Andrea leaned forward to look at the laptop on the coffee table. “So? What’s on that stupid watch they all so desperately wanted?”
“Recordings,” Seth said.
“What’s so important about the recordings? This better be worth it. You have no idea what Oliver and I had to endure.”
Oliver came out of the kitchen. “Yeah. That Detective Murphy’s furious that Andrea let you guys leave before the police got there. He questioned her loyalty.”
“The police officers who were supposed to be stationed outside shouldn’t have left,” Seth said.
“Tamara had set a fire in a neighbor’s yard to lure the officers away.” Andrea clasped her hands together while Oliver sat on the floor. “So? What’s in the recording?”
Seth glanced over at Clary.
“Conversations,” she said. “As it turns out, Hugh wasn’t the mastermind behind the fake accounts. Neil was.”
Oliver’s brows drew together. “Why?”
“Stupidity?” Clary shrugged. “Hugh doesn’t care about much of anything besides partying. I thought he was the one plying the boys’ club with booze and money. Turned out, it was Neil playing him all along.”
Andrea shook her head. “I wouldn’t say he’s completely innocent. Devious, maybe. He was at least smart enough to keep a record of all this as evidence.”
“That’s a classic Eolenfeld move. Husbands record wives and vice versa.”
Andrea’s brows puckered. “Why?”
“To blackmail and coerce each other.”
“Husband and wife?”
“Husbands and wives. Parents and children. Siblings.” Clary waved it off. “They’re all insane.”
Andrea laughed. “How interesting.”
Oliver tensed, and his gaze flitted over to Seth.
Clary gave Andrea a nudge with her leg.
“Not that whatever happened to you guys was interesting.” Andrea’s eyes widened when Oliver’s and Seth’s gazes shot toward her. “Not that Clary told me much. I’m just going to shut up now.”
“I told her Holly abused you guys.”
Andrea winced. “She wasn’t gossiping. I was bugging her—”
“It’s okay,” Seth said.
“Is it?” Andrea leaned forward. “Because you guys just made up and—”
“It’s okay,” Seth repeated and rubbed a hand down Clary’s back. “What do you want to do with the information from the watch?”
“Hand it over to the police.”
Oliver fidgeted. “Hugh came by demanding it. Will he give you trouble for handing it over?”
Clary rolled her eyes. “He should thank me. It’ll probably help him gain some points with Mr. E. That’s better than whatever idiotic plan he was concocting.”
Seth unplugged the adaptor that held the tiny memory card. “Are you sure?”