“Andrea packed a bath bomb. I guess she assumed you’d have a bathtub.”
He didn’t. None of the apartments did.
And again, he was reminded of what she was probably used to and what his place had to offer. “Whatever you need, just let me know. I can arrange to get a bathtub installed.”
“A Christmas tree and a huge poster that says ‘Jesus loves you’?”
His eyes slitted.
“And Christmas decorations.”
“I’ll allow the Christmas tree.”
“You said whatever I need.”
He arched a brow. “And you need a poster to tell you that Jesus loves you? I thought you knew that already.”
“It’ll be nice to have it on the wall so I can be reminded.”
“It’ll be in your room?”
She shook her head.
“Of course not. You’ll want to put it in the middle of the living room if you can.”
She chuckled.
“How about in the kitchen?”
“I can’t believe you’re actually negotiating with me. Be careful.” She leaned forward. “You might end up going to church with me.”
His lips curled.
“Don’t worry about the Christmas tree or decorations. I think I’ll head back to the mansion tonight.”
“Gavin Ressler’s dead. Tamara and Neil have been arrested.”
“Gavin Ressler’s dead?” Exactly how much had he missed?
“The police found a car in the ravine. It was burned, probably exploded. Gavin Ressler had snatched the car when he thought someone recognized him. There were witnesses, and the dead body was wearing exactly what the witnesses described.”
Seth nodded. “There are still the death threats.”
“Which are probably nothing.”
“Gavin Ressler started as a threat.”
Clary put the cup down. “Elton won’t be happy, and Andrea needs a place to stay. I can’t just leave her alone at the mansion. I’m not sure if it’s safe, and she was shot at because of me.”
“If you’re not sure if the mansion’s safe, then neither of you should stay there,” he said. “I have a spare apartment. It’s meant for Oliver, but he clearly doesn’t need it right now. It isn’t furnished, but I can buy whatever she needs.”
“What about what I need?”
“You’d prefer to stay with her in the spare apartment?”
Clary’s lower lip disappeared between her teeth. “It’s just more convenient. I’m not really used to having so many guys in the same apartment with me.”