“I can’t do that, Grams.”
“Sure, you can,” she grins. “And you’re going to. Tonight. She’s going on a boat ride with her friends. She’ll be back at the dock this evening this evening—around ten.”
“How—?” I shake my head. Grams is Grams and she practically has an ear to every wall. “I can’t do it.”
She loops her bags around her arm, facing away from me. I don’t need to see her to know that she’s grinning like she’s already seen the future. “We’ll see about that. Let me know in the morning how it goes.”
“So, are we doing a bachelorette party or what?” Zoey asks. She and Ellie procured lounge chairs at the beginning of our ride to tan and have yet to stand up, six hours later. We’re back and anchored in Orchard Valley. I’m leaning against the rail, uncomfortable in just the tiny bikini Ellie made me buy. Matt looming over me, his gaze glued to my breasts, isn’t helping.
Danny quickly says, “No strippers,” as he digs through the cooler for a soda.
“Damn,” Matt says. “I guess I’d better call Candy then.”
Danny drops the lid and straightens. “I promise he’s joking, baby.”
Ellie laughs, returning to her conversation with Zoey. “Yes to the bachelorette party, no to the strippers. Just something simple Erin can do. My mom will be there too, so nothing embarrassing.”
“Moms and pregnant sisters, they really hold us back, don’t they?” Zoey replies. She’s not joking either. She really believes that.
Matt nudges me with his elbow. I glance up at him warily, noticing that, yes, he is still staring. “So, did you have fun tonight?” he asks my boobs.
“I did,” I say. I’m not sure if it’s the truth or a lie. I’ve enjoyed watching the four of them interact. They all went to high school together, so they have inside jokes and shared secrets. But there’s always the same thought gnawing at me: If Ethan were here . . .
He’d be in the center of their group, loud and embarrassing and hilarious. He’d have an arm wrapped around my waist and he’d kiss the side of my head often. He’d tell stories and make me feel as if I were there.
“I was, uh, wondering if you’d want to get dinner sometime?” Matt asks. I don’t know if Zoey’s attention is pinned on us. She’s glared at me a lot today, clearly jealous of Matt’s interest. I keep wanting to yell, “I don’t want him!” I don’t why know Ellie thinks setting us up is a good idea. Can’t she see the way Zoey looks at him?
Luckily, I’ve gotten good at deflecting. “Like another group thing? That would be fun,” I say.
He opens his mouth—probably to correct me—but Danny steps in as my savior. “You’re right, Matt. We’ll all have to get together soon. Might not be for a while, since we’ve got the wedding and the honeymoon, but we’ll schedule something.”
“That’s not what—” Matt starts.