She struggled to speak.

Her whimpers turned me the fuck on.

And when her body gave in to my attack and surrendered?

Yeah, it was all fucking over.

My hands moved without permission, my left soaring up her body to fist her breast and my right dipping between her legs to penetrate two fingers inside her.

She burst into flames.

Her skin heated to a thousand degrees.

Her head tipped back as I finger-fucked and tongued her. Licking her clit all while my fingers plunged deep.

This was for me.

Everything I claimed, I wanted.

Yet I couldn’t deny the thrill of making her come apart.

Of taking away her control and turning her entire body against her.

The first ripple of her pussy around my fingers made me grunt with approval. The gush of wetness made my entry slick and smooth.

I kept going.

Kept pushing, breaking, claiming.

It didn’t take long.

Unfortunately for her, I was a fast learner.

She’d taught me what she liked when I dry-humped her to completion in my room.

I might not know her last name, but I knew she liked it hard.

So…I gave her hard.

Motherfucking ruthless.

And she came.

Wake after quaking wake.

Pulse after shuddering pulse.

Her body milked my fingers.

I couldn’t help myself.

Withdrawing my hand, I plunged my tongue back inside her, needing to feel the quivering sensation in my mouth—to taste her release, drink down her unwanted orgasm, and prove to her that she might hate me but her body fucking loved me.

My chin and five o’clock shadow were drenched as her fierce climax faded almost as quickly as it’d pounced.

Her cuffs jingled as she trembled. Her chest flushed. Skin sweaty.

She’d fallen down the other side of a craggy, blissful mountain.

I wanted to fall too.

Fumbling with the buckle around her ankle, I unthreaded the loop and let her go.

Just one.

A single leg.

The one I’d cut to match mine.

With blurry eyes and horror on her beautiful face, Ily cringed away from me as I swooped to standing and grabbed her knee. Hoisting her leg as far up my thigh as possible, I spread her at my mercy.

Our eyes locked.

Our panting matched.

I expected her to tell me no.

To scream or beg as I fisted my erection and guided it to where it needed to go.

But she didn’t.

Her mouth merely fell wide as I breached her.

I didn’t look away as I sank deep, deep inside her.

Her head tipped forward almost crashing against the base of my throat as I shifted her higher and forced her body to accept all of me. Her wetness helped me glide. Her residual pleasure-pulses threatened to make me come.

And when I slotted all the way in, we both groaned.

I rocked my hips, feeding her my throbbing length.

Her eyes snapped closed as her body clenched around me.

Right there was our first moment.

This was sex.

Not those other pathetic moments where I’d been too shit terrified to enjoy being inside her. Terrified at losing control.

Those had been pretend. Make-believe. Survival.


This was real.

This was mine.

She was mine.

I thrust.


…and thrust.


…and thrust.


Victor’s grunt echoed behind me as he reached his own climax, no doubt spilling down Peter’s throat. I didn’t look over my shoulder. No one else existed apart from this jewel that’d bled for me, this gorgeous temptress I’d conquered and enslaved.

I withdrew and drove back in, shuddering as her body welcomed with such tight condemnation. All the barriers and chains I’d wrapped myself in detonated. Ily might have unlocked my cage with her ill-advised kick, but sinking inside her was the final strike to the bomb that’d been waiting to explode ever since I was born.

My insides shattered.

My heart imploded.

Shrapnel fell around my feet, confetti made of morals and scruples and ridiculous, useless integrity.

I’d been born alone; I would die alone.

There was no need to try to be a man deserving of a wife and life.

All that fucking pressure.

All that bullshit at being better…it all collapsed inward.

My pace increased as I rode the woman who’d freed me.

My body sank into hers. Over and over. Driving in and out, relentless with primal pounding. The faster I fucked her, the more my mind became a smoking wasteland. A battleground where I’d slaughtered my past and stood victorious on the pile of my defeated bones.

I no longer needed such fragile, frivolous things.

I didn’t need them because…I was no longer human.

My lips pulled back as I sank on my heels and thrust up. Ily bounced in my hold as I jack-knifed into her again and again.

My eyes fell on the cuts I’d given her. No longer bleeding, her skin glowing angry and red. Each laceration looked like red liquorice—lashes of addictive bitter sugar just for me.

Falling on her neck, I tongued the small wound and groaned as her entire body shuddered against mine.

She didn’t speak. Didn’t react.

But I felt her.

Inside me.

Around me.

Her soul and her body, stealing all of me just like I’d stolen all of her.

“Fucking hell,” I groaned as every muscle clenched, climbing up that delirious mountain where bliss could turn a man mad.