“Right.” Seth ran his hand through his hair. “And that.”

“There’s more?”


Seated across the dining table from his brother, Seth watched Zane, waiting for him to react to the news that he’d gone to Edward Eolenfeld for a loan.

“I went to him to help get us back together,” Zane said. “I had no idea where to begin.”

Seth nodded. “I figured.”

Zane nodded slowly. “What did you put up as collateral? This building?”

“Nothing.” There was no way Seth would give up this building. This was his and his brothers’ security—a certainty that they would always have a place to return to. “I showed him the financials to prove I was capable of paying it back.” He shrugged. “The old man didn’t seem to care, though. I think he would’ve given me the loan even if I’d just asked for it.”

He drew a deep breath as he heard himself say that.

Had he just said something nice about Edward Eolenfeld? No. That wasn’t a compliment. “To make sure we continue to keep our mouths shut about what Holly did to us.”

“Does Oliver know?”

Seth shook his head. He saw no point in worrying his youngest brother. “It’s pretty much settled anyway.”

“What’s the other thing?”

“The man who held Clary and me at gunpoint.”

“The police found him, right? Just one of the protestors outside your office.”

He nodded. “Yeah, but the man said something that made me think he might’ve been someone else.”



Zane’s brows drew together. “Jimmy?”

“The man said that I killed his sister.”

Zane rubbed a hand over his mouth. “It could still be him.”

“The detective in charge says his name is Robbie Keeler. I don’t think they’re the same person.”

“Okay, so it wasn’t Jimmy.”

“Now Clary’s receiving texts from an unknown number, texts warning her about me.”

The night Winnie went missing, Jimmy—her half-brother—had seen Seth with her bloodied jacket.

Seth had gotten it from Oliver, whom Zane had found wandering about the gigantic house they lived in. Oliver’s head was bleeding, and he was mumbling incoherently. Seth had left his youngest brother to Zane. He was only interested in getting rid of the jacket before Oliver got into trouble for it.

He hadn’t even known Winnie was missing until the next afternoon.

But that didn’t stop Jimmy from thinking that he and the rest of his brothers had something to do with Winnie’s disappearance.

“What exactly did the messages say?” Zane asked.

“Something along the lines of she shouldn’t trust me and should stay away from me.”