“No. Because she’s mine. We had a deal.”

“Deals have a habit of expiring if one party is a conniving snake.” Victor looked idly at Roland as he shoved his shorts down and revealed a stubby, fat cock.

Ily gathered her strength and tried to kick backward, aiming for his knee as he wedged a hand on her nape. “Don’t touch me, you diseased—”

“Shut up.” Roland pressed his naked thighs against her ass. “Or I’ll rip out your ungrateful tongue.”

He bent his legs.

He fisted himself to—

“I told you.” I launched out of my chair and round-housed him right in the face. “I’m not. A. Fucking. Cop!”

One punch.

That was all it took.

He must’ve had a glass chin because one second, he was standing; the next, he was out cold on the deck.

I flexed my fists.

Hitting him felt far too good.

It took every restraint not to start kicking him and never stop.

I needed a release for the churning, burning energy inside me.

Ily soared upright. Her chest rose and fell, her skin flushed. The way she looked at me pinched with betrayal, yet…beneath that betrayal lurked hope.


I knew I shouldn’t, but I liked the way she looked at me. I liked that she still believed I was better than what I was…even now.

Breathing hard, I sat back down and raked both hands through my hair. Focusing on Victor, I said, “Look, I apologise for hitting him but…just listen to me. I’m telling you the goddamn truth. Ily jumped to conclusions. I never said I was a cop. It was her little fantasy, not mine. And I went along with it because it made my task far easier.”

Victor raised a hand and pointed at another guest. “Larry. Fuck her.”

“I’ll do it.” A dark-skinned guy grinned. “I can make her scream far louder than Larry can.”

“Fine.” Victor shrugged. “Someone do it. I’m getting sick of this asshole lying to me.”

Ily stepped back, only for a guard to train a gun on her.

Victor pulled out his own gun from the back of his trousers, waggling it at my heart. “If you even think of hitting Ian as he takes what I’ve so kindly given him, I’ll shoot you and be done with it. Sure, I want to hear you admit your lies, but you’re vastly over-estimating my patience to waste any more time on your pathetic little—”

“I admitted I was sent. My task was to find out where your estate was and rescue your slaves.”

Lowering the weapon, Victor watched Ian cross the deck and take up his position behind Ily. I couldn’t watch as he fumbled with his belt and zipper.

“You’re a slippery son of a bitch, I’ll give you that.” Victor scowled. “How can you be tasked to come here and not be law enforcement?”

“I had a different kind of overlord, but…I’m no longer loyal to him.” I spread my hands. “You have my word, Vic, whatever I am…I am not a cop.”

“Who sent you?”

Hesitation filled me. Just a little bit. But enough. “Doesn’t matter. All that matters is I let Ily think I was a cop, but I’m not and—”

“It’s true.” Ily flinched, then sucked in a breath. Ignoring the Master behind her as he finally withdrew his cock and pumped himself a few times, she scrambled for fresh lines, believing this was yet another act, another stage. “It’s my fault.” She pressed her hands on the table. “It was me who—”

“Quiet.” Ian shoved a fist against her shoulder blades, shoving her cheek first on the table again. Her collar clanged like a dinner bell.

Her eyes locked on mine.

Bleeding with trust.


I drew back.


Even after what I did to her last night?

She still thought I was…good?

What a silly, stupid—

“Do it, Ian,” Victor drawled. “He’s being stubborn. Rape his little crush and—”

“There’s no way for me to convince you that I’m not law enforcement.” I curled my hands, ready to punch another bastard in the nose. “I have no badge number to give you or a secret phone number to call. You know yourself that I haven’t been able to ring for help because your technology keeps this place so well hidden. You’re far too smart to think I’m a threat to you.”

I narrowed my eyes on Ian, who pressed his cock against Ily’s bare ass.

And fuck, it was hard.

So fucking hard to stay seated and not wrench his dick off with my bare hands.

She closed her eyes.

Her breath turned shallow.

“You know how I feel about compliments.” Victor smiled tightly. “Get on with it.”

Ian shifted, widening his stance.

The guards lined up on either side of me, cold guns wedged against my temples again.

At least if they shot me, Victor would be covered in brains and bone.

But so would Ily.

And I’d already scarred her for fucking life.

And if you want to keep scarring her, then do something.

I had no more loyalty.