Page 141 of You're the Boss

She swung her gaze from her computer towards him. “I didn’t say he’d mellowed towards you, did I?”

Harvey sighed. “I have to give my own presentation at the meeting this week. I’m here for a copy of Chloe’s report so we can finalise our plans for Adair Travel going forward.”

“Isn’t there supposed to be a separate team formed for that? Hold on.” I turned to Daniel and Melody. “You can take a long lunch now if you’d like. You’ve worked hard while we’ve been away, so here.” I dug out my wallet and pulled out a company card, then handed it to Daniel. “Go wild.”

Melody leant over, her eyes widening. “That’s a company card.”

“I’d give you my personal one, but I don’t want you to run into any issues. I’ll cover the expenses, so don’t worry.”

“A-are you sure, sir?” Daniel asked, already getting to his feet.

I smiled, nodding. “See you in two hours.”

“Two hours?” Melody gasped. She jumped to her feet and grabbed her coat, then rushed over to Chloe’s desk and snatched her hands. “I don’t know what you did to him on your business trip, but thank you.”

I scratched the back of my neck as they both scurried out of the office. Was that really such a drastic change to how I was before?

“Do you think they’re dating?” Harvey asked, staring after them.

“Almost certainly,” Chloe replied without missing a beat. “Daniel isn’t very good at hiding his googly love eyes.”

I glanced between them. “What are googly love eyes?”

“You wouldn’t know because you’re a heartless bastard,” Harvey said.

“Hey.” Chloe tapped him on the back. “Please go away. You’re distracting me. I’ll send someone up with a paper copy of this report as soon as it’s done.”

“Can’t. I need to speak to the boss about it.” He cocked his thumb in my direction.

I sighed. “Come into my office. Both of you.”

“Why me?” Chloe asked, then quickly froze. “I mean yes, sir.”

Harvey snorted. “I see nothing has changed between you two. Except perhaps Chloe’s looser tongue.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I walked into my office.

I did not want to be thinking anything about Chloe’s tongue right now.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked Harvey as he shut the door behind him.

“The advertising team need a spreadsheet breakdown of the customer demographic for targeting purposes.”

“Isn’t there supposed to be a designated PR team for Adair Travel?” Chloe asked, setting a file on my desk.

“Yes, but I’m vetting everyone to make sure the best team gets put together. I’ve already shuffled a couple of people around.” He dropped into one of the armchairs and stretched his arms out in front of him, linking his fingers. “I need this so they can submit some proposals for the long-term.”

“Sounds like an excuse to slack off, if you ask me.”

She really did know him well.

“Shut up,” Harvey muttered. “Do you have it?”

I looked at Chloe. “Do we have that?”

She rolled her eyes. “There’s a summary report in the shared folder. Will that suffice for now?”

Harvey pursed his lips. “It’ll do for twenty-four hours.”