My eyes narrowed.

I recognised one of them from the debacle at breakfast when Henri announced his last name was Mercer. I still didn’t understand why that was such a big deal, but I sensed the big problem currently stalking toward us.


A weedy youngish guy with a paunch for his belly and noodles for arms. Probably made millions off some software app, turning a lifetime of being bullied into becoming one himself.

“Roger, I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve found all the treasure I’m interested in,” Larry said.

“Yep.” Roger, with a receding hairline and a body toned from the gym, chuckled. “I think you might be right, mate.”

“Run along, Peter. We’ll give you a free pass, despite your selfish attitude.” The third guy smiled thin and sly. “Go away. We’re interested in her tonight, not you.”

Peter backed up again, keeping me behind him.

His entire demeanour slipped from fearful to flirty. “You know…I always have fun with you, Master D. How about we go inside and—”

“I see what you’re doing.” Master D smirked. “And it won’t work.”

Peter braced himself, his voice turning cold. “Alright then. How about this? No one has found the Diamond Kiss yet. Run along and keep searching and—”

“If I wanted to kill someone, I could just kill you right now.” Larry chuckled. “Hey, Daxton? Fancy participating in a bit of murder tonight, or would you rather stick your cock in the forbidden jewel?”

“Or we could do both?” Daxton grinned at the other two. “Fuck her and kill him? That might be fun.”

“Vic would be mighty pissed.” Roger wiped his forehead free from rain. “He told us that she’s off limits, and we all know Peter has been groomed to be his manservant. How about we fuck both and kill both? That way he can only be pissed once?”

“Your reasoning is sound.” Daxton laughed. “I could get down with that.”

A flash of lightning.

A sonic boom of thunder.

“Hang on…he could revoke our memberships,” Larry muttered. “Do we really want to run that risk?”

“Meh.” Roger shrugged. “I hear he’s leaving tomorrow on another hunt. He won’t miss these two when he brings back shiny new jewels to play with.”

“Fine.” Larry pushed his sodden shirt cuffs up his arms. “I’m keen.” His beady eyes flicked between Peter and me. “Ready to play a new game? This one’s called Suck and Scream.”

For a second, no one moved.

The rain kept pelting; the moon kept trying to sneak beneath black turbulent clouds.

Outwardly, I didn’t twitch.

But inwardly?

I broke.

I screamed at the howling wind.

I punched the sky.

I shredded the stars.

I hated this…this helplessness. This uselessness. This tragic inability to say NO.

Every atom inside urged to fly far, far away.

I wanted to transform into the fledgling monster inside me and tear these bastards into bloody, messy viscera.

I didn’t want to play by their rules anymore.

I didn’t want to abide by any rules.

I wanted revenge.



But I was just a girl.

Helpless and useless.

Dripping in a storm.

“Get on your knees, Peter,” Larry ordered, pointing at the grass. “We’ll let you watch. How about that? We’ll even let you jerk off before you die.” He snickered. “Hang on. Daxton? Didn’t you say he gave great blowjobs?”

“Yeah, man. Sucks the cum right out of you.”

“Excellent. New plan. You stick your dick in him, and I’ll take first dibs on her.”

“Whoa. Who put you in charge?” Roger scowled. “We take a vote.”

“But I spotted them first.” Larry pouted like a petulant four-year-old.

“Don’t care.” Roger stepped forward. “That Henri cunt has been keeping her out of our reach. I want to see what’s so magical about her pussy to keep him going back for more. I’m first.”

“Both of you can have a rub and tug. I’m gonna have first ride.” Daxton stepped forward, his hands already unbuckling his belt. Everyone’s clothes clung to skin and limb. Water sluiced down faces and the garden lights jerked and jumped as rain continued to pour over their lenses.

My heart pumped so fast it smoked.

I actually smelled it.

The burning, charring scent of soot and sorry organ.

Fear I’d never felt before burned me alive.

Peter trembled; all his bravery seemed to desert him. “I, eh…” He swallowed hard as five years of abuse strangled his throat. “He…I mean, Master H won’t appreciate you touching what’s his. He—”

“Can take a running leap off the cliff for all I care,” Daxton muttered. “I didn’t like that Henri fellow the moment he arrived, and I dislike him even more now. Know what I think? I think he’s still a cop. I think Victor is wearing rose-fucking-glasses where he’s concerned and I’m performing my duty as a fellow Joyero member in getting rid of him.”

Larry nodded. “So we’re gonna do it then?”

My head snapped up.

Do what?

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll kill him. Just have to bide our time for a bit. You know Victor doesn’t like us brawling.”