“And what about my sister? Where is she?”

“That I couldn’t find. I would assume your brothers are taking care of her.”

“You said they’re living on a beach in Venice. All of them?” I narrowed my eyes.

“Yes, all of them. Including all of their cousins who are also your cousins.”

“This is way too much to process.” I grabbed the sides of my head. “I have this whole other family out there that I never knew about. How the fuck could Genevieve keep this from me?” I shouted.

“She was trying to protect you. She did tell me one other thing.”

“What?” I cocked my head.

“Henry’s wife at the time knew about the fifth boy and never told him. She also paid your mother a lot of money to leave town and never return or speak of you.”

“What?” I shouted. “And Genevieve just took it?”

“She didn’t have much when she followed Henry from Paris to Los Angeles. And when she learned about his lies, wife, and sons, she knew you couldn’t be a part of that life. So, she took it and went back to Paris. She needed the money for you, Claire. You know she didn’t have any family left. You were all she had, and she was working as a secretary for that law firm. She barely made enough to support you.”

“And she told you all of this right before she died?”

“Yes. I’m just as shocked as you are. You know I loved your mother and have for many years.”

“And you’ve been a saint to stick by her for as long as you have, considering she never would give you a chance.”

“You know how she was after Joseph died. I’ve known you since you were a little girl, Claire. I will support whatever decision you make regarding this situation.”

“I need time to think, Richard. This whole thing makes me sick.”




I opened my eyes and glanced at the stranger sleeping in my bed.

“Shit,” I mumbled as I placed my hand on my forehead. “Hey.” I shook his shoulder.

He moaned and opened one eye. “Hey.” A small smile crossed his lips.

“You were supposed to leave last night! You need to leave now.” I climbed out of bed, grabbed his clothes from the floor, and tossed them on the bed. “Come on. Get up, get dressed, and get out.”

“Jesus, Claire. Can you give me a second to use the bathroom?” He climbed out of bed.

I quickly pulled his wallet from his pants pocket and looked at his driver’s license.

“Hurry up, Camden. I have things to do.” I slipped on my robe.

“Last night was fun.” He walked over with a smile and ran his hand across my cheek. I grabbed his wrist. “Ouch.”

“I was drunk, so I don’t remember. But if you say it was, great.” I let go of his wrist.

“Can I at least have a cup of coffee and maybe get your number before I leave?” he asked, pulling on his pants.

“No.” I walked out of the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

As I was brewing myself a cup of coffee, Camden stepped in, sat at the table, and put on his shoes.