He saw me watching and narrowed his eyes.

Checking to see if Victor looked at him, he flipped me the bird, then clicked a leash to Corine’s collar and led her crawling behind him into the castle.

My gaze drifted over the other guests.

All of them either drew fingers over their throats to symbolise my death or outright ignored me.

Guess I hadn’t won any friends the moment they heard the word cop.

“Peter, sweetling.” Victor drifted forward. Waiting until Peter raised his head, he ducked and captured his jaw. His fingers turned white he gripped Peter so hard, but Peter didn’t react. Didn’t pull away. Didn’t flinch.

Ily did.

Her hands balled in her bare lap, forming weapons that she could very easily throw at Victor only to lose and be punished all over again.

Stalking to join them, I snapped my fingers—getting rather good at this whole owning a pet thing. “Ily. Heel.”

“Heel?” Her upper lip curled. “Seriously?”

“Now.” I scowled.

“Fuck you, Henri Mercer. Fuck you for every day you made me think you were different.”

Ducking to my haunches, I ignored Peter’s sharp inhale as I pressed my mouth to her ear, resorting to our previous game of whispers. Only this time, I didn’t beg her to obey me or stop fighting. This time, I merely said, “I am different. Just like you are. Want to know what I think? I think we were meant to notice each other. This was meant to happen. You were always meant to be mine.”

Shoving me away and crawling backward, she bristled with hate. “I’ll never forgive you for this. Never.”

I shrugged. “You have my permission to hate me, little nightmare. I can’t control your feelings. However, you will acknowledge me as your Master, and you will come if I desire it.”

“I would rather have sex with Roland.”

I rocked back on my feet, cupping my chest. “Ouch. That was low.”

“That’s how despicable I find you.”

“But that’s not what your body will say when I’ve got you spread on my cock again.”

Standing as graceful and as elegant as a swan, Ily stepped into me.

I swooped upright as she stabbed her finger into my grey t-shirt-covered chest. “One day, I will find what scares you the most. One day, I will find your greatest weakness, and when that day comes…I’ll fucking ruin you with it.”

I shivered.

Couldn’t help it.

She was just so goddamn beautiful when she was mad.

Dropping my hand, I rearranged my swelling erection and shot a smirk at Victor. “Do I have time to play before we go to your office, or do I need to restrain myself?”

Letting Peter go, he swayed upright. “You’re alive by my grace only. Proof and cash…those are the only things that will give you that life back.”

“Fine.” I removed my hand. “Let’s get it over with then.”

Victor chuckled. “For someone treading the plank, you’re mighty cocky.”

“Only ’cause I know I’ll be getting back on the boat.” I winked. “To play on your analogy, of course.”

“We’ll see.” Giving Peter a soft smile, he said, “I know you had a rough night with Master K, my pet. I saw the footage of what he did to you. I don’t like that you broke one of my rules and hate that you forced me to punish my entire jewelry box of precious gems, but…I think you need an afternoon off to contemplate your actions…and to heal.”

Peter blinked as if he’d never heard such an offer. “Eh, are you sure?”

“Are you questioning my command?”

“No, Sir V. Never.” Climbing to his feet, Peter kept his eyes downcast. “W-What should I do?”

“Whatever you like.” Victor shrugged. “You’re free from service until tonight. Go sleep. Go sunbathe. Go for a fucking swim for all I care. All I ask is you relive the mess you caused and strive to do better.” Patting his cheek, Victor sighed dramatically. “Actually, you know what? The air in here is a little too serious for my taste. I think we all deserve a little fun.”

Ily sucked in a breath, sensing the underlying monstrosity of his tone.

“I think a treasure hunt is in order, don’t you?”

Peter couldn’t hide his cringe. “Y-Yes, Sir V.”

“I’m putting you in charge of arranging it. You know the typical rewards. Gather up as many prizes as you see fit and scatter them around the estate. You know what I expect.” Grabbing Peter’s collar, his gentille persona vanished. “And don’t think you can just include prizes that benefit you and yours. Include prizes for my guests too, please. Otherwise, we’ll have to have another discussion.”

Peter shuddered. “Yes, Sir V.”

Letting him go, Victor wiped his hand on his trousers. “By the way, were you in any way responsible for Ily’s strange condition last night?”

The question was phrased so gently but a quiver of daggers rested inside.

Peter glanced at Ily. He opened his mouth—

“I let fear override my common sense,” Ily snapped. “He didn’t do a damn thing.”