“Prez, we don’t know if this is true, they’ve been watching our girls, we knew that. It could be all bullshit. Send somebody to Jules’ and Honey’s place and see if they’re there. But if you touch this chick we won’t get any solid information from her. She is sneaky and she is drunk. She needs to sober up so we can figure out if any of this is truth.” Black Dog wanted to wring Careen’s neck but what he said made sense.
Darko tossed his hands into the air. “Fine, talk to her, get her coffee; I’m going to find out what Dusty knows. Just don’t let Swiper put his hands around her neck. Tramp is gonna be freaking out. I told Jules she should have taken what he offered her. IF this is true, we’re gonna have issues with them too. Fuck me!” he stomped toward the bar.
Black Dog sat across from Careen with her last drink of the night. “Did Wolf have any other girls out there lately?”
Careen giggled, “Don’t you know Wolf’s reputation? He always has more women than he needs. Has a new blonde snobby one, she owes him big time for drugs. She was passed out on the bed high on Quaaludes, when I left. He says she’s rich, owns a store and we’ll be living real well. She is into Wolf but she has to pay off the debt. She doesn’t want to share him but that is how Wolf rolls.
“She damn near had a fit when he said he saw a brown haired girl today and wanted to add her to the family. He’ll do it too, he has her license plate and Wolf can be very sweet when he wants to be. Wolf can convince a woman to do whatever he wants. Now he told me, to tell you that he can’t do much until this party ends, but he is willing to sit down with the clubs. He sees no future in killing each other and says there’s plenty of money in drugs and all that stuff for everyone.” Careen’s voice was less coherent as she started to nod out.
Black Dog looked at Mad Jack and made a dialing motion. He wanted to make sure Willie and Dee were both safe with JJ. For the first time he could recall he actually felt fear for a woman. The Filthy Fiends weren’t getting their hands on Willie and he was sure Roberta was involved with Wolf. Careen’s head was on the table and she was snoring. He looked at her and wondered what the hell they were going to do with her.
Darko had Dusty in his office and they were trying to figure out what was going on. Dusty was pacing as Darko leaned on his desk.
“Honey called and said they had a family emergency, she came by the bar and I loaned her some money because she said they needed all the money they could get together. She said Jules was in the car but she did have Jason on her hip. I didn’t even think about it, Darko. It seemed to me like something had happened and they needed to leave right away. They’re sisters so it made sense. What is going on? Did I do something wrong?” Dusty watched Darko carefully, trying to decide if he was upset with her.
Darko thought long and hard before he replied. “This chick in the back room says the Filthy Fiends grabbed one of our dancers, it could be Jules. We don’t know if it is true. We know they’ve got eyes on our women. But Tramp has to be told. Do you know where Honey was headed? I don’t know much about their family life. I thought Jules was from Ocean Cove but she was pretty private about her personal life.
“Honey had it rough at home, and one day Jules brought her in for a job. She had legal identification but I figured she was underage. That’s why none of the brother’s really hit on her. Jules seemed better when her sister came into the picture. She let Tramp give her some money and they got that small apartment together. Both made decent money here. Honey was able to buy a car after her first week of dancing. Was anyone outside to see her leave?”
Dusty’s face paled, “Oh my God, why didn’t I go outside when I saw she had Jason? Maybe I could have seen something and stopped her. Do they have Honey and Jason too?” She started to shake and Darko grabbed her and held her tightly.
“Not your fault, Dusty. I’m glad you didn’t go outside darlin, we don’t know what is the truth yet. You don’t go anywhere alone though, promise me?” Darko was very serious and the thought of Filthy Fiends touching her mad him furious.
“I promise but what are you going to do with that girl? If what she said is true, Tramp will want an eye for an eye.” Dusty knew she wasn’t supposed to talk club business but took a chance anyway.
“Keep her here until we know more or put her in our basement. She isn’t any concern to you and don’t be talking about this to anyone but me. Even if Tramp asks you give him the same story you gave me. If we can’t locate Honey or find Jules it might be bullshit. Maybe it is a family emergency. Dusty, same story, you really believe that Honey and Jules had a family emergency.” Darko’s voice was serious and Dusty pushed herself deeper into his chest.
“Darko, don’t you write down the license information and get social security numbers? If you do then we have Honey’s and Jules.” Dusty sounded hopeful.
