
My eyes opened as I heard the ringing sound of my phone. Looking around, it took me a second to figure out where I was.

“Shit.” I jumped out of bed and ran to the living room, where my purse was. “Hello.”

“Claire, it’s Gina. It’s almost time. I think you better get here.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Who the hell is calling you in the middle of the night?” A rough voice spoke as he stood naked in front of me.

“I have to go. I can’t believe I fell asleep.” I walked past him and back into the bedroom. “Thanks for last night, um?—”

“Tony. It’s Tony.”

“Right. Tony.” I pulled on my jeans.

Grabbing my bra from the floor, I put it on and slipped my shirt over my head.

“Can I call you?” he asked, following me to the living room.

“No. This was a one-time thing, Tony. I have to run.” I grabbed my purse and flew out the door.

Climbing into my car, I drove to the hospice center where my mother was. Stepping inside the room, I walked over to her bedside and placed my hand on hers. With a slight turn of her head, a gentle smile framed her dry, cracked lips.

“My sweet daughter.”

“Hi, Mom.” Tears filled my eyes.

“They’re here.” She looked straight ahead at the wall. “I’m sorry for lying to you, my sweet girl.” She placed her hand on my cheek.

“Lying to me about what? What are you talking about?”

“About your real father. I’m sorry. You have the right to know, and I hope you can forgive me.” A gasp emerged from her as her hand that rested on my cheek fell, and the machine erratically beeped until Gina walked over and turned it off.

Tears streamed down my face as I laid my head on her arm.

“I’m so sorry, Claire.” Gina walked over and softly rubbed my back.

“Me too.” I lifted my head. “But she’s in a better place now and no longer suffering.” I wiped my eyes.

“Claire, is she?” I heard Richard’s voice in the doorway.

I turned and nodded my head as the tears continued to fall. He walked in and wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry. She was a good woman and didn’t deserve any of this. Let me drive you home.”

“I have my car here.” I broke our embrace. “Her last words were her apologizing for lying to me about my real father. She said I had a right to know and hoped I’d forgive her. Do you know what she’s talking about?”

“I’ll stop by the house in the morning, and we’ll talk. Go home and get some rest.” He hooked his arm around me as we left the room.

“I have to call the funeral home and let them know first thing in the morning,” I said as Richard walked me to my car.

“I’ll take care of that, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of my head.

I stepped into my childhood home, flipped on the lights, walked over to the bar in the living room, grabbed the bottle of scotch, and poured a glass. My eyes closed as the soft burn lined the back of my throat. Turning off the lights, I went upstairs and climbed into bed, tossing and turning without much sleep.