I liked my freedom far too fucking much to turn my back on it.

“So, Henri?” Victor canted his head. “Do you have an explanation for this one?” He scowled. “Were you throwing up from fucking your jewel or for giving me two million euros for the privilege?”

A man snickered. “Nothing worse than forking over cash you don’t have, huh?”

“Knew he was an idiot.” Someone chuckled.

“Neither.” I smiled. Genuinely. Full of goddamn relief that that little malady was a thing of the past.

“Pray tell,” Victor murmured.

“My guts have always been sensitive. I told you that last night. I guess you could say my body took it upon itself to keep me from straying.”


“Into the dark.”

“So this is you purging the darkness of rape?”

I shot a look at Ily, needing her to see my face when I confessed, “It wasn’t rape. She consented.”

Another ripple of laughter was followed by a hissed gasp from Ily.

Peter didn’t look up, but his entire body tensed.

Glancing back at Victor, I flung open my rotten pages and became an open fucking book. “When I whispered to her…I might have said some things that made her play along with me.”

“Such as?” Victor narrowed his eyes.

I dabbled with stepping over the line of who Ily thought I was, but Victor didn’t need to know. That part of the pantomime was over. Ily would’ve figured out I wasn’t a cop after what I did last night.

I’d never been one. Would never become one.

That knowledge would hurt her almost as much as my switchblade.

That reminds me…I left it in Victor’s dead zoo.

I wanted it back as a keepsake for the night I awakened.

“I told her if she behaved, I wouldn’t let anyone else have her. I asked her to trust me. That everything I did to her was for the greater good.”

Peter let out a tortured sort of noise.

Ily remained deathly silent.

Greater good.

In the library, those two words had churned my stomach something terrible. Here, not even a ripple.

“Interesting. So that’s why she went from a barbed-tongue witch to an obedient little toy so quickly?” He watched me as if he knew more than what he let on.

Keeping my guard up, I nodded. “Clever, huh?”

He studied me closely. “Some might say you collared her mind…which seems far more effective than just collaring her body.”

I bowed my chin. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You do that.” He didn’t smile, though, merely clicked his damn remote again. “I suppose you’ll have an equally understandable explanation for this too?”

The screen erased my retching episode and replaced it with a photo of me leaning against the bathroom door, knees up, elbows wedged on them, hands buried in my hair.

I looked like a miserable fool.

I’d fallen asleep.

Ily had eaten all my room service.

I’d dry-humped her into an orgasm before thinking I was ever skilled or lucky enough to turn off the signal scrambler.

That’d been the end of our alliance.

I waited for a streak of remorse.

But only a faint tinge of nostalgia came.

I’d liked her pliant beneath me.

I regretted not fucking her when I had the chance.

“So?” Victor rolled his hand. “Go ahead and explain.”

I shrugged, not appreciating him exposing what a heartsick imbecile I’d been. “I wanted things I still wasn’t prepared to accept. I was exhausted by the struggle. I needed space, and she was in my bed. The bathroom offered the only privacy.”

“I see.”

I didn’t like that response.

Placing the remote ever so carefully on the table, Victor steepled his fingers. “There are only three more teeny tiny things to show you. So far, you’ve been honest. I suggest you keep being honest because I’m telling you now, I’ll sniff out any lies.”

“Lies?” I bared my teeth. “I’ve told you the truth—”

“And I just told you I’m aware of that. That’s what pains me so.” He glanced at the guards. They all drifted forward, closing ranks and trapping me in a wide circle.

“What the fuck are you doing, Victor?” I didn’t move.

Where could I go?

But I did lower my arms and ball my hands. “You planning on shooting me because it took me a day to accept who I am?”

“I’m deliberating shooting you because I can’t get a read on you. I know you’re telling me the truth about what you want. I saw for my own eyes how much you enjoyed playing Ruby Tears. You’re not faking your needs, Ward. Nor are you gagging on the actual act. But you are keeping things from me. Things you think you’ve hidden because you think you’re clever and can win at this game. A game that I’ve been playing since you were fucking born.”

The savagery of his last sentence stunned even him.

He flashed me a regal smile, then ran a hand through his greying hair. “Forgive me. My temper sometimes gets the better of me.”

I stilled.

Why would his temper be up?