“Can I come in now?”
“Can I stay in bed?”
Seth strode over. “Don’t you feel well? Is it your hand?” He sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand, checking the stitches.
“My hand’s fine.” She closed her eyes again. “It’s raining outside, right?”
“It’s God’s gift. He knows I’ve had a rough few days, so he gave me a rainy morning to laze in bed.” She curled her legs up closer against herself. “But you need heavier blankets.”
Andrea had only packed shorts and T-shirts for her, so she didn’t even have her sweatpants and sweater to keep her warm.
“Oliver should have heavier blankets.” He gently put her hand down. “I’ll go check.”
She waved her hand. “It’s okay.”
“Besides that, are you feeling uncomfortable or unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital?”
She shook her head. “I’m fine. Really. Don’t worry about me.” She yawned softly.
“Did Grandma Moretti and Edward Eolenfeld give you a hard time for being here?”
She shook her head.
They’d first called when she and Seth were on their way back to his place. She’d assured them that she was safe, and they had only wanted her to get a good rest.
“I don’t think I told them I was staying over.” Which she probably should, in case they freaked out if they found out on their own. She tapped on her pendant. “This thing has GPS. I think that’s how Mr. E found your address.”
“I figured.” Seth brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Detective Murphy’s here.”
Groaning, she turned onto her other side.
“I’ll tell him to go away.”
“Wait.” She pulled the pillow over her head. “I’ll be down in five minutes.” She pushed the pillow aside. “Were you serious about having food?”
“I’m serious.”
“Okay.” She covered her head with the pillow again. “I’ll be down in five minutes.”
“And you’re going to sleep for four?”
“Four and a half.” She heard the door closed. The next time she opened her eyes, it had been fifteen minutes. “Oh, no.” She jumped out of bed and realized she’d kicked something onto the floor.
She smiled as she picked up a dark blue sweater.
After pulling it on, she washed up and hurried out of her room. She slowed her steps when she got to the stairs and saw Seth talking to Detective Murphy.
Seth’s lips curled as she made her way down the stairs.
She brushed her fingers through her hair. “Sorry. I dozed off.”
The detective smiled. “You took off your bandage.”
She pushed up her long sleeves and waved. “Yup.” She curled and gently flexed her hand. “Feels good to feel my fingers again.”
“I was telling Mr. Anderson that the police have officially charged your assistant and Neil Lennic. Tamara Chambers gave Neil Lennic the key to the mansion.”