“Yeah, I do but as far as the social security numbers most of them aren’t real, you know that.” His voice was tired sounding and he wanted to close up the bar and go home. However he had plenty to deal with before the night was over. He wondered what he was supposed to do with the girl. “Why don’t you call it a night and get changed, lay down on the couch while I make some calls, it’s gonna be awhile before we can go home.”
Mad Jack was happy to report that Dee and Willie were both asleep; JJ and the prospect were ready to take care of any shit that came their way.
Black Dog was deep in thought when Darko walked up to him. “Hammer and Tramp are on their way down. Moose and Red got into Jules’ apartment and said it looks like they packed up in a hurry. Until we know for certain, we can’t believe this chick is telling us the truth. She could be but there’s no solid proof. You can go on home both of you. I’d keep close to your chicks. If they did grab Jules in board daylight and nobody saw it or even reported it to the cops, I don’t know what in hell to think. We’re not going to lockdown our businesses. This might be in retaliation for their two chicks we got rid of and the two we traded to Satan’s Attitude. Once the bitch wakes up maybe she will tell us some more. Do you think you can get Willie to talk to her sister?”
Black Dog saw how tired Darko looked. “I can ask her to but she’ll want to know why. Maybe I should go into her sister’s store and see what she has to say.”
“Until Hammer and Tramp get here, don’t do anything. We’re in a holding pattern, just watch our women and watch our backs. Kill any Filthy Fiends on sight as long as you won’t get caught. Tramp has a bunch of nomads coming in and Hammer is bringing his own crew. Call it a night, who the fuck knows what the hell tomorrow will bring, bro.”
Black Dog got up and hugged Darko as did Mad Jack. They strode through the bar without talking and got on their motorcycles and headed for home. It had been a hell of fucked up night. Both stayed very alert for any signs of the rival MC club, the Filthy Fiends and everything seemed to be normal. When they got home JJ and the prospect were crashed out. JJ was on the couch and the prospect on the floor. They decided to leave them there and headed off to their bedrooms.
Black Dog had to shower before he could get into bed with Willie. Being around Careen had made him feel dirty. Willie was so sweet and innocent he wasn’t about to get into bed with her after being next to that Fiend whore. When he finally climbed into bed with her she snuggled close to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face into her hair. She smelled so good he thought as he closed his eyes. His night had sucked and sex wasn’t on his mind.
Roberta woke up and stared right into Wolf’s eyes. He laughed softly, “Robbie, did you have sweet dreams? Remember anything that happened since ya got here?”
Moonlight was the only light and it was bright enough to see him up close. The room was so hot and she was fuzzy headed but not hung over.
She felt sweaty and realized she was naked. “Ah no and did we fuck? I don’t remember taking off my clothes either! Where are your girls?”
Wolf trailed a finger between her breasts, “Careen is off doing something for me and Mercy is drunk and passed out on the floor. So we’ll be fucking now. Get your mouth over my cock and suck it.”
Roberta noticed Wolf was naked too and decided that even with a fuzzy head she should do what he wanted. Besides Wolf had a huge cock and always made her cum over and over. If this paid off her debt at least it was going to please both of them. She kneeled between his legs and looked at his hard on. It was dripping with pre cum and she licked it from the slit before wrapping her lips around the head. She felt Wolf’s hands on her head pushing her head down further on his cock. She didn’t mind he was a bit rough. Wolf knew that too and that was one of the things that turned her on. She knew too that it turned him on that she was the rich chick and he was the big bad biker.
He held her head still as he fucked her mouth. She kept up as best as she could and tried not to choke. She could hear Wolf laughing at her quietly. Abruptly he pulled out of her mouth and pulled her next to him. She was wet and wanted that cock inside of her and she knew Wolf was well aware of that. He didn’t let her wait long as he got on top of her. Feeling his cock enter her she relaxed so it didn’t hurt and met him thrust for thrust. The sweat was dripping off of both of them as they silently fucked. Roberta loved the way he slid in and out of her, at times running his cock over her clit. She could fuck him for hours like this. Wolf was her parents’ nightmare and that turned her on too. Everything except for his other women was a turn on. She let that thought drift out of her head as he slammed into her harder. She wrapped her legs around his hips and moaned his name, “Wolf.”
“Who owns you Robbie? Whose cock do you want filling you up each night?” Wolf taunted her. He was back to rubbing his cock on her enlarged clit.
Roberta couldn’t deny him as she cried out. “Wolf’s, yours, just make me cum!”