Page 84 of It Starts With A No

Only when he turned to her did she realize she was still pressed up against him, his hand still hooked on her hip.

“You’re dead on your feet.”

She shifted her feet, and Seth’s hand twitched on her hip.

She wasn’t going to move away. Her brain was processing things too slowly for her to do that. But she smiled at the possibility that he wanted her right where she was. “You don’t know what it’s like to be in stilettos all day.”

“I truly have no idea. Why don’t you just wear whatever shoes are comfortable?”

She stretched her neck. “So I should just wear sneakers to work in a bank.”

“Why not?”

“Must be nice to be the CEO.”

He shot her a bored glare. “You are the CEO”

“Oh, right.” She chuckled. “I forgot.”

“You act like you’re drunk when you’re tired.”

She laughed again and scanned the dull silver walls of the elevator. “Why is this elevator so large?”

“This building was an abandoned warehouse.” He rubbed his hand over his mouth. “I should’ve told you that earlier.”

“You’ve lured me here, and now you’re dropping the bad news?”

“Not bad news, not really.”

“Sounds ominous.”

“It’s nothing. If you hear anything at night, just ignore it. Don’t open the door.”

She frowned. “Is this place haunted?”

He laughed and his gaze softened when he locked eyes with her. “You always say the wildest things.”

“I don’t hear a no, Seth.”

His lips curled. “No.”

Clary narrowed her eyes.

“It was abandoned, but not haunted. I’ve never seen any ghosts here.”

The elevator door opened on a cemented hallway dimly lit by three different fixtures, one of which flickered slightly as Seth released his hold on her and stepped out.

Clary stared at the stone-blue walls and ceiling that only added to the dark, edgy, and industrial feel of the place.

Seth turned back to her when she didn’t follow. He didn’t pull her out of the elevator. Neither did he tell her to hurry up.

He simply waited. “Is something wrong?” he asked when she remained in the elevator.

“It’s kind of dim.” She stared up at the lights.

“They won’t go out.” He held his hand out toward her. “I promise.”

Her gaze dropped to his hand.