Page 139 of You're the Boss


I dropped my chin to my chest. This whole conversation was going from bad to worse. What was I even doing here?

“Since when?” Dad exclaimed, stomping back over to us. “How did I not know this? Theo, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’m a grown-ass man who doesn’t need to tell his parents anything about his relationships?” I suggested, raising my head to look at him. “And my feelings for her never affected our work in any way, so there was no need to.”

“Didn’t you realise?” Gramps grinned at Dad. “That’s why the little sod wouldn’t accept her resignation. That’s why I sent him mediocre options for assistants. It was so Chloe would go on that business trip with him.”

Dad stroked his chin. “And presumably why they ended up living together. Huh. I thought you were just being cheap and didn’t want to pay for another place.”

“Cheap? I’m not cheap!”

“No, but you are a dirty schemer,” Dad said. “I don’t know if I’m angry or impressed by your audacity.”

Gramps sat back and raised his chin defiantly. “I’m a matchmaker.”

“You haven’t done anything.”

“I put them together in one cottage for six weeks. I’m telling you, something happened.”

“You have no way to know that.”

“Yes, I do. Look at him. The little shit is blushing like a girl.”

They both stared at me, and I froze.

“Don’t be stupid. I don’t blush,” I said. “Crazy old man.”

“No, he’s right.” Dad leant forwards. “Your cheeks are red.”

I got to my feet. “If this is the only thing we’re going to discuss, can I go back to my office now? I do have work to do.”

“You can go once you’ve told the truth,” Gramps said. “Did my plan actually work?”

“Your plan could have just as easily ended in my death,” I said flatly. “Did you think about that?”

“Yes. I just didn’t care.” He grinned. “So, is she your girlfriend?”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly in an attempt to regain some composure. “I’m not discussing anything at the office.”

“That’s a yes,” Dad said, turning to Gramps. “Is she still going to resign?”

Gramps shrugged. “We have a meeting with her on Friday. It was going to be today, but she called me on Saturday and asked to delay it until the end of the week.”

I frowned. “Why would she do that?”

“Because she wants to focus on your presentation when you report to the board,” Gramps said, turning his attention to me. “She was already working on the report for you when we spoke.”

“On a Saturday?”

“She wants you to succeed, Theo. She always has. Getting her resignation accepted wasn’t the only reason she agreed to go with you.”

I turned away, rubbing my hand across my mouth. Even when she could barely stand the sight of me, she’d wanted me to succeed.

How was this woman real?

How was it possible that I could call such an angel my girlfriend?