Page 21 of You're the Boss

“Probably because I can tell you apart by your moles. Also, Heidi, your eyes are slightly bluer than Harriet who has a bit of brown right by her left pupil.” I glanced between them.


“I never knew that.” Heidi leant right forwards and peered into her sister’s eyes. “Hey, you do have a little bit of a brown splotch there!”

“How did you not know that?”

“I never cared enough to look into your eyes, I suppose. I’m your sister, not your lover.”

“Whatever.” Harriet turned to me. “You really will have to think about all those things if you’re going to live together harmoniously, you know.”

“I suppose so,” I said, touching my glass to my lips. “Also, I have no intention of dating. I’m there to work, not mess around. It’s also a heck of a distance from London, and I’m not into the whole long-distance thing.”

“That’s fair, but what about him?” She tilted her head to the side. “What if he brings someone back? Or if he’s even seeing someone?”

“Oh, he’s single.”

“How do you know that?”

“I run his entire life,” I answered blithely. “If he was dating, I would know.”

Heidi nodded. “She’d be dealing with an irate girlfriend who’s always being dumped for work if he was seeing someone.”

“That, too,” I pointed out.

“Okay, he’s single,” Harri said. “But what if he brings someone back? Then what do you do?”

I paused, tilting my head to the side for a brief moment. “Maybe I should make no hook-ups part of the deal.”

She grinned. “Why? In case you get jealous?”

“No, because I’m the one who’ll be fielding the phone calls. We’ve already covered that.”

Heidi swung her legs up onto the sofa and tried to rest her feet on my lap until I prodded them. “How does it feel to know the end is in sight? Think about it, you’ve spent practically the last month trying to get him to accept your resignation, and now his grandfather has swept in and abused his authority to make it happen. I bet The Bastard was fucking furious.”

“I don’t think he knew it was part of the deal,” I said.

“What do you mean?” they said simultaneously.

“I don’t think he knew,” I repeated with a shrug. “He actually yelled at the duke when he said it, then he spent the rest of the afternoon in a foul mood. Like, nobody could talk to him, and he sent us home at six on the dot. The babies still had some work to do, but he didn’t even tell them off for not getting it done. It was weird.”

Harriet frowned. “Is he really that upset about the duke going over his head? Or about you leaving?”

“I don’t know. He did say he was rejecting the resignation because he knew this was coming and wanted me for the trip, which makes sense, but…” I sighed. “He was really bent out of shape, and he’s normally a human pretzel, so that’s really saying something.”

“Now, I might be a bit drunk, and this might be the wine talking,” Heidi said, waving her hand at me. “But are we absolutely sure The Bastard is only upset about losing you as his secretary and nothing else?”

I froze. “What nonsense are you blabbering about?”

“That would make sense.” Harriet raised her glass in her twin’s direction. “No normal person would be this against their secretary resigning unless they felt something a little bit unprofessional for them.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Heidi said. “How do we know this isn’t a ploy to make Chloe fall in love with him while they’re living together?”

“Because there’s absolutely no way on Earth that man feels anything like that for me.” I shook my head. “You two are really something when you’ve had a few drinks.”

“Yeah, we have to be wrong.” Heidi shrugged. “With how hot he is, he could get any woman on the planet. Why would he settle for Chloe?”

I grabbed a cushion and whacked her over the head with it. “Get out.”