It just sucked that I had no idea what was real or fake anymore.

It felt as if hours ticked past, but finally, Victor’s lips twitched.

Slowly, terrifyingly slowly, the twitch morphed into a smile, and the smile cracked into a laugh. And once he started laughing, he got louder and louder until he reached across the table and dug his fingers into Henri’s shoulder.

He shook him and waggled a finger in his face, his laugh almost obscene.

Guests froze.

Guards shot each other a confused look.

Slaves retreated deeper into the gardens.

And Henri merely raised the half-eaten baguette in a toast. “Exactly.”

Exactly what?

“Oh, this is too parfait.” Victor threw his head back and laughed his damn ass off. Only once he wiped tears from his eyes did he stand and announce to all of us: “It seems that the very man who has been trying to ruin me for years has been very generous indeed.”

“I don’t get it.” Roland sulked. “What the hell is so funny?”

Turning on him, Victor snickered. “Q fucking Mercer paid me—a trafficker he’s been trying to stop for years—two million euros for a slave.”

“What?” Roland wrinkled his nose. “But Henri paid—”

“Idiot.” Swatting Roland around the head, Victor turned back to Henri. “Answer my next question with every drop of honesty because it could very well be your last.”

Henri squared his shoulders and nodded. “Ask.”

“How much did your brother give you to oil your way into my confidence?”

With only the slightest hesitation, Henri answered, “Thirty million.”

Peter grunted as if someone struck him.

My heart stopped.

How strange that it was this moment where the house of cards Henri had stacked before me finally tumbled. I’d believed he was a poor government worker…lies. I’d believed he was a darkly tangled cop who still erred on the side of good…lies. I’d believed it was my fault he snapped last night because I couldn’t stop the drugs from making me fight…lies.

Card by card.

Lie by lie.

The softest puff of wind and they all scattered, leaving me completely alone and unprotected.

Goosebumps pricked and I huddled on the grass.

Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

All my grief.

All my guilt.

They dried into shrivelled husks and stabbed like poisonous thorns deep inside my stupid, stupid heart.

Waiting until his guests quietened again, Victor stepped into Henri and asked, “How much is your life worth to you, Henri Mercer? What would you be willing to pay to survive?”

Bowing his head, Henri’s voice shook with true passion. “To survive? Not a single penny. But to thrive? I’d give you everything.”

Victor couldn’t stop the flare of respect in his eyes. “I hear your truth, just like I see who you are. Yet…” He cocked his head, studying the man he’d been moments away from killing. “You’re aware of what I’ll do to you if you’re lying, correct?”

Henri nodded coldly. “I’m aware.”

“If I find out this is another ruse, I’ll collar you and cuff you and make you serve in the dungeons until you scream for mercy. Only once you’re buggered, butchered, and barely recognisable will I put you out of your misery. Does that change any of your answers?”

I shuddered.

Henri didn’t.

“Not a single one.” Henri kept his chin high. “I’m related to the man who’s been trying to take you down for years, and I’m telling you, with my hand on my blackened heart, that I forsake every connection I have with him.”

Taking his time, Victor finally sniffed. “Would you be willing to prove it?”

Henri frowned. “Not sure how I can, but sure. If it’ll keep me alive and ruling as a Master and not a slave, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Good.” Nodding as if a new contract had been signed, Victor stuck out his hand. “You and I have another date in my office. If you can prove you are who you say you are, then you can thank me for my benevolence by gifting me every euro Q Mercer gave to you.” His teeth flashed. “You do that, and…I’ll give you a home for life.”

Henri shifted with infinitesimal emotion, but then his spine braced, and he slipped his palm into Victor’s. “Deal.”

Yanking Henri into him, Victor hissed, “This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. It just means you don’t die today.”

“I understand.”

“You’re on probation, Mercer.” Victor blinked. “Strange…I never thought Ward suited you. And now that you mention it…you do look a lot like him.”

“His wife seemed to think so. She welcomed me with open arms. Pity he didn’t.”

Victor snickered. “You know he’ll stop at nothing to kill you now, right? Seems as though you’re trapped between two enemies.”

“But maybe one day we can be friends.” Henri chuckled. “Now that this nasty business is behind us.”

“I guess time will tell.” Victor pointed a finger in Henri’s face. “But no more pussyfooting around. You want me to trust you? Then trust your-fucking-self. No more thinking you can be both monster and saint.”