Victor smirked. “Why? Do you want it?”

“I won’t deny that I’m curious.” Henri glanced around the glittering castle, gardens, and wealth. “It’s my new home, after all. Even if I have made a reputation to be avoided in here. I’d like to know my address.”

Victor kept a careful eye on Henri before he smiled. “If you’re still curious in a decade, I will tell you.” He waggled a finger. “As long as you behave and stop giving me reasons to murder you, of course. And don’t worry, they’ll come around. They’re only waiting on my verdict.”

“Your verdict?”

“To kill you, banish you, or forgive you.”

“Gotcha.” Henri tossed back the dregs of his coffee. “Well, I hate to tell you, Vic, but if you haven’t killed me by now, I think I’m safe.”

“Yes, you definitely act like it.”

Henri laughed.

Victor didn’t.

“Right, if that’s everything you wanted to discuss?” Henri stood and tapped me on the shoulder. “Come, little nightmare. I fancy a fuck by the pool. If you’ll excuse us, Vic—”

“Not so fast, Mercer.” Victor stood too, his gaze snagging on his preferred jewel, Rachel, as she appeared from the citadel’s wide-open doors.

I didn’t know if Henri meant what he said about taking me by the pool—considering he hadn’t touched me in days—but all my wondering paused as my eyes locked on Rachel.

On the stiff way she walked.

How she cradled her middle as if her innards would come tumbling out.

How her body shimmered with black and blue bruises beneath her see-through teal dressing gown.

What the hell happened to her?

Or a better question…who the hell happened to her?

Victor ran his tongue over his bottom lip, keeping a careful eye on her as she hobbled toward our small group. “Thanks to you, there’s far too much pent-up testosterone in here, Henri. I will take partial blame by making the mistake of introducing Ily to my esteemed guests and then forbidding them from touching her. But you made it worse by breaking my laws and flouting your possessiveness.” He smiled tightly. “Things are not balanced, and if monsters are to play nice, there must always be balance.”

Henri stiffened. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I need a few new jewels…to soothe over the current upsy-daisy.”

“Ah.” Henri didn’t dare look at me. “You’re going hunting. Where?”

Victor gave a thin, smarmy grin. “Normally, I would go myself. I’d actually planned such a trip a few days ago. I was going to leave the morning after the treasure hunt, but…your latest fuckup ensured I had to stay, and then I received some news that I’m still…processing.”


“We’ll get to that.” Victor shrugged. “So you see, mon ami, not only did you prevent me from going on a little foraging expedition—where I happen to like sampling new bijoux before bringing them back to my friends—but you’ve also ensured I need to rebalance the energy in my home.”

Flicking me a look, he added, “In an ideal world, I’d toss your jewel to another Master and take you with me for some ‘bonding’. Your handsome face could help me fish all kinds of beauties. But alas…” He sighed dramatically. “I can’t fly you off my island because of the risk of fratricide by your sibling, and I need to oversee a few things here. Therefore, I’ve arranged a few business associates to gather at least three new gems. They have my requirements and will be delivered momentarily.”

I almost vomited on the deck.

More girls and boys.

More like me.

Targeted, taken…never to be seen again.

I wanted to kill him.

To stop him from stealing the lives of poor, unsuspecting—

“Fascinating,” Henri drawled. “I’m glad you know how to remedy the situation.” He glanced at me with guilty eyes. “You’re very proficient, Vic. But now…if you don’t mind, I really am itching for a fuck, so—”

“So impatient.” Victor smirked and beckoned Rachel to walk faster. “As it so happens, I have the exact same affliction, but we both must wait. What have I told you before about patience being a virtue?”

Rachel’s lips thinned in pain as she came to a stop. With trembling hands, she lowered her arms from her bruised middle and gave Victor a tight smile. Lowering her head, she presented herself docile and serene, but her curvaceous figure trembled, sending her gown shivering around her legs.

My heart convulsed.

I wanted to hug her.

To tell her that her agony would stop…one day.


For all my complicated desire for Henri, I hadn’t forgotten my promise.

Or my determination to get the fuck out of here.

“I have a proposition for you.” Victor smiled as he tucked raven locks behind Rachel’s ear. She gasped and went to kneel, but he clucked his tongue. “No, no, stay standing, sweetling.” With a doting caress on her cheek, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a leather leash. Clipping it onto her collar, he looked at Henri. “I would so hate to have to punish you, Henri…after everything we’ve gone through together.”