“Why? Are you afraid people will start asking you for money?”
“I wouldn’t have the money to give them, but that’s not what I’m concerned about. People will do anything to get their hands on the Eolenfelds’ money. Being associated with them is just … asking for trouble.”
Zane nodded slowly. “That was why your parents died.”
“It wasn’t Mr. Eolenfeld’s fault.”
Seth stared at Clary, wishing he had some device that could read her mind. Why wouldn’t she blame the old man for her parents’ death?
“If your parents didn’t work for Edward Eolenfeld,” Zane said, “they wouldn’t be dead.”
“If my parents didn’t work for Mr. E, then I wouldn’t exist.”
Both Seth and Zane frowned.
“I’d rather not discuss that,” she said.
Zane took a bite of his burger, and his watchful eyes studied Clary while he chewed. “Are you sure you haven’t been lying to yourself about the Eolenfelds? Maybe that’s why you’d rather not talk about them.”
Without thinking, Seth put his hand on her back and shot Zane a glare. Enough. His brother, however, was staring at his hand, which was enough to make Seth want to pull it back.
He didn’t, though. Especially since Clary leaned slightly back against it.
“I have my reasons, and I don’t feel like discussing it.”
“Why not?”
“Because she said so,” Seth said.
“I usually call him Mr. E,” Clary continued. “I think everyone at work thinks he’s my landlord. Let me guess. Elton told you I was trying to be cute about it.”
“Complained my ear off.”
“Big fan, that guy.” She straightened and smiled when the waitress returned with their food. It wasn’t one of those bright smiles he was used to. This smile was dampened by a lingering melancholy—probably from the reminder of her parents.
Seth ran his hand down her back and pushed the first tray over to her. She loved food. Maybe that would help put a proper smile back on her. “They have desserts too.”
That broadened her smile, and Seth couldn’t help but grin. His pride at improving her mood was almost destroyed by Zane’s scrutinizing stare.
What? He shot a brother a look.
Zane’s brows twitched, but he didn’t say another word. He dug into his burger and just watched them.
Seth figured he’d get his own interrogation back home, but that would have to wait. Because Clary’s drooling over her burger made him realize how hungry he was.
“I can still answer your questions.” Clary dabbed a napkin along the edge of her mouth. “What else do you want to know?”
“What are the two of you doing together?” Zane asked.
Seth opened his mouth, but Clary interjected before he could say a word.
“What? Having dinner? Why not?”
Zane finished up his burger and brushed his hands off before leaning forward. “I know my brothers. They keep to themselves—most of them, anyway.”
Seth had to laugh at that. The one that decided not to be like them had gone all the way to the other end.
“Why can’t I meet that brother?” Clary asked him.