“Oh…didn’t I tell you?” Victor grinned, bright and slightly unhinged. “I told you the atmosphere in here is unbalanced. Well, I mean to rebalance it. The new jewels will take time to arrive, but I need to eradicate this tension today, so…” He grinned and tapped his nose. “First, I have a few little housekeeping things to cover, and then Rachel—seeing as her lifespan has just been extended—can take Ily to join the others in preparation.”

Before Henri could speak, he added, “Also, before I forget, I did as you requested. I ordered you a laptop for your writing venture and a small wardrobe for your jewel in appreciation of your fealty. They have already arrived and are in your chambers as we speak.” He bowed his head regally. “I trust that you will be satisfied?”

“Merci beaucoup.” Henri tilted his chin, his wariness growing by the heartbeat. “You’re very generous.”

“Generosity has nothing to do with it. I’m a businessman. And right now, our alliance is beneficial. Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”

“Of course.”

“Which leads me to my next point.” He tugged on the leash, forcing Rachel to stagger out of the chair and trip into him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he purred, “I know you have urges, my young friend, and frankly…so do I. But before we get to the dick-wetting part, you must indulge me in playing something I like to call Emerald Bruises.”

Henri stepped a little closer to me, nudging his knee against my shoulder. “And what are the rules of Emerald Bruises?”

“Don’t fret about that right now. I’ll fill you in once our jewels have departed, but I have been remiss in helping you break your Ilyana. I’m hoping today will help bring her into line.”

Prickles coated my skin.

My pulse picked up.

“You know what?” Henri tapped my shoulder, signalling me to stand. “I actually have my own plans for—”

“Plans that can wait.” Victor’s face blackened. “You both displeased me the night of the treasure hunt. I also didn’t particularly like what I saw on camera in your room afterward.” His gaze dropped to the bite mark on my neck. “You might have used her, but there was far too much talking for my taste. And besides, you have apologised. But her? She has not.”



No way.

Not for anything.

Rachel gave me a worried look as I swooped to my feet. My bikini sparkled silver in the sun; I couldn’t help my hate spilling free. “You’re a bastard.”

“Yes, I am.” He grinned. “And you should remember that.” Ignoring me, he narrowed his eyes on Henri. “Your jewel is pissing me off, Mercer. She is unruly, stupid, and flouting the rules. Her influence infected Peter with the foolhardy belief that she could offer him a different life. She’s undermined his discipline and turned one of my best jewels against me.”

Glowering at me, he hissed, “I might not have been able to hear over the rain that night, but I could read your body language. I saw you two talking very intently. I saw Peter refuse you. I saw you push him. And I also saw him finally agree.” His hand shook with barely concealed temper as he ran it over his perfect greying hair. “He attacked a Master on your behalf. You made him do something completely out of character, and then you attacked another of my esteemed guests because you’re idiotic and reckless. Needless to say, you both sentenced yourselves to severe punishment.”

“Fucking hell.” Henri sucked in a breath, grabbing my shoulder with pinching fingers. “What did you do, Ily?”

My heart absolutely shattered, full of panic for my friend.

Three days where I’d been encased in Henri’s room and forbidden from leaving his company all while Peter suffered for my mistakes.

Three days was an eternity.

Shrugging off Henri’s touch, I only had eyes for Victor. Deplorable vile, vile Victor. “What did you do to him?” I wanted to rake my fingernails over his soulless face. “Where the hell is he?”

Victor sighed with utter boredom. “Peter has been reminded of his place. And if Henri does not do the same to you, under my strict tutelage I might add, you will join him. If it were up to me, I would give you a week in the snuffbox before I trusted that you finally saw the error of your ways—stubborn little thing that you are.”

My stomach dropped.

My fault.

Peter had told me not to fight, and what had I done?

I’d been stubborn and stupid and non-thinking, and…someone else has paid my price.

The awful knowledge that I was the cause of Peter’s pain stopped me dead.

Letting Rachel go, Victor stepped into me and grabbed a fistful of my hair. “The things I would do to you. The breaking you require.” He pressed a smacking kiss right over my lips. “Fuck, it would be my absolute pleasure to shatter you.”