His sisters were there all the time so it wasn’t like she’d be all by her lonesome. He carried them out to his car and filled the truck and back seats. When he came back his mother was sitting at the table very upset and tears were slipping down her cheeks. Dee looked very uncomfortable and he was getting angry. He normally only lived stayed there when he wasn’t crashing at someone’s house until he’d brought Deidra home.
“Ma, knock it off. I don’t come home usually and I want my space alone with Dee. You’re acting like I’m leaving for another state. Deidra is my ol lady, I know you can’t get it through your head but she needs to hang out with my club’s women, not my sisters. If this works out, I promise you and Deidra can plan a wedding. Does that make you feel any better? We’ve already made some plans and this moving out is to see how well we get along, so stop your tears.” Jack felt annoyed although he tried to give his mother some piece of mind.
“I can see you won’t change your mind and a wedding does make me happy but I think Deidra is still too young to be leaving us.” Jean looked hard at her son.
Mad Jack lived up to his name as he roared, “Kima moved out as soon as she could, she was eighteen! Jo is married to Nailz and how much older is he? Not to mention where the hell did their common sense go? Jo got knocked up right after having twins. How many times has Shelly been married? Look, we’re moving in with Willie Reed. You know her; she is the art teacher who donates paintings at the hospital. You think she is a bad role model for Dee?” He left out Black Dog living with Willie.
Jean looked a bit happier hearing that news. “Why didn’t you say that at the beginning, Jack? Willie is a lovely girl and maybe she can help Dee get into a local college. Dee needs her own car and since you hardly use that Mach 1 Mustang, I think you ought to let her drive that. It is just sitting there since you’re so spoiled with cars and motorcycles. Not to mention I don’t think you want to ask your dad for anything since you’re moving Dee out of here. He’s grown quite fond of her.”
Mad Jack thought about it for a minute. “Dee, I got a 1973 white Mach 1 Mustang, you want to drive that or do you want to check out my other cars? If it will shut ma up, fine. I’m not giving you my Barracuda, that’s my favorite car. I guess the Mustang would be a good car for you as long as you can drive a four speed.”
Dee’s eyes lit up. “I can drive a four speed and that is one of my favorite cars. I’ll take great care of it, I promise. How are we going to get both cars back to the apartment?”
Jean smiled at them both. “I can drive one of them for you and get to see the apartment and talk to Willie.” She had tricked her son well and would make sure it was a decent place for them both to live.
“Ma, Dad owns the apartment, Willie rents it from him. I see right through your games too. If you want to drive my car over fine, I’ll call dad to meet us over there to bring you home. You can also talk to him about lowering the rent too. I recall you paid for Kima’s rent for a year when she moved out didn’t you?” Jack never forgot a damn thing and he grinned at his mother as he headed to the phone.
“Spoiled rotten, my son is Dee, and I blame his father. I did pay Kima’s rent but that is a story for another day. My children are giving me grey hair. It is very important to us to carry on the family name and Jack is our only son. Do you plan to have children after you marry?” Jean was nosy but she felt that Deidra had to understand what the family expected of her.
Deidra loved children but she didn’t want any so soon but if that was what was expected of her and would make Jack’s family happy she’d try her best to have some sons. Jack had mentioned that to her too so it must be important to this family to carry on their name. “I’d like to go to college before I have babies but yes, I want a family. I never gave it much thought to be honest. I was an only child, but my dad’s new wife is having a baby very soon. He is hoping for a son.” Her voice was wistful and a bit sad.
Jean picked right up on it and moved to hug her. “No worries, you have plenty of time, but I think Jack would settle down faster with a baby or two. Maybe even get out of that damn gang. I’ll never understand why he had to join one, or why he didn’t go with his brothers-in-law’s gang.” She sounded confused, and Jack came in while she was speaking.
“Ma, knock it off! I didn’t want to be in the sameclubas Veiko and Nailz for many reasons. It is not agang; we all keep trying to tell you that. Dad is going to meet us there in twenty minutes so can we get going?” Mad Jack was losing his temper and he hated to do that to his mother but she was pushing his buttons.
