Henri snapped a leash to my collar and reeled me back into him with a steady pull. I choked and stumbled to his side. Hugging me with an arm that offered comfort as well as damnation, he said, “She’s mine to teach, Vic. I thought we’d agreed on that.”

“Oui, oui.” Victor exhaled. “You are in charge of her education, but you haven’t been teaching her, and I’m sick of her fucking attitude. I’ve had it with her disruption. You will get her in line, Mercer. Today.”

“I will.” Henri nodded. “You have my word.”

“Oh, I don’t need your word.” Victor smirked. “I’ll see for myself. Now, Rachel darling, please take Ily to get prepared. You’re both running behind.”

“Yes, Sir V.” She bowed with a wince.

Victor unclipped the leash from her collar and stepped back. “By the way, what do you say to Master H?”

Turning to Henri, Rachel bowed even deeper. “Thank you for showing my Master that I wasn’t trying to trick him into anything. I-It just happened. And…and I’m incredibly grateful to be carrying my Master’s child. If that…if that’s what he wants.” She swallowed hard. “It’s an honour to be the mother of his heir.”

“Yes, yes, away with you now.” Victor rolled his eyes. “We shall see if you’re still pregnant by the end of the day. Then I suppose we’ll have yet another chat. All I seem to be doing lately is conversing with people. I’m getting rather bored.”

“Yes, Sir V.”

“Henri, unhook your jewel. She’s leaving.”

With flared nostrils, Henri obeyed and reluctantly untethered me.

The horrible sensation of no longer being connected to him, even if it was by a stupid piece of leather, cast me adrift.

My stomach churned.

My heart flurried.

And I held his haunted stare as Rachel took my hand and led me away.

Chapter Eighteen



NEITHER VICTOR NOR I SPOKE UNTIL Ily and Rachel vanished into the castle.

The moment I couldn’t see her anymore, the icy gale in my chest increased until I swore a blizzard lived inside me.

I’d been bad the past few days.

Positively OCD with my need to keep her close and safe.

I hadn’t been able to touch her.

Talk to her.

I’d reverted to my childhood self that checked out of life and found salvation in the pages of someone else’s troubles.


Fuck, what would I do without books?

“Right.” Victor clapped his hands and gave me a wink. “Now they’re gone, let’s tell the others what’s on today’s agenda, shall we? They’re going to be oh so pleased.”

Blinking away my yearning hollowness, I smiled. “Sure.”

“You know what? You can do it.” Victor gave my shoulder a kind squeeze. “I’ve noticed how out of sorts you’ve been, my friend. You came to us alone, and I’m sure it hurts to remain alone, even amongst your own kind.”

A group of Masters, crowded at a nearby table, chose that moment to laugh obnoxiously. Proving that for all my willingness to become one of them, the chances of that happening were probably fucking zero.

For one, I needed a jewel who wasn’t broken.

And two, I didn’t like many people.

“I’m not alone, though.” I braced myself, shaking off his touch. “I have Ily.”

“Yes, your nightmare.”

My lips quirked. “She’s certainly living up to that nickname.”

“Unfortunately.” Victor pouted. “But…I wonder if she’s the right choice for you. Haven’t you begun to suspect she might not be worth the trouble?” He pointed at a few jewels currently serving. A couple kneeled by their Master’s feet. Others on the laps of those who’d finished their breakfast and felt like a different sort of snack. “There are so many other gems to sample. Much better-behaved girls and boys who would be honoured to accept your attention.”

“Yes, well, you know my answer to that.” My eyes swept back to the sliding doors where Ily had disappeared. “I’m still rather attached.”

And, if I’m honest, I would give anything to be free.

I didn’t want to feel this way anymore.

I’d done my best to sink back into my monster’s darkness, but each time she looked at me, that flare of fear and longing kept me awfully fucking…human.

Instead of being free to be who I truly was, it felt as if she’d wrapped a net around me. A net that kept tightening and tightening—a noose that kept strangling, strangling—tying me up in knots and confusing the goddamn shit out of me.

If only the treasure hunt hadn’t happened.

If only I’d found her first and fucked her on the lawn.

If only I didn’t bloody kiss her!

I could’ve remained a beast—as deplorable and as depraved as that was.

Perhaps he’s right.

Maybe I do need to discipline her.

To re-establish our roles in this new life and find my way back to that exquisite sensation of being home.

Sucking in a deep breath, I prepared to step back into the shoes I’d purchased. I might have made my bed by calling my brother and telling him I was staying, but I hadn’t fully dressed in the clothes of my new self.