Page 77 of It Starts With A No

“Gavin Ressler was injured in a fight in prison and was sent to the hospital.”

Gavin Ressler—the abusive father whose children Clary had taken away. The one who hadn’t stopped at threatening her, and the reason she was here in San Francisco.

The news didn’t sound so bad, though, so why the tone?

“I just got news that he escaped.”

Clary’s hand flew to her face. Calm down. She drew a deep breath through her nose. “He wouldn’t know where I am.”

“Everyone knows where you are, Clary. You’re the new CEO of EB Co. You were on the news.”

“But he doesn’t know exactly where I’m staying.”

“You need to be careful.” The detective sighed heavily. “I was in his cell, and I spoke to his cellmate.” He paused. “Ressler’s obsessed with you, Clary. He has a newspaper clipping about you pinned up. His cell mate says he won’t stop talking about you, and …”

“There’s more?”

“I found a letter. It’s only a partial. He might’ve had help outside.”

“So it isn’t just him I have to worry about.” She started pacing again.

“Have you received any threats recently?”

“I’m the new CEO of EB Co.—the bank that stole money from hardworking people. What do you think?” She blew out a breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take out my anxiety on you.”

“It’s understandable.”

“I got a threat that talked about slashing up my face.” Which was what Gavin had threatened to do to her. “And someone sent me a mannequin head today.”

Ron’s silence only made her feel worse.

“Have you told Mr. Eolenfeld?” she asked.

“He’s above my pay grade, but I’m sure my captain has, or will try to reach him,” Ron said. “Make sure no one around you reveals where you’re staying. It would be even better if you could move somewhere else for the time being. I’ve informed the San Francisco police. They’ll be on the lookout for Ressler. Send me your address. I’ll arrange for a patrol to be stationed outside.”

She bit down on her lips.

“It’s non-negotiable, Clary.”

“I’ll text you.”

“All right. Call if you think anything’s wrong. My phone’s always on.”

“I know.”

“Take care, Clary.”

After ending the call, Clary tipped her head back and sighed. She took a moment to compose herself before heading back into the diner. Once she got back to the table, Zane put some money on the table and stood.

“I have to go.” Zane walked around the table and gave Seth’s shoulder a pat. “Send me a photo of that shipping label.”

Seth nodded once, and his brother turned to her.

Clary held her breath and waited, expecting Zane to say something demeaning or rude to her.

Instead, Zane simply smiled. “Seth likes your smiles just fine.”

She blinked.