Page 145 of You're the Boss

“A mess? What do you mean?”

“What did he tell you?” I curled my pinkie finger down to the corner of my mouth and gently bit down on my nail. “Like… About our relationship.”

Harvey eyed me sceptically. “Shouldn’t you be asking him that?”

“Well, things are a mess in my head, and you’re his best friend. He’ll tell you different things than me, right? Just like I’d talk differently to Heidi.”

“Chloe.” He sighed. “Let me ask you this: are you going to resign still?”

I looked away, turning my attention to the people walking past outside. It was a grey, gloomy day befitting the early British summertime, and the weather only served to match my mood.



A little bit hopeless.

“That’s what you need to figure out first,” Harvey said quietly. “Because you both need to be on the same page. For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’ll matter either way to Theo, nor would he ever ask you resign just for the sake of a relationship.”

“That… isn’t what I’m worried about.”

“You think he’ll end things because of his anxieties?”

“Maybe. I wouldn’t blame him if he did. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to go through what he went through at the other company. I wouldn’t want him to do anything that would subject himself to rumours.”

“I think him ending things with you is the least likely possibility. Do you genuinely not know that he’s head over heels for you?”

I looked back at Harvey. “I think that’s an exaggeration.”

“All right, you really don’t know.” He snorted. “I think he’d rather date you in secret for the rest of his life than end things.”

“That…” I paused. “You might actually be right. He’s surprisingly soft.”

“Soft? Theo?”

“Yeah. Like a marshmallow. He’s soft and squishy.” I made little squeezing motions with my hands. “It surprised me at first, too, but he’s a total teddy bear.”

“I’m equal parts intrigued and terrified by what you just said.”

I understood that.

I’d felt the exact same way at first.

“Either way, you need to tell him how you’re feeling. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll find it much easier if you do this thing called communication.”

“Yes, thank you, Jeremy Kyle,” I muttered. “I know that. I guess I’m just a bit scared to bring it up, knowing how he feels. I don’t want him to think that I… Ugh. That I was leaving for a job where I could be more successful and now am only staying because we’re starting something.”

Harvey leant forwards on the table. “He won’t. He knows you better than that, Chlo. You’re not that kind of person. And if he accuses you of it, I’ll break his kneecaps.”

“I can do that by myself.”

“We’ll take one each.” He grinned. “Look, you two will figure it out. I can’t say I ever pictured you in a relationship with one another, but somehow, it makes sense.”

“Really? Even I think it’s ridiculous.”

“Oh, it’s ridiculous, but it makes sense.” Harvey laughed, knocking his foot against mine under the table. “And think of it this way: you know you can make any kind of relationship work, because you’ve both worked and lived together already. You’ve even worked from home while living together.”

He had a point. We’d already cleared a hurdle that would usually come years down the line for most couples and lived to tell the tale.