“Give Deidra the keys to the Mustang, and stop yelling at me! Let me grab my purse and we can leave, John Joseph Regan.” Jean frowned at Jack and walked away in search of her purse.
“I feel so bad Jack, your mother was crying and you were yelling at her. She wants me to have babies too. Do you want children right away?” Dee was nervous and sounded it.
Jack was trying to lose his pissed off mood. “Oh hell no, if it happens, fine. I figured we’d see how well we get along. If you get knocked up and want to go to school, Ma will watch the baby. I know how much you want an education and I promise you’ll get it. I think being married first would be a good idea, though. My mother can be a pain in the ass and I’m glad we’re getting out of here. She’d be picking what courses you should take and get you to agree to them. I need to get you the keys and you better stop and fill the gas tank up. I need gas in the bike anyway.” He dropped a kiss on her head and walked back to his bedroom.
Deidra stood looking around the kitchen of the beautiful house and smiled slightly. If only Margo could see her now she thought. This was not the life she had wanted for Deidra and her plan had really backfired on her. Deidra figured her mother was looking out for her in some way and silently thanked her.
Finally they were on their way and after getting gas they pulled up to the apartment but Willie and Black Dog weren’t there yet. Jack played dumb about having keys and he stood with his dad talking about making a parking pad for the bikes and paving the driveway. Dee watched Jack’s mother get bored and hoped they’d leave soon. It didn’t take long for her to urge her husband they should leave but she did promise to come over with groceries within the next few days. Dee and Jack stood watching them pull out of the driveway and both felt a huge sense of relief.
“Here is the key to the door upstairs. I’ll bring up the bags and you can start putting the clothes away. Once we’re settled in, I need a fucking drink.” Jack handed Dee the key and walked toward his car as she went to open the door.
It didn’t take long to get everything in the dresser drawers and hung up in the closet. The room was nice and had a queen-sized bed. Willie had good taste and nothing was flowery or over done. It was almost how Dee would have decorated it. As soon as Jack announced he was showering she headed to the kitchen and the blender. She needed a drink too and planned to make some strong ones.
Willie and Black Dog arrived as she was pouring drinks and she added two more glasses. It seemed to her that Willie needed a drink; she appeared to be in pain. Black Dog was busy carrying his stuff into the bedroom. She watched as Willie carefully sat down on the couch.
“Are you okay, you seem sore, did you go ride your horse?” Dee wondered what was up and saw Willie frown.
“No, I rode Black Dog and I am sore. I plan to sit in the bath tub for awhile and maybe we can get some pizza unless you don’t mind cooking by yourself.” Willie took a rather large sip of her drink as Black Dog sat down next to her and gave her a wicked grin.
“We’ll do the grilling; Mad Jack has the barbeque grill all set up. All Dee has to do is make hamburgers and maybe a salad. You got that Dee?” Black Dog lifted an eyebrow at Dee and she lifted one back at him.
“I got that BD, no problem. I think I can make a few sides too. You okay with that?” Dee gave back as good as she got.
He just smiled and got up to join Mad Jack as both girls cracked up over Deidra calling him BD. Willie headed to her bath and Dee decided to make some macaroni salad and baked beans.
After they all ate, it was a quiet night and both couples were enjoying drinking and bullshitting until the phone rang. Willie got up to answer it. She handed the phone to Black Dog and sat back down wondering why he was getting a call this late. She checked the clock and saw it was close to midnight.
Mad Jack got up and joined Black Dog in the kitchen leaving the girls to look at each other.
Dee spoke up, “Willie, you’ll get used to it; calls come in at all hours. I bet they’ll have to leave for awhile. We’ll be fine; we can hang out and watch television or listen to music.” She was trying hard to calm Willie down but in the back of her head, Dee was thinking of the Roberta threat. She didn’t know what was going on with that and it made her uneasy but she wouldn’t let Willie know it.
Black Dog hung up the phone and motioned Mad Jack to go outside. They stood in front of the garage doors smoking cigarettes. Finally Black Dog spoke up.