
Sex was for them.

Sex was theirs, and we were the vessels to take it.

But what if I made it mine?

The moment the thought unfurled, the darkness stopped wisping and pounced. It clouded my head, clotted my heart, and my body decided it’d had enough of being taken and took instead.

A vicious, vanquishing orgasm sliced deep, deep inside me.

Pleasured by Henri’s rampant fucking, stabbed again and again by his conquering cock, I gave in to heat and fire and magic.

And when that magic burst, I let loose all the agony inside me.

I came.

I came hard.

I came from my G-spot—a mythical place but now fully real.

The power of it awakened and corrupted me.

The clenches felt fiercer, deeper, stronger than any other; I lost myself to pinwheels and light sparks.

I’d never come this way before.

Never felt my body gush or grasp so greedily for harder, faster, more, more, more.

In one ripple, I was addicted.

I clamped down on his invasion and demanded he give me everything.

And from behind me came the most animalistic roar.

Henri had no choice but to give in to me.

I ruled him.

Commanded him.

I made him break.

He came.

As he spurted rhythmically and ruthlessly inside me, I finally knew how I would survive.

Not together.

Not with him.

But alone.

By myself.

In this cesspit of sex and sedition.

Until one day, I was free again.

Chapter Ten



THE SUN TRIED TO BLIND through shut eyelids.

Its heat threatening to burn me, its ever-constant presence both condemning and soothing at the same time. The musical splashing of the waterfall cascading down river rocks and into man-made rockpools serenaded the blissful afternoon.

I’d found heaven.

And for the first time in my life…I’m happy.

My fingers tightened around the leather leash I’d held ever since I’d snapped it onto Ily’s collar and guided her from my room. The sun lounger I’d claimed smelled faintly of coconut lotion from previous pool goers, and the lazy lap of water on its pebble-lined shore matched the waterfall’s song.

I’d chosen this pond-inspired pool after perusing Victor’s estate. A similar one existed closer to the castle, but this one…with its natural contorting, real lilypads, and croaking, cheeky frogs hinted it wasn’t just a chlorinated pool masquerading as a pond, but a true filtered ecosystem complete with reeds, boulders, and a deep end where little minnows had swum between my toes as I’d dived down into the chilly depths.

That reminds me, it’s almost time for another dip.

Sweat glittered on my skin, and my stomach growled faintly for food.

If my appetite stayed this ferocious, I’d have to hit the gym I’d found earlier today as Ily trailed silently behind me.

When we’d left my room, I’d expected Victor to leap out of the shadows and cart me back to his office, but I hadn’t spotted him. Other Masters ignored us. Other jewels kept their heads down. I’d taken their uninterest to familiarise myself with everything.

I wanted to know the lay of the land: where the kitchens were, the slave quarters, the recreational spaces, and the many other nooks and crannies such a place like this could hold.

After all, this was my home now.

I could never leave.

For two hours, we’d followed stone corridors and stuck our heads into rooms dripping with obscene decadence. Turned out, Victor’s dead zoo on the top floor wasn’t the only trophy room, and we’d come across the weaponry—all swords, daggers, pistols, and blades chained to the walls—then followed the animal skins into a gaming room, billiard room, another small library, conservatory, day spa, and endless other solars, parlours, and receiving rooms.

I expected Ily to gasp or comment on some nicknack or drapery, but she remained prickly and poised. She drifted after me like the nightmare I called her, moving like a queen draped in my black t-shirt, haunting me with every word she didn’t speak.

Her unspoken emotions crackled like a storm with every step; she showed no signs of being impressed as we dawdled through the indoor Grecian-style swimming pool and cut through the fully equipped gym where other guests worked out—some with jewels tethered to the treadmill, keeping them close in case the urge struck.

She’d stayed deathly silent as we made our way outside, found this idyllic pond-pool with no other guest or jewel partaking, and staked our territory for the afternoon.

I’d expected her to speak once I’d dropped a few towels onto the grass for her to sit on and pointed at her to settle in the shade of a large black umbrella. I tried to come up with something to say as I took the lounger and stripped off my t-shirt and shorts, leaving me in a pair of black boxers.

My throat itched with words, and my ears ached for her voice, but it seemed neither of us had anything to say.

Just like we hadn’t had much to say as she’d shattered around my cock, fisting me so damn tight I’d had no choice but to come with her. Her orgasm literally bruised me, and I couldn’t figure out if I floated on a semi-high from making her come that hard or because she’d made me explode just as badly.