“We’re playing now.” The middle-aged white guy stepped toward the ballroom doors and flung them wide. Wind funnelled in. Muggy and wet, whipping up tablecloths with mini tornadoes. “You said we had to wait for Henri to stop napping like some hibernating squirrel. Well…he’s just proven he’s very much awake.” Standing with his back to the storm, he grinned. “So, I ask you, guys. Who’s ready for a goddamn treasure hunt?!”

“After that display of fucking?” Charles said from the table next to ours. “Hell yes.”

“Those who want to play raise their hands,” the white guy shouted over the rain.

Every single Master raised their arm.

Victor shook his head. “You’re all imbeciles. You’ll get struck by lightning.”

“At this point, if I don’t fuck something my heart will stop anyway.” Roland laughed.

Snatching a female jewel from the floor, he pointed at the open doors. “I suggest you run.”


Ily hopped off the table and rearranged her underwear.

She didn’t so much as look at me.

The urge to be sick came again, so fucking tangled with possession and need, I couldn’t stand upright.

I thought I was free of this.

Free from struggling with feelings I had no capacity in which to feel.

Slowly, Victor marched into the middle of the ballroom and spun on his patent shoes. “Fine. If you’re all so eager to get your dicks fried, let the treasure hunt commence!”

“Fuck yes!” Guests pushed away dinners; the porno screeched to a halt.

Victor smiled at them. “Kirk, Suri…you know what’s expected.” Turning on the spot to look at every slave, Victor nodded at each of them as they slowly staggered to their feet. “All of you know the rules. But…for the new one who just got devoured next to my dinner, allow me to inform you.”

Pulling out a stopwatch from his navy blazer, Victor hovered his finger over the button. “You have one hour. Outside, scattered around the grounds, Peter sweetling has hidden multiple prizes. Some contain gifts such as diamonds, cash, a movie, and a cheeseburger. You’re searching for large plastic gemstones with a piece of paper inside. Each chit can be cashed in at your discretion. Trifle, indulgent things that are available for any jewel who is lucky enough to find them. I believe there’s even a night or two in the bungalow tucked away in the east corner. A night alone…all to yourself.”

Ily threw me a look.

Her fierce hatred of me faded into true inklings of fear.

“And…of course there are prizes for my wonderful guests too. A night in the snuff room with no cameras or controls. A few new toys that I have yet to introduce. A day in the dungeons with my permission to do anything they wish. Oh…and one Diamond Kiss.”

Jewels shot each other a horrified look then broke into a run.

Darting out the door, they scurried into the storm.

Everyone but Ily.

I frowned as the guests all whooped and groaned, turning into animals. Some went to chase but Victor held up his hand. “Not yet, gentlemen. That’s not very sporting.”

Roland bounced on the spot, his hands opening and closing.

No one spoke as Victor watched his stopwatch tick down the seconds.

Finally, he pressed the button and nodded. “Your hour starts now. Happy hunting, my friends.”

I’d never seen grown men move so fast.

Shoving each other out of the way, they all bolted into the storm. No jackets, no umbrellas, immediately swallowed by the snarling rain.

Sighing happily, Victor returned to our table and gave Ily a look. His eyes turned reptilian before his attention skated to me. “That little display was fucking shameful, Mercer.”

“Excuse me?” My mouth went dry as I finally had the brainpower to tuck away my unsatisfied erection and buckle up.

“That jewel of yours might be sweet, but she’s slightly psychotic.” He sneered at Ily. “She ruled you, Henri. We all fucking saw it. She was the one in power, and if you don’t punish her for such a blatant, disrespectful flouting of her place, then I’ll do it. I’ll take her down into the dungeons and keep her there until she learns, once and for fucking all, that she is nothing more than what we say she is.”

I nodded and went to grab her. “I’ll take her to my room and start now.”

“No, you will join the others.” He smiled like a murderer. “And so will she.” Sitting back down, alone now the ballroom and his favourite jewel had vacated, he picked up his knife and fork and cut into a potato.

“Run, Ilyana. You have a two-minute head start, and then Henri will chase you. You’ll have to decide if evading him or finding treasure will be more important.”

Ily met my eyes.

I had no idea what the fuck would happen out there.

But I had a horrible feeling one of us would end up bleeding.

“Now, sweetling.” Slowly, Victor pulled out his trusty gun from his waistband. “If you don’t start running in five seconds, I’m going to shoot you and be done with it. You’ve pissed me off with your little spectacle. And it’s made me very, very eager to remind you of your manners. So…” He smiled. “Five.”