Page 13 of You're the Boss

I paused. “In other words, they’re in trouble, so why aren’t Smith and Rogue assisting?”

“Exactly. Grandstein Corp will probably post a minor profit for this last quarter because it was largely down to their supermarket expansion into Ireland, but it’s strange. The money flow into Smith and Rogue seems wonky.”


“Mm. Either way, I know Grandstein Corp is desperately seeking investors, so I’m not entirely surprised you called and asked about it. I wondered when they’d approach Black Ink.”

Yep. She’d put two-and-two together.

“Whatever you’re thinking, keep it to yourself,” I warned her.

“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. Anyway, there’s some shady dealings around Lord Grandstein, so I’d stay as far away as possible.”

“That’s the plan. I just wondered if you knew anything.” Having an investigative journalist as a best friend sure came in handy. “I don’t suppose you can email any of this over to me, can you?”

“Chlo, are you going to stay up all night working on a report again?”

“Not all night. Just a little bit of one.”

“Why can’t that bastard deal with his own issues? Surely the Ruxleigh family can find this all out by themselves. In fact, I think my boss is a pseudo-informant for them.”

She was, but I couldn’t say that out loud.

“Theodore Black write up a report for himself? Don’t be daft. He doesn’t even put on his own tie most days.”

“That’s because he has a crush on you.”

“Harriet Leonor Ellis, you must have a death wish.”

She laughed. “Still not ready to face facts, huh?”

“You’ll face the devil if you carry on. Can you send me information or not?”

“Yes, Madam Efficient, I can. Give me half an hour, and I’ll send the main points by email. If The Bastard wants more info, tell him he can pay me for it.”


“And you owe me dinner for this.”

“All right, fine.” I squeezed my hair with the towel. “Thanks for this, Harri.”

“Uh-huh.” The distinct sound of tapping at a keyboard came down the line. “I’ll send it over shortly. Speak to you soon.”

The line went dead after that, and I exchanged my phone for my hairdryer.

I’d had a bad feeling about the Grandsteins all day, and Harri had just shown me why.


The Proposal

“I’m afraid Mr Black is in meetings all afternoon,” I said, gazing up at an irate Emily Grandstein. “You’re more than welcome to wait, Miss Grandstein.”

She flattened her hands on my desk and leant over in a way I supposed was intended to be menacing, but rather made her look a bit ridiculous. “When will he be done?”

“As I said, he’s in meetings all afternoon.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.”