I run a business here Tramp; my girls are treated well, that is why my club is a success. You think I was lax in protecting the girls that make me money? If you do, that is really fucked up. Jules wanted to dance—she didn’t want to be around you and that is a fact we all know. Don’t mean to slam it in your face but its common knowledge. Your nomads should have been responsible for trailing Jules around, not my club.” Darko was done and folded his arms across his chest.
Tramp shook his head as if he was trying to understand all of what Darko just laid on him. Hammer and Darko stayed silent and let the man think.
Finally Tramp spoke. “I don’t know what the fuck to think. I thought I was getting somewhere with Jules. She took the money, I got to see Jason a little, but she was hardly ever there, Honey was. I was trying to show her I cared but she wouldn’t give me a chance. Somebody in my club has to know where she came from. I’m trying to think who she used to hang with and the only one I can think of is Dusty’s sister, Angie. Maybe the Fiend’s chick is confused. We believe that Skunk is dead?”
Hammer sat on the desk, facing Tramp. “We never had Wolf try to approach us so he could be. He sent one of his women in here so I’d say yeah he is. But they’re partying strong, four chapters according to what Darko got outta the chick. Wolf may not be down with all that the Filthy Fiends turned into. He’s second generation; dad was big in the club, way back and his family is in the club.
“I say we send his ol lady home to him, all in one piece and when we’re ready, we meet with him on our terms. In the meantime we look for Jules and Honey. I’d suggest we do it quietly so not to scare our women and we keep a closer watch on our properties and businesses then we’ve been doing.”
Darko pulled out a bottle of his Glenrothes 1969 Single Malt Scotch from his desk, which was his go to bottle and poured them each a few fingers.
“Tramp, I look out for all the dancers here, I never thought anything like this would happen. We knew Skunk was crazy though. I’ll ask Dusty to call her sister, but there is no great love with your club and her.” Darko was blunt and to the point.
“I should have been nicer to her; I’m just worried about my son, man. Jules too but my kid is missing. I’m a fucking wreck.” Tramp confessed.
Darko poured more of his favorite liquor into their glasses and they continued to try to think of where Jules and Honey might have gone.
Dusty walked up to Hyway and pulled him aside. “Where was Jules from? I don’t remember but it is important to find out.”
“Call Angie, she’d know, they hung out together. I thought by now you would have called her,” Hyway grumbled.
“I’ve been calling her but she went to Maryland, I had to call my grandparents to find that out. I don’t like to call my mother, we’ve never gotten along, and you know that. She never gave a crap about us or Bebe and why Angie is there, I don’t know. Maybe she is back home by now. I’ll call and let you know what she says.” She turned away to leave as Hyway put his hand on her arm.