Page 68 of It Starts With A No

She did. “All of them saw me as the gardeners’ daughter who didn’t belong there.” Her life was hell in school.

Mr. E had founded and continued to fund the school, so the Eolenfelds thought they owned the place.

“Why didn’t you and your brothers go there?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Holly probably didn’t want to risk us telling anyone what was going on back at home.” He started the car. “How did you mess up your meeting?”

“Are you trying to annoy me?”

“I’m trying to help you.”

She turned to him as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“How do you think a mess like me runs Movement?”

She sighed heavily. “I have two answers. I really want to say both, but saying either would make the other rather redundant.”

Seth laughed. “I’ll pretend you’ve only said one.”

She nodded. “You’re not messed up.”

His brows flicked up, but he didn’t say anything else.

“And you started Movement. The company has no choice but to put up with you.”

Seth clearly liked the second answer better. “I’m sure you should know that having power is enough to influence who will be CEO of a company.”

“So what’s your secret?”

He peered over at her.

“Are you waiting for me to beg? Because I will.”

He turned to her, and his lips slowly curved back into a smile that felt like it was just for her. Her—Clary Fiore. Not the woman in charge of EB Co. Not the woman who could get him in touch with Mr. E.

“Lesson number one in negotiation.”

“Wait.” She dug into her bag and took out her phone. “You’re serious, right? If you just give me some nonsense, this” —she waved her phone— “is making its way to your face.”

“Lesson one: mirroring.”

While he spoke and drove, Clary was busy taking notes and asking questions.

“That will help you control the situation,” Seth said as the car stopped in at a red light.

“Or just ply them with booze and women, which is probably what Hugh did.”

“You should fire all those idiots.” He tapped his thumb against the steering wheel, then opened and shut his mouth.

“You’re really curious about what happened with Neil, aren’t you?” She exhaled slowly through her nose. “He basically wanted me to sleep with him.”


“What makes you think there’s more?”

“The way you look as if you want to throw up.” He glanced at the green light, then back at her. “What did he do?”

“He pressed himself up behind me.” She turned her face out toward the window, just in case she really threw up. She blew out a slow breath through her mouth. “That was it.”