Page 23 of You're the Boss

“You’re being ridiculous again.” I sipped my drink. “You’re missing the point entirely. Not only would that be an abuse of power, but people would talk. Besides, you’re basing this on the assumption she’s romantically interested in me, and she’s not.”

“Are you sure? You’re young, handsome, rich, and you’re one day going to be a duke. I know you’re my grandson, but you’re quite the catch. You get it all from me.”

Of course I got it all from him. It was his company and his dukedom to start with. “Gramps, do you know what I’m saved under on her phone?”

“No. What is it?”

“The Bastard.”

His lips twitched, and he brought his hand to his mouth in a desperate attempt to cover up his laugh. “When did you find that out?”

“A couple of months ago. By accident. She lost her phone in the office, so I called it, and it was under some papers on my desk.” I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. “That was when I knew I didn’t stand a chance.”

“So, after finding out how she views you, you decided it was better to continue on being a pain in the arse rather than change your behaviour.”

“Well, when you put it like that…”

“Theodore.” He peered at me over the rim of his whiskey glass. “If you aren’t going to change or tell Chloe how you feel, then you must suck it up and let her go. She’s a beautiful, talented young woman who deserves better.”

“I already know that.”

“Then take advantage of the six weeks you’ll be living together.”

“I know you did that on purpose.”

He cackled, leaning back in his chair. “Do you know how long it took me to come up with a believable reason as to why you had to live in the same house? I even delayed the opening of the letting office by a week. And accepting her resignation if she goes was a stroke of genius—it practically guaranteed her agreement. I’m telling you, boy, you’ll never find another wingman as good as me.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about having my grandfather as my wingman. Or about lying to her like that.”

“One of us must make a move. You aren’t, so I took it upon myself to help you.” He finished his whiskey and stood, resting his hand on my shoulder. “Either way, decide what you’re going to do, because if she does hand in her resignation… You’ve only got three months left with her. When you’re at Buckley Cottage, you’ll be away from the eyes of the directors and gossiping ninnies, and you can show her who you really are. Hell, you might go there and realise she’s not who you think she is, either, but if you keep dillydallying like this making all your excuses, you’ll lose her forever.”

“I know, Gramps. I know.”

“Good. At least you’re not that stupid.” He squeezed my shoulder before releasing me. “Go to bed soon.”

“I’m going to call a car and go home.”

“Your grandmother will be very upset with you if you aren’t here when she returns tomorrow.”

“Tell her I wasn’t feeling well and I’m sorry,” I said, finishing the whiskey and getting to my feet. “I just wanted to know what the hell you were thinking today.”

“I was thinking it was time to give you a kick up the arse. You should know that Chloe is the only granddaughter-in-law I will accept.”

“Gramps, go to bed.” I shook my head and pulled my phone out of my pocket to request a car. “The whiskey has gone to your head.”

He chuckled as he headed off towards the stairs. “I should have my own TV show. The Matchmaking Duke! Call Netflix!”


Nobody needed that in their life.

I sighed and opened the app to request a car. The response came in a minute, confirming one was on its way, and I busied myself returning the whiskey bottle to the bar cart and washing the glasses.

I had no idea what that old man was thinking. For a minute, I thought he’d gone too far with the whole living together part of the trip. I was sure she’d reject it, and I’d been shocked when she’d agreed.

She must really want to leave this job.
